Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1830: Qi Ling grass to hand (below)

"This should be a small world. The people who arrange this place look like they are not under me!"

The soul glanced around the light gate, Nie Yundao.

的 The light gate in front of me is connected to a small world at the back, and it looks closely connected to the Xieyue Supreme Realm. The person who produced it is definitely not low in strength.

Large worlds such as the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone are inherently extremely repulsive to small worlds. Therefore, the powerful people who get small worlds can at most refine them into weapons, or they are useless and put on their bodies as storage rings , Want to perfectly integrate it with the big world, so that he can not see at a glance, it needs extremely powerful strength, at least to reach the level of dominance.

"This is arranged by Shen Jun as the master, saying that it is to prevent Kai Ling Cao from changing ..."

主 The main road of Baguio Palace.

Nie Yun nodded. This is true. Qi Ling Cao can help the heavens and Qi Ling, which is terrible. Simply placed here, I am afraid that the spirits and spirits of hundreds of millions of miles will be cleaned up, making this place an uninhabited area!

The light door was completely opened between the words of the grandmother, and the host of Baguio Palace went in first, followed by others.

As soon as he entered it, Nie Yun felt a sudden loss of spirit, and his head was dizzy and drowsy.


A cold look, the spirit runs, the tiredness disappears, and the spirit recovers again.

Strength reaches his state. Even if he has n’t slept for ten or one hundred years, he wo n’t have the slightest tiredness. Once he enters here, it ’s as if ordinary people have n’t slept for a few days. Is this the power of Qilingcao?

I'm too scary!

Xun's heart was shocked. When she looked at the others, she saw that Jinglian, Yunfei and Xueliao had closed their eyes and their bodies kept shaking. Will fall to the ground at any time.

Bian Nieyun grabbed the palm of his hand, and the three apertures immediately enveloped it, and at the same time gave everyone a sense of vitality to restore physical strength.

His strength, just entered here. They are all tired, and their strength is not high, and they can't bear it. If they don't block this power as soon as possible, and let them stay, I'm afraid it won't take long to be the same as the medicine in the medicine garden. Lost energy and finally died.

"Are you all right?"

The three men were enveloped by Lu Guangguang, and their spirits gradually recovered. Nie Yunsong breathed and looked at the Lord of Baguio and Gu Yong. The two had nothing at all. It seems that the power that devoured the spirit of others just now has no effect on them.

"It's all right!"

The two shook their heads at the same time.

"This Qiling grass was raised by you and contains your essence and blood, so it will not attack you ..."

Nie Yun guessed.

不过 The strength of the two of them is only suzerain, half step master, far less than themselves, they are tired, but they are all right, so just explain it.

应该 "Should be it. But ... I've taken other people to see Qi Ling Cao before, so I shouldn't have that much power!"

主 The Baguio Lord was puzzled.

Qi Qi Ling Cao has been in cultivation for many years. She also brought other people in during this period, and although she was a little tired, she did not faint at any time like today.

This kind of power is a little too strong. If you hold this medicinal material in the future, wouldn't you half-step dominate and not be your opponent?

"Did you not say that the red petals of Qiling Prairie suddenly became golden last time? Is it related to this?"

I heard her say so. Nie Yun remembered one thing.

She had said before that the petals of Qilingcao suddenly changed ten days ago. From red to gold, could this be the reason?

"It should be. That's Qi Ling Cao, now it's your turn, you can see how you can take it away!"

The Baguio Palace Lord did not tangle on this issue and pointed forward.

Wu Shun looked at her fingers, and Nie Yun saw a golden flower floating in the air quietly, shining with dazzling light.

Qi Qiling grass has a long cultivation period, usually just like the grass. If you want it to bloom, it is almost impossible without hundreds of millions of years of accumulation! Flowering at this moment, let people glance at it, they can't help but fall into it.

So beautiful!

Tan Nieyun traveled the world and saw countless flowers and vegetation. It was the first time I saw such a beautiful thing. The whole person couldn't help but feel a little lost.

No wonder it is a treasure of chaos level. Its importance is no less than that of the master soldier. This medicinal plant is beautiful and can make countless people unable to extricate themselves.

Looking carefully at the medicinal materials, this beautiful breath-holding plant seems to have its own spirituality. When the two people of Baguio Palace come over, the branches and leaves are stretched, full of joy, and when they wait for others to approach, they are concentrated The strong hostility seems to devour the spirit and spirit from oneself and others at any time, causing people to fall into a coma.

"This medicinal material is so spiritual, no wonder Nie Tong doesn't let me grab it ..."

Nie Yun understood.

I did not expect that this medicinal material is so spiritual. No wonder it cannot be robbed. Once robbed, I am afraid that it will immediately become a poison without any effect.

"These are my friends, don't deal with them!"

The master of Baguio Palace also seemed to see the spirituality of the medicinal materials, and smiled.


The medicinal materials dripped and twirled in the air for a few laps and stopped, and Nie Yun immediately felt that the previous hostility had disappeared, and the other party would no longer plunder the spirit and spirit of others.


I took away the masks from Yunfei and others, and found that they were no longer in a coma.

"Can understand people's words, amazing!"

Nieyun admired.

He has seen countless medicinal materials before, and there are not a few spiritual ones, but he looks so agile and not many people can understand people!

Most spirituality, but avoid evil, avoid danger, do not attack the person in a targeted manner like the medicinal plant in front.

"Qi Ling Cao, starting today, I am no longer your master, so follow this Nie Yun to rule!"

Seeing that Qi Lingcao was "obedient", the host of Baguio Palace smiled and continued.


Wu Qiling grass revolved again, it seemed extremely reluctant, and then Nie Yun felt again that his whole body energy was taken away by the other party, and the whole person was tired again.

It seems that the other party is not only unwilling, but also has a temper, intending to give Nie Yun a disappointment.

The body flickered, and the energy was restored again, looking at the herbs in front of her.

His strength, can already cross the sky, I did not expect to be attacked twice by a single medicinal material, some cried and laughed.

"Follow Nie Yun, I am no longer your master!"

The host of Baguio Palace did not expect a medicinal plant to lose his temper and his face sank.

When I saw her angry, Qi Ling Cao seemed a little scared. The originally relaxed leaves and flowers shrank, and she would not attack Nie Yun again, but she seemed not very friendly, and she did not seem to admit her master.

"This ... Nie Yun is the master, Qi Ling Cao is already psychic. If he is not allowed to fully admit it, I am afraid that it will still become a poison at a critical moment. You see ..."

Seeing Qi Lingcao's appearance and hostile attitude, the owner of Baguio Palace rubbed his eyebrows. There seemed to be no good way. His face was full of embarrassment.

The other party helped her so much, just for this Qiling grass, she was the master, but there was nothing she could do, which was a little embarrassing.

"If this kind of spirit grass can be taken by anyone who wants to take it, there will be no preciousness. Otherwise, go out first, and I will communicate with it to see if we can obey it!"

Nie Yun did not mean to blame.

This level of medicinal materials is certainly not easy to tame, otherwise, it will not make the Feng Wang Qiang have a headache. Now he has received the approval of the Baguio Lord. Even if he is unwilling, he knows that he will be Its new owner, perhaps cultivated, will make new progress and let it be fully recognized.

"Be careful then!"

Xi Baguio explained to the host, and turned around and walked out.

Others left, and Nie Yun looked at the medicinal materials flying in the air again.

Qi Qiling grass stayed in the place, not close, but did not continue to attack, as if watching him indifferently, I do not know what to do.

"The Lord of Baguio told you just now. From now on, you are my elixir!" Seeing the other side's cautious look, Nie Yun smiled and continued: "You know why I have spent all my effort to find Qi Ling Cao. ? Because I want to save my wife! "

"My wife's name is 澹台 凌 月 冇 ..."

Nie Yun didn't use her strength, she just sat in the place quietly, her eyes narrowed, and she talked slowly and bit by bit with Lingtai Lingyue.

Although the two haven't been together for too long, their relationship is as hard as Jin Tie. No matter how big a change, they never let go and never gave up.

The Qi Ling grass in front of his eyes must be subject to his sincere obedience, otherwise, once he resurrected Lingtai Lingyue, it would become a poison and it was too late to cry!

Therefore, since this step is to be taken, it is better to clarify things in advance, even if the other party has rebellious emotions because of this, it is worth it.

"She saved the world, transformed her way to heaven, and stabilized the world that was about to collapse ... the world was stable, but I also completely lost her ..."

I spoke a little bit of memory, and Nie Yun's eyes were full of thoughts and love.

Huantai Lingyue fought for the world ’s sentient beings ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if she was given another choice, she would definitely do so, and herself? She will still respect her choice, but she will make unremitting efforts, not to mention her incarnation, even if it is ten times more difficult, she will continue to work hard and struggle as before to rescue him and bring her back to life!

This is the attachment of two people. Although they are completely different, they share a common belief ...

That's love!

Huantai Lingyue can love without bounds and dedicate his life to save lives, and he can also carelessly for little love, even if the hope is slim and the future is gloomy, he will go forward and never shrink!

"This is what I do. If you want to, follow me, not willing to stay here, I will not force it!"

After telling the story of Lingtai and Yuetai, Nie Yun quietly looked at Qiling Cao in front of her.

If the other party is unwilling to take it forcibly, it doesn't make any sense, but it will hurt 澹台 凌 月! If he kills the other person ’s intelligence, this medicinal material will have no effect, so he does not want to force it, and let the other party choose.


After the chanting ended, Qi Ling Cao revolved a few times in the air. When Nie Yun thought the other party did not agree and wanted to leave, all of a sudden his body became hot, and the medicinal materials had already landed in his palm.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @kirlin trace". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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