Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1842: Law blank

The seal was strengthened by the four kings over many years, including the souls of King Ashoka and Shura, which are very strong. Even if the strength of the hands is very strong, it takes a lot of time to completely break it. He seems to see that At this point, I don't know what method was used, and the attack of Lingtai Lingyue was merged, and the effect was achieved in one fell swoop.

Of course, if Nie Yun fought it, there would be no such negligence. After the resurrection, the memory of Lingyue Lingyue disappeared, and the combat experience was lacking, which was used by the other party.


Seeing that the power was used by the other party, Lingtai Lingyue was angry, and Yushou grabbed it again and again, and could not see what she used. Nie Yun only felt that the Three Thousand Avenues were fused together, and the power tide was raging.


The surge of strength had not yet come to him, and the two cracked arms of the crack opened out, and then a giant pheasant's head slowly emerged.

直径 This skull has a diameter of three or four feet, except that it is slightly larger than humans.

"Similar to those ancient corpses ..."

I have seen two arms before, but until now, Nie Yun has seen each other for the first time. His appearance is very similar to that of the ancient corpse he saw before, and it is similar to his Fengwang Fenyu.

However, the power is far superior to the ordinary Wang Fengqiang. His eyes are like electricity, with the feeling of upside down and chaos in the universe. At first glance, people feel that they have fallen into the abyss and cannot extricate themselves.

As if he didn't need his intentional attack, as long as he saw those eyes, he would be injured automatically, and his mastery level would be inevitable.

"I didn't expect to be a woman ..."

The human head appeared, and immediately saw that the person who was fighting him was Lingtai Lingyue, hehe smiled. Her mouth opened, and a white light shot out of her mouth, colliding with the attack of Lingtai Lingyue.


He asked Fu Anchao and others to leave before seeing the two attacks colliding, and Nie Tong's face changed. Yi Lanieyun hurried back.


之 处 Where the two major attacks met, the space of the chaotic ocean immediately became a dark place, releasing a breath of corroding souls everywhere.

"How is this going?"

Ning followed behind Nie Tong, and Nie Yun turned her head to see this dark place, her face changed.

This dark place is terrible, even with his strength. If you fall into it, you will definitely die directly.

In some big worlds and chaotic ocean battles, it is very common for the dominant powers to hit black holes and cause space to collapse. It's nothing, why ... the same black hole, this dark place in front of us, is even more terrible?

"This is not a black hole created by broken space, but ... it is formed by breaking the rules, and the law is blank!"

Tan Nietong recognized the darkness and explained that he was still a little confused.

"Legal blank area?"

"Well! What we usually say is a black hole formed by time and space fragmentation. Nothing seems to exist on the bright side. In fact, there are still some rules, like time ... This black hole has passed a certain time. It can be slowly Recovery means that time is here, it has a role, not real time breaking! "

Nie Tong speaks quickly: "It's like pool water. You throw a stone in it, slap it or use force to blow up a space. Although on the surface, there is nothing in this place. In fact, the water is returning to the tide. Fill it up! It ’s like pulling a spring. As long as you do n’t use enough power, the power disappears, and one day you can recover! ”

所以 "So ... a black hole of this level is not a real black hole, because the law of maintaining the place is still there, and it does not stop running! The power in this black hole can continue to spread and even hurt the enemy!"

"But ... the blank area of ​​the law is not the same. The force exceeds the tolerance of the law. It means that the spring breaks, and there is no possibility of recovery! In short ... this dark place in front of us, even if it will be hundreds of millions of years It will not disappear, this place is like a big ship in the sea, wandering along the current, the swimming and the entire chaotic ocean can never be restored! "

"Can never recover?"

Qi Nieyun took a breath.

No wonder Nie Tong took him away and didn't dare to stay for a minute!

With his strength, playing black holes in the chaotic ocean is very simple, but these black holes are the same as Nie Tong said. With the flow of the ocean, they will soon be completely covered and become part of them again, regardless of each other!

空白 And the blank area of ​​the law in his mouth, once formed, all the rules are destroyed, and it is not limited by time and space, and it can never be recovered, which is too terrible!

Without a rule, everything they cultivate is tantamount to non-existence. I am afraid that even if their strength falls into it, there is only one way to die.

轰轰轰 轰轰!

During the talk between the two, Lingtai Lingyue and the alien strong again fought a few tricks, violent power raged and spread, and fireworks radiated to the surroundings. At this time, the battlefields of the Three Realms had disappeared, and most of them had become a blank area of ​​laws, dark. The ground slowly swims in the chaotic ocean like dark clouds, flowing to the surroundings.


Although Lingtai Lingyue is very strong, it is a pity that lack of combat experience, coupled with its own strength has not reached its limit. In the process of fighting with the human head, it did not take too much advantage, but it also suffered some losses.

"Lingyue sister-in-law was used by the other party. The other party deliberately created blank areas of these rules, so that we could not approach, and took the opportunity to break the seal!"

Tong Nie's face was ugly.

In fact, Nie Yun also saw it at this time. The opponent's attack was extremely fierce. He forced Lingtai Lingyue to respond, and they could easily disrupt the time and space and form a blank area of ​​the law.

Yantai Lingyue was eager to win. I didn't notice this. I exhausted all my efforts and waited for more and more blank areas of the rule ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then I came to understand. If I want to stop it, obviously I can't do it!

When this happens, Lingtai Lingyue just reborn was too naive and inexperienced is only one of the aspects. What's more important is that the other party is too cunning and the method is too weird!

The fighting techniques and fighting methods used are different from everyone in Chaos Ocean, as if they have separated from the Three Thousand Avenues and reached a realm that no one knows.

"Let's get ready to fight, alien invasion ... it looks like it can't be stopped!"

Seeing the spread of the blank area of ​​the Law, it seems that all the roads to the seal have been sealed. Nie Yun knows that the other party has completed the layout, and the alien invasion can no longer be blocked.


"Haha, here I am!"

"I didn't expect such a place, it's so cool ..."

Uh ...

As soon as Nie Yun's words fell, a series of screams sounded, numerous figures were drilled out of the crack where the head was, and all laughed out loud. The weird voices came bombarded with greedy thoughts.

(May 1st will take my father-in-law to the Xining Hospital for a review. The update may not be effective. If you do n’t mind, do n’t mind, and you will make up when you come back. Of course, I will try my best to keep making changes.... )




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @kirlin trace". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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