Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 179: Meet

"Sister Qingcheng, are you really going to marry that Zhao Xingpu?"

In an elegant courtyard of Baihuazong, a girl with a bun on her head looked at Luo Qingcheng, who was sad in front of her eyes, and asked carefully.

There is a small pond in front of the girl, in which the lotus blossoms exude an elegant fragrance. A group of colorful fish gurglings, the tail of the fish twists, and a splash of water splashes from time to time.


Luo Qingcheng didn't answer the girl with the bun, but thought of a sigh.

"The Zhao family is so bullying, let's run away!" The girl with the hair bun saw the appearance of her sister, and a hate flashed in her eyes.

Luo Qingcheng, as the descendant of the Patriarch of the Baihua Sect, is qualified to have a servant. Although this bun girl calls her sister, she actually waits for her life, and is not much different from the servant. The two have been together for many years. Feeling very deep, at this moment seeing the sister suffering, naturally hatred.

"Escape? Where can you escape?" Luo Qingcheng stood up and looked at his own appearance and exquisite figure in the water, and suddenly felt disgusted.

Otherwise, she would be fancy by Zhao Xingpu, and she would marry him by force and temptation.

But ... pretty, is it really pretty?

If it was really beautiful, why was he so obvious at first, but he was not indifferent?

Thinking of the boy who rescued himself from the demon in Luoshuicheng, the girl's heart rose up.

If the boy wanted to marry him, he would definitely agree without hesitation. But ... this is already impossible!

"Ya Li, go out with me!"

Sighed in my heart. Luo Qingcheng said softly to the bun girl.

"Okay, sister!"

Ya Lian came over and held Luo Qingcheng's arm, and the two girls slowly walked out to the courtyard door.


As soon as he walked to the front of the courtyard, before going out, a figure appeared in front of the two, blocking the way.

"On the order of my young master, please invite Madam Qingcheng to stay!"

The comer is an old man, and he should be in front of Luoqing City. The whole body is like an air wall, completely sealing the road.

"Stay? Would your master still imprison us for freedom?"

Before Luo Qingcheng talked, Ya Lian raised her eyebrows and shouted.


Hearing the girl screaming, the old man snorted coldly, his eyes suddenly released golden light, and suddenly his palms stretched forward.


Ya Lian hasn't responded yet. His face was red and swollen, and he fell to the ground with blood all over his mouth!

"Ya ... you!"

Seeing his own sister-in-law slap flying away and being injured, Luo Qingcheng's anger flew up.

"Ma'am, majesty's order. Don't violate it. I think you'd better stay here obediently, otherwise, don't blame me for anything extraordinary you do!"

Ignore the girl's anger. The old man didn't have much respect in his eyes, but snorted. The whole body suddenly jumped up, the hot air enveloped the whole courtyard.

"Peak peak?"

Feeling this breath, Luo Qingcheng's eyes were dignified immediately.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xingpu even sent an airman peak to look at himself, his face is so big!

"I just promised Zhao Xingpu's marriage contract. It didn't become his prisoner. Am I not allowed to go out? Huh, this is not your Zhao family, this is Baihuazong!"

Angrily, Luo Qingcheng snorted.

"Hehe, calling you Madam is a face for you, don't give a face to shame! Where is our Zhao family? One of the three major families of the Kamikaze Empire, my young master can look after you and count your blessings for hundreds of lifetimes Point, what you want to do, just want to talk about price? "

The old man put his hands on his back, with contempt and indifference in his eyes. "Here is the Baihua Sect. Our ancestors are also supreme strong men. Forcibly ask for someone. Your suzerain will not turn his face with our ancestor!"


Hearing the words of no respect from the other side, Luo Qing's cheeky face turned red and shivered.

I have heard that the Zhao family is very overbearing, but I did not expect it to be so overbearing!

"Hehe, obediently stay here, and when you truly become our young lady, I will naturally perform the respect I deserve. If you try to escape, don't blame me. Nothing in it! "

The old man snorted, standing quietly at the gate of the courtyard, like a mountain.

Squeak! Squeak!

Luo Qingcheng's squealing squeal, but there is no way.

Although he is a personal disciple of the Patriarch of the Baihua Sect, there are too many disciples of the Patriarch. It is impossible for him to offend the strong at the same level for himself!

"Sister, let's forget, we can't beat the big family like the Zhao family ..."

Seeing the girl's complexion red and white, her body trembling, and Ya Ping who stood up from the ground could no longer care about the pain on her face, and tears flowed down her eyes.

Not as good as people, there is no way!

Weak and strong, this world is so cruel!

"Oblique, Sister Qingcheng, someone outside wants to see you!"

In Luo Qingcheng's heart secretly hurting, when he was going to return to the room, a female disciple outside the courtyard came over.

"Who is it?" Luo Qingcheng looked down, and asked casually.

"It's a young man. He said his name is Nie Yun!" The disciple knowing the girl remembered his name and nodded.

"Nie Yun? He ... how did he come here?" The girl couldn't help trembling when she heard this name, which turned around in her dream, but she was suppressed by her. "I don't see, let him go ! "

I am already in danger. If the boy comes over, he will be killed by the Zhao family!

"Not see? He said he came from Luoshui City, your friend!" Zhike female disciples stunned.

"not see!"

Luo Qingcheng turned his body gently ~ www.readwn.com ~ Two lines of tears flowed down his face.

To be honest, something happened at home, his father disappeared, and he was forced to marry again. At this time, he most wanted someone to comfort him, and he most wanted to cry on his shoulder. Unfortunately, no ...

If he did this, the Zhao family would surely kill him!

Although he was able to fight against the strongest peak of the ancestors, his true strength was just as good as himself. In the face of the behemoth like the Zhao family, this family with the supreme strongman could not resist!

"Then I'll go back and drive him away ..." Seeing the girl's firm attitude, the disciple knows that the female disciple nodded and quit.

"No? Oh, why not? Since you are from Luoshuicheng and Madam Young's good friend, let him in. I'd like to see what this kid thinks!"

Suddenly, the old man standing on one side smiled and opened his mouth. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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