Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1843: War begins

These ideas bypass the blank area of ​​the dark cloud-like laws, spreading wildly to the chaotic ocean, as if this place is the best cake in their eyes, can't help but want to taste and possess it!

"Brothers, the time for life and death is here. Behind everyone is the Three Realms, a sea of ​​chaos. If we cannot stop these people, we will lose our loved ones, loved ones, friends ... and all the honor, status, everything!"

Nie Tong took a deep breath, looked around for a week, and sounded in everyone's ears with unquestionable firmness: "So ... we can't go back, we can't stop it. For them, we must pay the most Work hard! Even if you die, you will do it! "

I have all the memory and strength of King Shura. At this moment, he is no longer the younger brother who can only stand behind Nie Yun, and has completely become a king of chaos that shocks one side!

"Can't step back!"

"Even if you die, keep your home!"

"Her Majesty King Shura, rest assured, no matter what we do, we will not flinch!"

"This is a fight for all of us, it is incumbent ..."

Uh ...

The enthusiasm of all people was ignited, one by one shouting loudly, with firmness in their eyes.

If I saw these terrible aliens before, I was still a bit afraid. At this time, this state of mind has been swept away, replacing the blood and intense war will.

I'm right, Nie Tong is right. They may escape, but just escape. Both the Three Realms and the Chaos Ocean will collapse and fall into the nest. Ann has finished eggs?

They do not represent individuals, but the entire chaotic ocean, all living beings!

Therefore, they ca n’t shrink back, and they ca n’t shrink back. Some just move forward. Even if they consume all their strength, the last drop of blood will kill all these aliens!

"桀桀. I admit that you are strong, but ... the seal is broken, and I see how you can stop us again!"

As many aliens emerged from the cracks, all the huge heads finally appeared in front of everyone, with dozens of feet in height, two hands rolled, two huge tomahawks appeared on the palm, and a whole body of corrosive corrosion was emitted Frosty chill.

"Just come here, Nie Yun. This person gave it to me, the others, all beheaded and killed, one is not left!"

I saw aliens that appeared like locusts in the cracks. The anxiety before Huantai Lingyue disappeared, revealing calmer than ever.


When I saw her say this, Nie Yun first met. Then came to understand, his face showed a happy look.

"what happened?"

Yan Nietong came over. I don't know what dummies they played.

"It seems that Lingtai Lingyue just saw that the seal could not be kept, and cooperated with this guy on purpose. The alien came here!" Nie Yun laughed.


Nie Tong first glanced at it, and immediately understood it, nodded.

The aliens are weird. You can see how the seal looks. Even if it is reinforced, it can still be torn. If it is not good, it will attract more powerful helpers!

Rather than being more difficult to deal with at that time, it is better to put it in. Chaos Ocean is the main battlefield anyway. Fighting with the other party can take advantage of the geographical advantage!

No wonder she made so many blank spaces in the law when she fought with human heads. The other side had many means. The strange tricks were only part of the reason. Lingtai Lingyue deliberately calculated and accounted for a large part!

It seems that she is not as simple as she thinks, but she has a certain mind.

It's no wonder that as a heavenly way, the idea of ​​accommodating the life of the world can never be as simple as white paper.


When the two passed their thoughts, Lingtai Lingyue raised his arms upwards, and with a whisper, the entire chaotic ocean seemed to be rolled up by a hurricane and spread fiercely. The blink of an eye formed a gas shield with a diameter of millions of miles. Enclose everyone and the aliens.

The ability of the King of Heaven to control the Chaos Ocean!

Huantai Lingyue intends to use the advantages of geography to trap all aliens here, kill them in one fell swoop, and leave no one!


I saw that although this mask was not comparable to the seal just now, it was similar. Nie Yun was a little dazed, and then I knew that Lingtai Lingyue was terrible.

The seal just now has been cracked by the strongest alien for so long. It is almost impossible for others to rush out!

Since then, these aliens have become 瓮 中 鳖, **** as you want!

Of course, the premise is that the strength must be better than them, the strength is poor, the other party is broken, and it is not known who will live or die.

"Hmm! Want to kill us? Then let me see if you have this ability!"

Seeing Ling Yue ’s move, the head immediately understood it, and the joy of just breaking the seal immediately disappeared, replaced by a cold voice.


Accompanying his big move, the countless aliens emerging from the cracks roared around Nie Yun and others around the blank area of ​​the law.

"Do it!"

When I saw the other party rushing in, Nie Yun and others were not watching and rushed over together.

Dozens of masters, more than one hundred leaders of Bihai Xuantian, and many talented Shura Bu Tian arrays, all waited for this moment, and could not bear it anymore, and met with alien races.

"One Gas, Three Qings!"

I knew that the other party was terrible, and Nie Yun didn't keep it. One of the three clear-cut tricks was displayed. The crown of real blood appeared on the palm of the hand, and it fell to the crowd.

Wang Feng's avatar and the other one also rushed into the crowd by their own means.

"Your opponent is me!"

Seeing the real blood crown in Nie Yun's hand, a strong alien raced over. His body was blue and gray, like a special pattern, and a huge sarcoma was growing on his head, which looked like a chicken crown.

"Feng Wangqiang?"

Even though he hasn't played against each other ~ www.readwn.com ~, the breath and power Nie Yun rushed from him, and he saw that this guy is actually a strong king!

However, it should not be the one who was stabbed by Nie Tong before the golden blood, and his strength is lower.

Nie Yun did not take the lead, but Tianyan opened and took a quiet look. At this time, not only did he have an opponent, but Nie Tong was also stopped by a strong man. This man's strength was obviously better than his own. More powerful, depending on strength and breath, it is most likely the person who was stabbed out of blood last time.

家伙 This guy is much stronger than Nie Tong. He was stabbed and shed golden blood. He immediately recognized the "killer" Nie Tong and showed endless hatred.

In addition to Nie Tong, other people were also surrounded by the strong ones. However, there seemed to be only two strong kings in the crowd. None of them who surrounded Chaos King and Lore King had reached the king level, but their strength was not low. Each one is infinitely close, no less than Yan Hui's leader and others.

For a moment, there are so many masters, even if Nie Yun had expected it in his heart, he still felt terrified!

(If you want to drive a day, and go back at night if you still have the spirit, you will go to the next chapter. If you are too tired, come back to make up, sorry!)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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