Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1834: I am your husband

"Who am I? Where is this?"

Yantai Lingyue opened her eyes and looked around, confused.

"Yueer ..."

Seeing her look, Nie Yun was distressed and hurried forward.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Seeing him coming, Lingtai Lingyue showed vigilance.

"I'm ... Nie Yun!" Seeing the expression on the other side, Nie Yun knew that he really didn't know himself, and felt a little sad.

Although I have known this ending for a long time, I still feel as though I am stabbed to see it.

The wife who struggled with love and disregarded her body, resisted the enemy with herself, and had no regrets, really lost her memory and completely forgot him.

"Nie Yun?" Lingtai Lingyue repeated the name again, and seemed to have no impression. She could not help shaking her head and asked, "Who am I?"

"Your name is Lingtai Lingyue, my wife!" Nie Yundao.

"Wife?" Lingtai Lingyue stunned, and then his eyebrows were full of shame: "Dunzi, want to take advantage of me?"

"Take advantage of you?" Nie Yun couldn't help laughing or crying when he didn't expect the other person to say this.

No wonder she would think like this, lose her memory, can't remember anything, and it would appear that she was her husband, and it was wrong to hear it.

"This is our past, you can take a look!"

Shake 8 ↑, ww £ w. $ t head, Nie Yun flicked his fingers, a jade card flew over.

Knowing that Lingtai Lingyue might lose his memory when he was awake, he was ready to record every bit of himself and the other, including his struggle and efforts, goals and pursuits in the Xieyue Extreme Area.

All this is his true emotional cohesion. Contains his hard work.

Do this, do not expect to restore her memory. But expect the other party to know him and believe him. Even if it restarts, it is at its best.


Reaching for the jade card, Lingtai Lingyue's eyes were doubtful. Just a moment, the memory on the jade card immediately emerged, like a beautiful picture.

Starting from the floating heaven continent, the young man in front of him is working hard all the time, struggling for her, turning Yunzong into a meeting, and saying goodbye. Until later, the six heavens and earth smashed Tiandao Mountain, established the Pity Moon Pavilion, and opposed the King Shura ... Many pictures formed a complete story, a beautiful love.

Staring at the picture for a while, Lingtai Lingyue squeezed his palm.


Jade brand was broken into powder, Ling Yue's face was full of cold taste.

"Just compile a story and say I'm your wife, I think it's too naive!"

"Yueer ..."

I didn't expect that she would say so, Nie Yun froze.

The other party's memory is lost, which is indeed very difficult to explain. Anyway, if the other party doesn't believe it, everything is false.

"Get out, I'm leaving here!"

Huantai Lingyue didn't believe everything the man said. Although the other party looked honest and reliable, there were more people with a good appearance and a cold drink.

"This is the place of supreme chaos. There are dangers everywhere, and I will take you out of here. After this place, you choose to leave or stay ..."

See each other's eyes indifferent. There seemed to be a disgusting taste. Nie Yun knew that this time she was anxious, but her heart was dark, but she didn't say much.

"Step aside!"

Yantai Lingyue seemed to have no affection at all, his eyes were cold.

Didn't see any action from the other side, Nie Yun immediately felt a force of indifference coming to him, his pupils shrank, and Feng Wang's avatar and real blood crown immediately blocked him.


The whole person immediately flew upside down, Feng Wang's avatar and the deity sprayed blood at the same time, his face was as white as gold paper.


Seeing that he was injured, Lingtai Lingyue did not chase after victory, but snorted, turned and walked outward, disappeared in the blink of an eye in the four-phase world.

"Yueer ..."

Seeing Lingtai disappearing in Yantai, Nie Yun struggled to stand up, full of anxiety, but also knew that he couldn't catch up with the other party.

"Is this the strength of the King of Heaven?"

Nyu Yun was full of grinning as the wood-born gas moved and healed the deities and clones quickly.

Before the other side shot, one eye was seriously injured, and the gap between the two was too great!

His demise of the king and the crown of true blood, even if it is not as good as Nie Tong, will not be much different, it is definitely much better than Asoka and others! With such strength, he couldn't bear a look from the other side ...

No wonder King Shura spent countless hard work, spent countless years, and even lost himself in order to find this heavenly king, it was really terrible!

Not to mention the four kings, even if one hundred kings are added together, I am afraid they are not opponents!

It can be said that they are not people of the world at all!

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Immediately after the injury was healed, an anxious voice was heard. Nie Tongfei came over. It seems that the movement here has also attracted him, but I don't know if he encountered Lingtai Lingyue who left this place.

"Lingtai Lingyue has been resurrected, but she has no longer recognized me and has just left ..."

Nie Yun explained quickly.

"Leaving directly? What the **** happened?" Nie Tong asked.

"I just raised it up ..."

For his brother, Nie Yun had nothing to hide, and he quickly said something just now.

"You mean, you made all the memories of Xunzi into a jade charm. After reading it, she felt that you were lying and hurt you and left?" After listening to Nie Yun's explanation, Nie Tong asked Road.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded, his face a little darkened. "I was too anxious ... I should be familiar with it before I talk about these things!"

The resurrection of Lingyue in Huantai made him wait for tens of thousands of years. When he saw his beloved woke up, he couldn't remember himself. Even his heart was a little bit unbearable. The result was too anxious, and he didn't wait for the other party to fully adapt , Said that she was her husband, I am afraid that anyone would not accept it!

The result was self-defeating, the other party must have prepared for himself, and it will be even more difficult to get closer in the future!

"Actually, my brother doesn't need to confess. You do this, although you are anxious, it may not be a bad thing!"

Seeing his brother's appearance, Nie Tong smiled and comforted.

"Not a bad thing? She turned away and relied on this strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you don't want me to come close, you can never rely on it. I want her to remember those things thoroughly, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

Huanting Lingyue is now the King of Heaven. With one look, he can make himself the king's avatar without resistance. Once he has a heart of defense in his heart, he does not want to see himself again, even if there are no more means!

In the face of absolute strength, everything is fake!

"Oh, my brother is a fan of the authorities. You have contacted her just now, so I ask you, with her current strength, if you want to kill you, how many tricks can you use?"

Nie Tong laughed.

"Kill me?" Nie Yun hesitated for a moment: "If I really want to do something, I guess I can't handle it!"

Although he did not want to admit it, he also knew that after the resurrection of Lingtai Lingyue, his strength was too strong, and he was not able to compete with it at all.


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