Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1829: Qi Ling Cao into the hand (on)

"Nie Yun dominates ... Gu Yong ..."

Hearing the sound, the main body of Baguio Palace shivered, and quickly turned to look at it, and immediately saw the familiar figure. Although countless years left deep marks on him, that look, hundreds of millions of years Nothing will change in the slightest!

it's him!

"Look, I know that's the case. Once he sees you, everyone else will be invisible!"

I was excited, and I didn't know what to say. The Baguio Lord immediately heard a ridiculous voice, only to find that Gu Yong was still standing beside him.

"Xue Liao, you ..."

Seeing the look of this man, the host of Baguio Palace froze.

When she saw this man exploded to death with her own eyes, how could she appear here? It looks exactly like billions of years ago, with no trace left on the body?

"It was Nie Yun who brought me back to life!"

Xue Liao laughed.

"Resurrection?" What does this mean? But at this time she didn't have the energy to think about it, because Gu Yong had already come to her.

"All these years ... I'm sorry for you!"

"Gu Yong ..."

When I heard this, all the grievances and persistence for so many years were instantly rewarded. The eyes of Baguio Palace's eyes were red and could no longer be contained.

"Let's go out!"

After meeting the lovers who have been together for many years, Nie Yun knew that they must have a lot to say, and immediately did not bother to say hello to Yunfei, Xue Liao, Jing Lian, etc. to withdraw.

When I walked away, it was said to be three days. In fact, it took about a day to work, without delaying too much time. The medicine in the medicine garden does not die immediately, so there is no need to interrupt this warm scene.

"Let's rest here!"

I know that the person in front of him is dominated by the famous Nie Yun. Jing Lian finally knew why the other party turned a blind eye to her beauty, and then she calmly.

If the other person is really a lascivious person. With their prestige in the Three Realms, the Harem Group is absolutely countless! And now the news circulating in the Three Realms, he has been alone, enough to explain temperament.

The four walked out of the hall to a quiet place. After spending three full hours, they saw the ancient Yongzong lord and the Baguio lord came out together. Both had strong smiles on their faces. happy.

After so many years of separation, the relationship between the two has not faded. Instead it becomes more intense.

"I'm really sorry, I haven't seen each other for many years, I just forgot the time when I talked ..."

Seeing that Nie Yun was waiting for them, Gu Yongman was sorry.

I threw a happy knot and suddenly saw the host of Baguio Palace. The two wanted to say too much, and forgot a moment when they talked.

"No matter!" Nie Yun smiled.

"Master Nie Yun, I'll take you to get that Qiling grass now!" Baguio's face turned ruddy, completely different from the previous fierce look. It's full of little women.

Love really can nourish people. Although she is not too young, when she meets her lover again, she still has tender eyes in her eyes. All his mind fell on Ai Lang.

"Then there is a Laogong master!"

Hearing that the other party was about to give Qi Lingcao Nie Yunsong a sigh of relief, Gu Jing's face was also excited.

"Dominated by Nie Yun. I have to ask something in advance, you can answer it if you don't have to answer it. I just feel curious, you can also say ... remind me!"

I was so excited to see him. The Baguio master said: "Although Qi Ling Cao is extremely precious and famous, but humans cannot take it, otherwise the whole body spirit will be drained, even if you are the master ... you may not be able to resist it! "

"I know, I didn't take it myself!"

Listening to her, Nie Yun knew that the other party was indeed kind and nodded with a smile.

"Not for your own use?" Baguio ’s master said: "Then you ..."

Although I haven't finished speaking, the meaning is obvious. I didn't use it myself. Why did I spend so much effort and even resurrect Xue Liao with the Chaos King?

She doesn't know that Nie Yun owns the world of things, and can copy the Chaos King Stone at will. She only knows that Mixing King Stone is a very important treasure for the powerful kings.

"My wife is transformed into heaven, and I plan to resurrect her with Qi Ling Cao!"

Nie Yundao.

He found Qi Ling Cao, indicating that Lingtai Lingyue was about to resurrect. He was full of excitement and didn't think there was anything to hide.

妻子 "Wife? Do you have a wife?"

Jinglian, who was on the side of Gao, heard that, her face was pale and a little dazed.

There are many stories in the Three Realms that Nie Yun dominates. Never heard that he has a wife?

"Yes, I have a wife and love her very much!"

Seeing Jinglian's appearance, Nie Yun had already guessed what she was thinking and smiled slightly.

With Lingtai Lingyue, no woman can leave too many waves in his heart, not to mention a new person.

"So it is ... if she knows you love her so much, she must be very happy ..."

I calmed my breath and Jinglian laughed.

Actually, she doesn't like Nie Yun, but from the previous curiosity to the worship of knowing her identity, now that he is so obsessed with affection and loves his wife very much, although she is a little lost, she is not particularly sad.

"Incarnation? Can one incarnate?"

Regarding Jinglian's young daughter's mentality, the host of Baguio Palace did not blame, but looked at Nie Yun with doubts in her eyes.

Can renren be transformed into heaven? Why ... never heard of it?

"Take me to Qi Ling Cao!" Nie Yun didn't explain, and left the topic.

The Supreme Avenue cultivation avenue, even if the Tiandao Avenue is practiced to the extreme, it cannot be transformed into the Tiandao. This is something everyone knows. If explained, it must involve the secrets of the six heavens and the earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun doesn't want much Say.

"Let's go this way!"

Seeing his attitude, the owner of Baguio Palace knew that the other party was unwilling to speak, and he was not talking, leading the way.

A few people walked out of the palace and came to the medicine garden again.

At this time, the medicine in the medicine garden was more slumped than when Nie Yun met before, and it seemed to wither and die at any time.

Opening the Jiu Palace to steal the sky array, the Baguio Lord walked into the herbs.

"Qiling grass is in the medicine garden?"

When I saw her coming here, Nie Yun was a bit strange. Before he carefully observed this place, he did not find Qi Ling Cao. Is there anything else that can block his sight?

Uncle's heart was strange, but he didn't ask it, but followed behind him and kept moving forward.

After walking for a while, the owner of Baguio Palace came to the most central position of the medicine garden, and a series of handprints were immediately formed in the air.


A colorful light emerged from her fingertips and fell to the middle of the medicine garden. The ground was glorious, and a light gate appeared in front of her instantly.


When he saw the light gate, Nie Yun showed shock.

No wonder at the beginning, Guangmen divided the space of the medicine garden to form two independent worlds. Before, I only focused on the medicine garden. I didn't notice that there was such a place hidden. [Unfinished to be continued This text is provided by 闪 神 影 组 @ 影 承 Bring on @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 仙 波]

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