Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1836: Good and evil

The Wan Fa Palace, which was damaged because of the fighting, was restored with the help of Fu dark tide and others. It was even stronger than the heyday of the beginning. Before, because many masters of the Fa Wan Fa knew it, but they could not arrange for their personal strength. Now come With so many masters, the entire Wanfa Palace was soon laid out like an iron bucket. Without his master's consent, he could not enter at all.

The vast palace hall of Wanfa was gathered together by many masters.

"I don't know if the master is going to do it yet ..." Duan also sat on a throne, his brows locked.

"Relax, master Fu Zeshen hòu, there should be no major problems in doing anything! It happened that the Xieyue Supreme Domain collapsed some time ago, I don't know what happened!" Fu Anchao said on the side.

They are very relieved about the master Nie Yun. No matter their strength or wisdom, they are not comparable. Whatever they really encounter, even if they are in front of them, it is estimated that they will not play any role.

"I don't know what happened to the Xieyue Extreme Zone, but I seem to have heard a message, I don't know if it is true or false ..."

Wan Fa dominates the Tao.

"what news?"

Everyone came to see it.

Although Wan Wanfa ruled in Shifang Tianyu for a long time, he also had his own intelligence system and could inquire about the news of the Three Realms at any time.

"I heard, it seems like ... Ashoka has fallen!"

He hesitated for a moment, Wan Fa ruled the Tao.

"Asoka fell?"

"You're kidding me!"

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Wang Fengqiang stands on the top of the chaotic ocean, and no one can hurt, how can it be said that it fell? Impossible!

"I also heard it. I don't know if it is correct. When Nie Yun's master comes back, maybe he will know it!" Seeing that everyone did not believe that Wanfa master did not say more.

I honestly, after hearing this news, he couldn't believe it.

Four strong kings. When King Shura fell, it was said that the three realms were almost destroyed, and there was something really wrong with King Ashoka. How could there be nothing at all? Even if there is a change in the Oblique Moon Supreme, isn't it all right in the end?

"The master has gone so long, I must have encountered some changes. I really don't know what happened, is there any danger ..." When Nie Yun was mentioned again, Zi Tong's intention of not ruining his worries was covered again.

虽然 Although he has no soul, once he is determined to be loyal, he is very loyal.

"Haha. You are too unconfident in me!"

Wu Zitong's words were not finished, a laughter sounded in the air, and then a figure walked in from the door, not who Nie Yun was!

Puppets defended the other dominating formations, which had no effect on him.

"the host!"

"Nie Yun dominates!"

I saw him coming in, and everyone stood up quickly.

"sit down!"

Nie Yun was also polite and came to the middle of the hall. Sit down.

"Master, your business ..." Fu Anchao asked.

"Surprisingly, without risk, successfully completed!" Nie Yun also did not say much.

He is separated from everyone. The main purpose is to sneak into the king's nest, for fear of danger, and affect everyone. Now that everything is done, and I know the hard work of Asoka and others, there is no need to tell.

after all. Fight against aliens, even if they are the masters.冇 The strength is too bad.

那就 "That's good ..." After hearing him say it, everyone was relieved.

"Well. Come here and introduce you to a friend, but you don't have to be nervous, he has a good temper!"

I just came to the Wanfa Palace with Nie Tong just now, but I was afraid that they would scare these people and didn't let Nie Tong come directly.


"We like making friends the most!"

哈 "Haha, Lord Nie Yun laughed, and after so many storms, what else can scare us ..."

Uh ...

Everyone laughed.

他们 In their opinion, the friend proposed by Nie Yun may be the same instrumental spirit as meditation, or one of the three realms, and did not think much.

"Well then, Nie Tong, come in!"

Seeing that everyone was mentally prepared, he didn't say much, and Nie Yun looked out of the hall.

"Okay, brother!"


With a refreshing voice, Nie Tong appeared in front of the hall and strode in.

"His Majesty King Shura ..."

Everyone with a smile on their faces, their smiles were fixed on their faces at the same time, and then they shouted with a husky voice, and almost fainted.

Introduce a friend ... They instinctively think that they are the masters, how can they ... King Wang Qiang?

And also the strongest and fiercest King Shura in the Three Realms!

参见 "See His Majesty King Shura!"

The crowd in the crowd responded the most quickly, bowing down and bowing down quickly, others also reacted, followed closely behind, except that the Emperor Lingxiu stood quietly, his body trembling, staring at the young man in front of him, dull and silent .

"Don't be restrained, Nie Tong is my younger brother, everyone is free!"

Looking at the attitude of the crowd, Nie Yun smiled bitterly. It seemed that the greeting just now had little effect, so he had to say the identity of the other party.

I ca n’t say no, but it ’s okay to say that everyone ’s eyes are weird.

One is the first master, the other is the king first ... these two brothers are really speechless.

"Nie Tong, let me introduce you!" No matter how much was said, the crowd was still restrained. Nie Yun had to introduce to Nie Tong: "This is the master here, dominated by the law, this is the master of the dark tide, Duan Also dominates ... "

I introduced everyone one by one, and finally my eyes fell on Emperor Lingxiu: "This ..."

After I said this, I found out that the black eyes of Lingxiu Emperor stared at Nie Tong motionlessly, with complex emotions, and the crystal tears seemed to drip at any time.

Nie Tongzheng looked embarrassedly, scratching his head from time to time, not knowing what to do.

"Are you ... finally back?"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu spoke first.


Nie Tong taught others a set, it's their turn, and some of them have no idea. They scratch their heads and don't know what to do. They keep looking at Nie Yun.

When others saw this scene, they immediately understood it. Before that, they heard that the lover in Ling Xiu ’s heart was King Shura, but they were not convinced at the beginning. At this time, they all understood it.

The rumor is actually true!

"Okay, don't watch it, Wanfa, go and take out the wine you treasured, and then send someone to prepare some side dishes, let's go drink somewhere else!"

Knowing that the Emperor Lingxiu and Nie Tong must have said a lot, it was inconvenient to wait for others to stay here. Nie Yun explained one sentence, grabbed his hands, and several forces pushed everyone out, and the room was quiet for a while, and only Two people.

"This ... Lingxiu, you admit the wrong person. Although I am now King Shura, but ... I am not the former King Shura ... that is, after rebirth, I have another consciousness, and the person you like Not the same ... "

Seeing that everyone was gone, Nie Tong was even more embarrassed, and no longer had the decisiveness of King Shura before, he said hastily.

"Another consciousness?"

Xi Lingxiu the Great Road.

"Yeah, in order to save the chaotic ocean, King Shura gave up an idea to **** the heart of chaos to leave and make the illusion of death!" Nie Tong quickly ended: "After the heart of chaos evolved into the world, his disability Soul, also experienced reincarnation. In fact, I was exactly the will that appeared after the reincarnation. Later ... we confronted, and I killed his will, so ... I am completely different from the former King Shura! "

I explained this way, although Lingxiu the Great could be hated, Nie Tong had no other way.

Actually, this is a fact. He and King Shura's soul co-existed, and eventually killed them. To put it in detail, he killed King Shura.

"No ... you are him!" Upon hearing this, Nie Tong originally thought that the other party would run away directly and wanted to kill himself for revenge of King Shura, but he did not expect that Emperor Lingxiu's tears fell to the ground and Jiao's body shivered even more.

"I am him?" Monk Nie Tongzhang was confused.

I explained it very clearly just now. Is this woman unbelieving or ... is she thinking about hysteria too much?

"Do you now have all of his memories? Even I often feel that I am the King of Shura. What happened hundreds of millions of years ago is my own experience?" Seeing his appearance, the Emperor Lingxiu suppressed the sadness in his heart, shaking He shook his head and asked.

"This ... yes!"

Tong Nie Tong nodded.

He now and sometimes 恍惚, he is the kid who does not know anything in Luoshuicheng and the Shura King of Chaos Ocean. He always thought that it was because of memory fusion. Isn't this the case?

The real emperor knows the real reason?

"That's right. If you just memorize, at most, when you remember something, there are some concepts in your mind. There can be no illusion of personal experience!" Said the Emperor Lingxiu, taking a deep breath: "And ... When you refined Wang Fuyu, didn't you get any hindrance? "


Nie Tong blinked at www.readwn.com ~ If the other party did not remind him, he always thought that this body, strength and even memory were all from King Shura, so Fu Wang, the refining king, was taken for granted, but it is not the case when you think about it.

If the seal Wang Fuyu is easy to refining, my brother will not stay in the four-phase world for so long, there is no other way.

Who the Four Kings of Chaos Ocean correspond to is unchangeable, and no one else can be refined by others. This is a theorem, but ... the Shulu King ’s Fuyu can refining himself, and it is impossible ... himself and billions of years The former King Shura was really the same person?

He is really like this, who was the one who had been killed in the heavens and the earth in the six ways, and was symbiotic with his own soul?

"He told me that year, if the practitioner wanted to be stronger, he had to slay the three corpses. Normally it looks like the previous life, the current life, the next life, in fact, there is a good and evil body!"

Xi Lingxiu the Great Road.

"Good and evil body?" Nie Tong heard for the first time.

"There is yin and yang in heaven, and people share good and evil. Everyone has good thoughts and evil thoughts, but some people have heavy thoughts, and some people have good thoughts. Those who lived with your soul before are not King Shura who has nothing to do with you. It's ... your evil thoughts! "

Xi Lingxiu the Great Road.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @kirlin trace". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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