Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1837: Refined golden blood

"Evil thoughts? You say this ... Now I am actually Shura King's good thoughts?"

Tong Nie Tong understood it, his mouth was long and round, and he couldn't believe it.

The news is amazing.

He always thought that he just got the inheritance and memory of King Xiuluo, and he got the title of Wang Xingyun, which was not the case!

He turned out to be the good intention of King Shura.

"If I guess well, it should be that he separates the two thoughts of good and evil, rebirth of good thoughts and reincarnation, and the evil thoughts execute the plan of extinction! Now you are his rebirth of good thoughts, naturally he is himself!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu said here and paused: "He told me that year, but this memory was erased by him, you may not know it!"

"Oh!" Nie Tong nodded.

In order to reach their realm, Xiu Xiu can erase the undesired memories at any time. Although he inherited all the memories of King Shura, he did not have this section and did not know.

"Since you are still him, our previous relationship ..."

After Xun's explanation, the Emperor Lingxiu looked at Nie Tong again, with a touch of tenderness.

"I ..." Nie Tong shook his head vigorously.

Although King Shura remembered that he had a relationship with the Emperor Lingxiu, but ... he had never experienced the relationship at all. Wherever he knew these things, he didn't know what to do.

"I know you still need time to digest and don't force you, but ... can I always be behind you in the future? You have been missing for so many years, and I have waited for so many years, I really don't want to wait any longer ..."

Seeing his appearance, the Emperor Lingxiu knew that pressing too hard would only have an adverse effect. When he looked over, he looked forward with expectation and tenderness.

She is just the ordinary master. The person in front of him was a strong king, and he really wanted to leave. It was even harder to find it, so he made this request.


He wanted to refuse and saw the other person's hot eyes. Nie Tong knew that he really wanted to do this, and the other side was sure that he had a broken heart and heart, and it was difficult to control himself, so he nodded.

Hearing that he agreed, Emperor Lingxiu finally laughed, and the first beauty of the Three Realms smiled slightly. Like the opening of flowers, even Nie Tong couldn't help but be so distraught.

He is so beautiful. It is simply that the creator put the most perfect things in the world on one person.

"Go and see Nie Yun dominate them!"

Abandoning his heart knot, Lingxiu stopped talking and smiled at Nie Tongdao.


The two went to the room where Nie Yun and others were. After arriving, it was found that Fu Anchao and others were indeed drinking, a happy situation.

"Where's my brother?"

I looked around and didn't find Nie Yun, Nie Tong was a little strange.

He just talked with Emperor Lingxiu just now. He didn't pay attention to it. Why did his brother disappear suddenly?

"Under Your Majesty, Lord Nie Yun said that he had some feelings and practiced ..."

Wan Fa master quickly stood up.


Nie Tong froze for a moment. No more questions.

According to my brother's personality ... it can really be done!

I finally resurrected Lingyue sister-in-law, but the other party did not recognize him, and wanted to continue this relationship. Must be able to find each other ... To do this, there is only one way, the two are similar in strength, and even ... surpass!

Only in this way can we get closer and continue to maintain this love. Let Ling Yue sister-in-law fully recover Ji Yi.

I must be because of this, he has to work harder. Following in the footsteps of Lingyue sister-in-law, continue to move forward.

"Brother is a hard man!"

I thought of these. Nie Tong was secretly hurt.

Everyone is envious of my brother's growth experience, but no one knows how much pain he has experienced and how much pressure he has endured.

It is this pressure that has allowed him to continue to improve and become stronger! Reach this state now!

Perhaps, even ordinary people, as long as they have dreams and persistence in their hearts, will have different lives and create different glories!


Xi Fu dark tide and others are right, Nie Yun is indeed practicing.

I just do n’t feel it occasionally. Just like Nie Tong thought, I want to improve my strength as soon as possible and continue to maintain my relationship with Yantai Lingyue.

Cross-legged sitting on a peak in the world of Nawu, with a slight movement of his fingers, a drop of golden blood appeared in front of him.

滴 This drop of blood was obtained when the big hand was sealed in the Three Realms battlefield. Nie Tong said it was an excellent thing, so he left it.

情况 The situation was critical at the time, and it was too late to take a closer look. Now that the blood was in front of him, Nie Yun couldn't help but be surprised.

This drop of blood has a strong power and contains endless auras. Don't look at just a drop of blood. If thrown into a place like the Nine Heavens World, it can directly crush the entire world, even in a world like the Oblique Moon Supreme It will also break its space and appear dark cracks.

From this point alone, we can see that the strength of the blood master is stronger than his vassal, and even stronger than his younger brother Nie Tong!

"I am afraid that Feng Wang Qiang also has a rating, but we don't know ..."

I felt this power in the blood, and Nie Yun guessed.

There are several powerful kings he has seen now, the most powerful of which is Lingtai Lingyue. Of course, the king of the heavens is not known as the king, but Asoka and Nie Tong are both kings, the latter is obviously Much stronger than the former!

This shows that there must be a difference between the kings!

I just do n’t know how many gaps there are and what grades there are!

The owner of this drop of blood, seeing the fluctuations in strength, should be like Nie Tong, and still belong to the category of the king, but just how powerful he is, he has never met, it is unknown! But just by letting the four big seal kings and the seal fail to stop the other side, we can see that the strength is definitely higher than Nie Tong ~ www.readwn.com ~ This drop of blood carries the power of this strong person, If it can be refined, it will really help the growth of strength.

I thought in my heart that we should study the blood in front of the space that controls the world of things, and speculate how we can make better use of it without wasting a tiny bit of power.

"This drop of blood, if you simply upgrade to the meat body, the effect is great, and the effect of improving the cultivation will be much smaller!"

After studying for a while, Nie Yun understood.

This drop of blood, swallowed down to improve cultivation, the effect is not particularly great, if you train the meat to die, you can definitely improve your strength a lot.

The martial arts master's talents worked and carefully calculated the role of blood. After some time, Nie Yun opened his eyes again.

"that's it……"

As soon as Xun's heart moved, the golden blood suddenly exploded, and instantly became billions of golden dust, flying into every pore in his body.


Immediately after Xu Fanchen touched his body, Nie Yun felt his whole body sink, and a huge force pressed him down, as if his flesh was about to explode.

(At the end of the month, are there any monthly tickets? Today, my father-in-law was discharged from the hospital, and I will check it at the big hospital in the summer vacation, haha!)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @kirlin trace". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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