Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 180: Who is the brain disabled?

"Don't ... Mr. Zhao Yan, this Nie Yun is just my ordinary friend, who knows me. Come here to visit me just to pass here, let him go!"

Hearing the words of the old man, Luo Qingcheng stiffened and shouted in haste.

"Ordinary friend? Oh, the more you say that, the more I feel uneasy! The young master asked me to come here and told me to protect your safety at all times. Don't harass someone who is not important. Since this person wants to come, let her come on!"

Seeing the girl's nervous look, the old man Zhao Yan smiled.

Luo Qingcheng is simple in nature. Although many things have gone through this period, some changes have taken place, but how can I hide an old monster who has lived for many years!

"No, Mr. Zhao Yan, I beg you, let him go, as long as he lets him go, I promise everything!" The girl shouted anxiously.

"Oh! Let Mrs. Young beg me, Zhao Yan doesn't dare to be! I'm just a subordinate, I can't afford it!"

Ignoring the girl's plea, Zhao Yan smiled coldly and looked at the Zhike female disciple "Hurry up and invite people!"

"Yes!" The knowledgeable disciple knew that although she was not Zongmen, she was a distinguished guest of Zongmen. She nodded and bowed out.

The female disciples went out for a while, and two footsteps came over.

"Sister Qingcheng is here, go in yourself!"

With the call of the female disciple, the figure of the teenager came out of the corner.


Seeing the girl standing at the door of another courtyard, Nie Yun came over with a smile.

"Nie Yun. You shouldn't come ..."

Seeing the young man's figure, Luo Qingcheng's eyes dimmed.

"You are Nie Yun? [Ordinary] friend of Miss Qingcheng?" Zhao Yan, the old man, saw the teenager appear. The word "ordinary" was deliberately aggravated, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Allure, I haven't seen you in two months. You are a lot thinner than before!"

Nie Yun ignored the old man who didn't know where to come from, looked at the Jade in front of him, and sighed in his mouth.

I haven't seen in two months, Luo Qingcheng's strength has indeed increased a lot, now it is the same as Yang Yan and others. It has reached the beginning of the Bingjia Realm, but Ren has lost a full circle. It was originally a bit dazzling, and now it is more pitiful.

"Boy, let me ask you something, don't you hear me?"

Zhao Yan originally wanted to pretend to be a good man in front of this teenager, but they simply ignored him. Treat yourself as air, and your lungs almost explode.

"Nie Yun, this Zhao Yan is a master of the Zhao family, the strongest peak of the sect, you ..."

Seeing the teenager ignore Zhao Yan, Luo Qingcheng almost scared to death.

Really worry about what comes. Worried that Zhao Yan would shoot regardless of his status, the teenager gave the other party a chance!

"You ... better be careful!"

Apparently, Ya Li didn't expect that this sister's friend was so bold, she was so scared, she reminded in a low voice.

"Master of the Zhao family? Zhao Xingpu's person?"

Seeing the two girls so nervous, Nie Yun finally noticed the "little man" in front of her.

Reach the Extreme Level. The vision is completely different, the peak of the air line is unattainable in others' eyes. In his eyes, it really is nothing, one slap can incite several!

"Huh, yes, knowing that I am from the Zhao family, dare to be so rude! Really looking for death! Immediately kneel down and apologize, maybe I can still open the net and not kill you, otherwise, today is your death date next year!"

Zhao Yan sneered, Ling Ran in his eyes.

"Allure, is this thing mentally disabled?"

Seeing this guy look like this, Nie Yun was speechless for a while, and it was so arrogant that he could incite death with a slap, it was really speechless.


Hearing the young man's words, Luo Qingcheng finally couldn't bear it. He was stunned and almost fainted.

Ya Lian was so trembling that her eyes were almost falling.

It is said that Zhao Yan, the top master of Zhao's family, is a brain disabled, something ... my mother!

This man is crazy, absolutely crazy!

"what did you say?"

Not only did Luo Qingcheng and Ya Lian want to die in shock, even Zhao Yan was trembling, and then he shivered, the qi of the zenith violently ran away, and formed a hot vortex on his head, and his hair was erected one by one. !!


"I said you're brain-damaged ... Oh, you should not be a thing, it's a person, I said it wrong, I missed it, I missed it!"

Nie Yun smiled faintly, apologizing on the surface, in fact scolding the other person is not something.

"Okay, okay, this is your own death. Today you are dead, no one can save you!"

Hearing the young man's ridicule, Zhao Yan laughed angrily, a strong killing intention was like burning fire burning in the air, and the entire courtyard reflected was all red.

"Nie Yun, he is the pinnacle of Zhao's ancestors. Unlike the monsters of King Ning, he will have a lot of advanced martial arts. If King Ning fights with him, he won't be able to stop even one round ... You apologize! I beg you……"

Seeing things in a blink of an eye, the situation developed to her uncontrollable situation, the girl shouted anxiously, looking at Nie Yun, Yumian with a strong sense of anxiety.

Zhao Yan is an old man following Zhao family's ancestor Zhao Xun. After the guidance of the Supreme Strong, coupled with the rich resources of the Zhao family, although the strength is the same as the peak of the ancestors like Ning Wang and others, the combat power is much stronger than them. too much!

According to my own understanding, if Ning Wang came to the peak of this airline, I am afraid that even Zhao Yan could not stop it!

When Nie Yun fought with King Ning and others, he couldn't catch it, let alone Zhao Yan. The other party really wanted to do something, wouldn't he just die?

"Apologize? It's too late to apologize. Today, I have to kill this unknown boy, let him know the cost of offending an airman!"

After the girl persuaded Nie Yun to apologize, Zhao Yan smiled wistfully and took a step forward.

He came this way ~ www.readwn.com ~ The whole yard seemed to be suppressed by the mountains. The powerful breath shocked the people, and the suffocating air made the fish in the water unable to resist jumping out of the water. ! "Splashes of water.

"Dead to me!"

The momentum condensed to the extreme, Zhao Yan shot and punched with a strong punch like a revolving fire dragon, straight towards the boy.

Obviously, he was going to end the fight with one punch, and directly beat Nie Yun into a meat pie, venting his anger.

"I'm dead? I don't think so!"

An air sect is an air sect. No matter how powerful and powerful it is, it is no different from the ants in front of the Supreme. Nie Yun saw this guy dare to take the lead, smiled slightly, and did nothing. The palm of the hand swung flies!


The fire dragon and earthworm formed by Zhao Yan's fist generally fell to the ground, and his entire body was just like the mud that was thrown out, and it “sticked” to the wall. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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