Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1833: Huantai Lingyue Resurrection (Part 2)


Qi Qi Ling Cao and Soul King Stone came at a distance of ninety-nine steps from the gem. Like his deity, it also seemed to be blocked by a layer of invisible diaphragm and could no longer approach.

"What's the matter?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows are frowned.

According to the truth, he can't get close to the gem. After all, he is very aggressive and can cause two kinds of treasures to be feared, but Qi Ling Cao and Soul King Stone are ordinary treasures, how can they not be approached?

This should have no effect on the gem!

"There must be something else I didn't expect ..."

Nie Tong can tell this method of resurrecting Lingtai Lingyue, which must be deduced countless times, and there will be no mistakes, only to tell himself, otherwise, he will never say!

In this case, it must be that I haven't thought of somewhere, so the gemstone cannot be approached, and there is no way to refine it.

"This four-phase world is the center of the chaotic ocean. It maintains the stability of the ocean. The heart of chaos (six heavens and earth) and the fu of the sky are both things that suppress the heavens. Once lost, it should be the same as the world loses the heavens and will collapse at any time ... ... "

I sat on the ground slowly thinking, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, Nie Yun thought of the key.

Since the six heavens and the earth are the heart of chaos, the symbol of heaven and earth also represents the rules of the chaotic ocean. Once they are approached and refined into other things, will it immediately cause the chaos of the chaotic ocean? As the world lost its way?

Yes, it should be, otherwise, Nie Tong and others will not fight with aliens to protect the heart of chaos!

The purpose of the alien is to refine the heart of chaos! Destroy the entire Chaos Ocean.

"The Nine-day World Heaven Road left. The reason why it is stable and not collapsed is because of the support of Sifang Ding. The Sifang Ding is made from the four hoof claws of the Optimus Giant Turtle ... So, if you have captured the four Optimus giants previously captured The tortoise released. Suppressing the world, will the power of this gem weaken immediately? "

Qi Nieyun's eyes brightened.

四 Four Kings of Chaos get Wang Fufu from the four giant tortoises. Then take control of the ocean to make the world more stable and more prosperous.

In this way, the four Great Turtles are actually the cards that stabilize the chaotic ocean, and they play the same role as the Heavenly Amulet.

Either four giant tortoises are present, or sky symbols are lingering, the chaotic ocean can remain stable and not collapse, otherwise, both will be lost at the same time. The ocean will be like the world without heaven, in which the souls are completely annihilated.

"try it!"

Thought of this, Nie Yun didn't hesitate, he exhaled in one breath, grabbed his palm, and the four giant tortoises that he received from the world of objects immediately flew out and put them in the four directions of the Quartet again.


As soon as the four giant tortoises appeared, the restraining power of the gem in front of them immediately weakened and slowly disappeared.

"Sure enough!"

Nie Yun laughed. As the body came forward, the strength of his hands poured out like a tide and kept on the gem.

虽然 Although this gem is dazzling, it is actually not difficult to refine it. Soon he changed his form and appearance according to his strength.


Qi Nieyun stopped.

The jewel in front of him has completely changed its appearance, just like Lingtai Lingyue during his lifetime. As if she had been resurrected, but motionless. Like a sculpture.

I took out a piece of clothing and put it on "her", and Nie Yun took a deep breath. With a right-hand move, Qiling Grass and Soul Chaos King Stone, which were suspended in the air, came to him slowly.

"It's up to you!"

I looked at Qi Lingcao, and Nie Yun hummed softly, ten fingers dancing like strings.


A river of souls reappears, but this time the river is different from other people who reciprocate. Like the vast starry sky, it has evolved into the shape of the six heavens and earth. There is no soul walking, nor any special breath. Some are endless black holes. No figure.

The incarnation of Heaven is tantamount to leaving the realm of life. There is no soul. The talent of the soul master can no longer be summoned!

If you can summon it, you do n’t have to wait until now!

"Qi Ling Cao gathers heavenly thoughts!"

Tap your finger, Qi Ling Cao immediately flew over to the vast sky.

Let's sizzle!

Immediately upon the arrival of the starry sky, Qi Ling Cao's branches and leaves suddenly stretched out, like a giant magnet, countless shining spots of light, like fireflies, sucked in from the depths of the starry sky, and slowly approached.

"Soul Chaos King Stone, carrying soul!"

The Soul Chaos King Stone flew over immediately, absorbing the flying light spots.

Soul Chaos King Stone can fuse broken souls together, and then transform into souls.

Qi Qi Ling Cao gradually absorbed the heavenly thoughts of the six heavens and earth, slowly gathered, and just like the perfect body just now, a soul gradually took the shape of a human.

"Lingyue ..."

Seeing the human figures gradually converging, Nie Yun's fists squeezed, and the whole person was short of breath.

Yes, this is the soul of Yantai Lingyue. Even if there is no memory, the soul breath has not changed!

She ... is finally resurrected!

Xie Nieyun's face was reddish, and his calm mind could not hold on.

For this moment, he waited for tens of thousands of years!


越 The more the light spots of the soul converge, the color of the Qiling grass also fades from the previous golden color. It seems that the convergence of the soul also consumes a lot of it.

"It's about to succeed, Qi Ling Cao, hold on!"

Seeing Qi Lingcao turning slower and slower, Nie Yun's eyes showed anxiety.

Now Lingtai Lingyue ’s soul is still nearly halfway away from her full recovery. Once she persists, all her previous efforts will disappear and have no use.

Let's sizzle!

I seem to have heard his encouragement ~ www.readwn.com ~ Qi Ling Cao turned again, and the speed of the condensing points in front of the sky rose again, moving closer to the King of Soul Chaos.


Finally, a human soul appeared in front of Nie Yun.

灵魂 This soul's eyes are closed, quiet and indifferent. Every inch of the whole body is like the most perfect sculpture in the world, even if Nie Yun's vision cannot pick up any flaws.


Seeing that the soul appeared, the last light spot also merged into the body. Nie Yunqiang resisted the excitement and pushed his hands gently.


The newly formed soul immediately merged with the previous perfect body. The two were combined without any trace of flawlessness.

It seems that Nie Tong's judgment is correct. The so-called king of heaven is indeed not himself, but ... Lingtai Lingyue!

It is because of her that she can make such a perfect fusion without any rejection.

"Yueer ..."

I grabbed my palm, and the starry sky disappeared. Nie Yun looked anxiously at the perfect body lying on the high platform.


Perfect body moved his fingers, and then, a pair of dark eyes slowly opened, revealing a slightly confused expression on his face.

Yantai Lingyue ... woke up! [Unfinished to be continued This text is provided by 闪 神 影 组 @ 影 承 Bring on @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 仙 波]

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