Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1832: Huantai Lingyue Resurrection (middle)

"Brother, this is the method of refining the perfect body and how to regenerate Lingyue Auntie, you can make it yourself, I will not participate!"

Seeing him take out the six heavens and earth, Nie Tong's fingers nodded, a mysterious meaning entered his mind. ≥ top ≥ point ≥ small ≥ said,

Refining the perfect body requires requirements for every detail of the body. After molding, it is basically the same. This is a matter between Nie Yun and his wife. Nie Tong was not very involved and had to avoid it.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded, knowing what the other party meant.

"Then I'll wait for you outside the four-phase world!"

Nie Tong believed in his brother's strength very much, so he didn't say much anymore, and flew out with a flash of his body.

Nie Yun knows that the other party understands that resurrecting Lingtai Lingyue is his biggest wish. He was unwilling to intervene, and was touched in his heart. He didn't say much at once. He stroked his palms to confine the surrounding space and sat quietly to experience the method in his mind .

This method of resurrection is actually using the power of Qi Ling Cao to bring together the scattered heavenly forces to form a new soul.

After carefully watching the method, Nie Yun was silent.

This method is the same as what Nie Tong said. Although Qi Ling Cao can bring together the heavenly thoughts distributed around the world to form a soul, it is only a resurrection, but it cannot find the memory before the incarnation. .

The original Lingtai Lingyue incarnation of Heaven, which is equivalent to the soul flying away, has completely died. Now, at most, the souls after the incarnation of Heaven can be brought together, and the memory has completely disappeared before becoming the Heaven.

No wonder Nie Tong said that even if he was resurrected, he would lose his memory, it now seems. indeed so.

Everything is gone, how to recover?

"I will help her find memories. Let her remember me ..."

I do not know how long it took, Nie Yun's eyes firmed again.

The most important thing now is not whether the memory can be restored. It's the resurrection!

Only if she is resurrected will there be the possibility of restoring her memory. If she does not do it, she can still only be a solitary heaven, standing above the six heavens and earth, without self.

"Make the perfect body first!"

Thinking about these things, Nie Yun no longer tangled, stood up, and moved his spirit. The avatars stood opposite.

This is his avatar, who has the same thoughts and can better cooperate to ensure the success of the refining. Besides, the avatar is already a feudal king-level power, stronger than him, and better able to control the power.

If you want to revive Lingtai Lingyue, you must first refine the perfect body. Since the two best raw materials of Chaos Heart (Six Heavens and Earth) and Tianwei Fulu are here. You can start right away.


Nie Yunhe and the avatar opened their hands at the same time, and two forces at the center of their eyebrows pushed the heaven and earth six roads and the heavenly Fufu slowly approaching.


The six heavens and earth itself are the heart of chaos. Once they returned to the high platform where the heavenly amulets were placed, the earth suddenly shook. The Quartet world trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"go with!"

His face tightened, and four palms rolled out at the same time.

Powerful forces burst out. Impacted by this force, the orbs formed by the six heavens and earth shook slightly. Immediately merged with the Heavenly Rune, inseparable.

Celestial symbols 箓 represent stable and chaotic order. The heart of chaos (six heavens and earth) represents the core of the chaotic ocean. The two blend together, and a huge wave of power bursts out.

puff! puff!

The avatar and deity flew upside down at the same time, and blood spewed out.

This time the shock wave was too powerful, even the King of Feng could not bear it.

Fortunately, the deity has a crown of true blood to resist, otherwise, the immortality is almost the same.

The wave of power is the same as the shock wave. After carrying it, the four-phase world returns to calm again. Nie Yunmu's vitality moves in the body, recovers the injury, and looks again in the direction of the sky.

At this time, Fu Wei and Tian Di of the Heaven and Earth had been perfectly integrated. Lying on the high platform, there was a person tall enough, crystal clear, shining with a lustrous luster, like a perfect gem.

Nie Tong is right. The body refined with this thing is absolutely perfect. Nothing can compare with it. The true blood crown is not as good as the king.

Nie Yun breathed smoothly and approached again, but before he came to the front, he felt a huge pressure on his face, as if the gem in front of him represented the will of the whole chaotic ocean, and even the powerful king could not resist.

In front of this pressure, Feng Wang's avatars are like young children, without any resistance.

"Can't approach, how to make a perfect body?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows were frowned.

Even the body of Feng Wang cannot be approached, and the deity naturally cannot be closer. It is difficult to connect close. How to make a perfect body?

It's an impossible task!

"try again!"

Yantai Lingyue's resurrection is right in front of her. Even if it is difficult, she can't give up. Nie Yun's face sinks, and she walks towards the fused gemstone in front of her.

At each step, it seemed as if he was attacked by several masters. Even if he had strong strength, he was suffocated and unable to breathe.


Fly out again, Nie Yun was seriously injured.

Sitting up cross-legged and adjusting his breath for a moment, Nie Yun no longer hurried forward, but thought quietly.

Just now he carefully observed that when he was ninety-nine steps away from the gem, he was bombarded and fell back, as if it were not empty space in front of him, but a thick air wall. With his current strength, there was no way to break through.

"The gem in front of me is a combination of heaven and earth and Taoism. I do n’t know much about Heaven and Earth Goddess, but Heaven and Earth are where I grew up. Should n’t I be excluded?"

Nie Yun was strange.

It ’s okay to be unfamiliar with Tian Weifu, but Tiandao Didao, where he grew up, lived for tens of thousands of years, how could he be blocked by the other party and unable to enter?

Besides, the Heavenly Road of Heaven and Earth is Lingtai Lingyue, which has infinite capacity for him.

"Try it directly!"

A moment of meditation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun decided to take a chance.

Feng Wang's avatar can't be approached, Nie Tong certainly has no other way. Instead of waiting here, try to enlighten directly. If it succeeds, the perfect body and soul of Huantai Lingyue will be restored at the same time. It wo n’t have much effect, and at most it cannot be approached.

With a method in mind, Nie Yun stood up again, grabbed the palm of his hand, Qi Ling Cao and four soul chaos king stones appeared in front of him.

In order to prevent accidents, the soul chaos king stone, he used four pieces, anyway, to him, this thing is endless, not a rare thing.

"Qi Ling!"

With one finger, I carefully recalled the method taught by Nie Tong in his brain. Qi Ling Cao and Soul King Stone immediately flew towards the gem directly in front of him.

(The baby is at home, tossing up to twelve o'clock, not sleeping, so sleepy ... Oh, my parents ’kindness ...) (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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