Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1852: Chaos celebration

Coo coo coo coo!

After the dazzling white light, the entire chaotic ocean seemed to have experienced a huge tsunami, and the surging force was unceasing and turned into a cloud of flowers.

"How is this going?"

"How did the turbulent air flow of the chaotic ocean turn into a flower?"

"I wouldn't know, it's the first time I've seen this situation after living billions of years!"

"Can't you see alien invasion and chaotic oceans become angry? But how does it feel like ... why is it celebrated?"

"Congratulations? No, aliens invade, Chaos Ocean should be afraid, what to celebrate?"

Uh ...

As soon as everyone stayed, even the aliens stopped the attack on their hands and watched the sudden change in front of them.

他们 In their eyes, the chaotic ocean is the embodiment of rules without any feelings. This kind of change suddenly appears as if some kind of celebration is happening. What happened?

"It's chaotic celebration! Is this ... actually true?"

The Chaos King recognized him, his lips narrowed.

"Chaos are celebrated together? What is that?" For the secret history and allusions of Chaos Ocean, Lore King didn't know much, and looked at Chaos King full of doubts.

"The chaos ocean can rule the king, indicating that there is a certain idea. This idea has no autonomous consciousness and can only maintain the stability and rules of the ocean. Normally, it does not affect us much and will not change because of our strength. , But ... except in one case! "

The Chaos King ’s lips 哆嗦: "Chaos marine native creatures broke through the sea crickets and reached another level. That is ... to reach the so-called transcendence of chaos! This consciousness will shake and feel that it is level with the other party. Congratulations ... this is called chaos celebration! "

"Beyond Chaos?"

Kill King's face was positive.

"I thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true. Someone really could do this ..."

The Chaos King murmured to himself, staring at the chaotic ocean that was undergoing great changes in front of him.

"What does it mean to transcend chaos ... does it have the power to transcend the ocean of chaos?"

I still do n’t quite understand the king of lore.

There are many meanings of transcending chaos. If you really reach the strength of transcending the ocean of chaos, these aliens do not need to be afraid!

"It's not the force that transcends the chaotic ocean, but the rules that transcend the chaotic ocean!"

The Chaos King shook his head, and then said, "It is as if there is only one way to obtain the title of King of Kings in the Chaos Ocean, and that is to obtain the recognition of the ocean. It ’s the rules set by the ocean ... If someone does n’t borrow the amulet and break through directly to reach this state, it is equivalent to surpassing the rules, and the restraint of the ocean on him will naturally be greatly reduced! "

"Don't break Wang Fuyu, break through?"

Breaker King blinked his eyes.

If you told him this way before, you would definitely feel that the other party is crazy, but with these aliens in front, you can break through without needing to seal Wang Fuyu. Also has some immunity.

Of course, although there is a concept in my heart, I still think it's incredible when I think of the difficulty of breaking through the kingship. Some do not understand how to break through!

"If you want to achieve the king's strength without the help of the king's charm, you must first reach the level of dominance without the help of the false origin road. As for how to break through in the future, I don't know ...

I seemed to see his doubts. The Chaos King explained it and wanted to continue. A figure suddenly appeared in his mind: "It seems he can only do this ..."

"You mean ... Nie Yun?"

The king of lore also understood.

"Who else besides him ..."

The Chaos King nodded and smiled bitterly.

I want to say who else can do this chaotic ocean, I am afraid that there is only that boy!

"This is ..."

The King of Nostalgia nodded.

As powerful kings, they can't do anything beyond the rules of chaos, but somehow someone can do it, and they will think of that boy at the same time!

This boy's strength may not be better than them, but he has grown too fast and has too many legends. If it were not for him, no one could do this, even if the king of the sky in Lingtai was not able to. Do it!

This is not blindness, but a trust born from the heart!

Although they don't know why they feel this way, they know that this feeling is absolutely right! The situation in front of the Chaos Ocean must be that the boy has done something earth-shattering!

Both of them are mind exchanges, and the speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, they can understand what is happening in front of them, and at the same time they have the expectation in their eyes.

Be able to transcend the rules of the chaotic ocean ... Don't you have to fear these aliens again?

Uh ...

"Abominable, actually someone has surpassed the rules of the chaotic ocean ... even if I have traveled so many worlds and killed so many souls, I have never seen ... who is it?"

The Chaos King can recognize the "chaos with celebration" in front of him, and the "Master Baizhe" can even recognize it. His eyes are gloomy, his eyebrows are beating constantly, with a gloomy coldness.

At this time, he couldn't care about continuing to kill Lingtai Lingyue, staring closely at the ocean in front of him, for he was afraid that someone who made such a big movement suddenly appeared to give him a fatal blow.

Although this so-called surpassing chaos may not be as powerful as him, with this ability, it represents future achievements and will definitely be above him!

"Must be him?"

At the Lingtai Moon that fought with Baizhe, when the opponent stopped, he hurried back, took a few breaths, and evened his breath. At this time, he noticed the changes in the chaotic ocean. After a moment of doubt, a figure suddenly appeared in my heart.

Although I don't believe it very much, besides him, I can't think of anyone else who can use his own strength to break through the rules of the chaotic ocean and become the powerful king!

However, the strength of the other party has become stronger or not. Because she has no previous memory, she doesn't feel much, she just feels that someone she knows has broken through!

"It must be Lord Nie Yun, haha, the Chaos Ocean has been saved!"

不错 "Yes, with this genius, these aliens are doomed!"

"I think Master Nie Yun wasn't out just now, what he must be doing, I didn't expect to make such a big movement, it was too powerful ..."

"I don't know what happened, but the appearance of the Chaos Ocean definitely indicates that our battle with aliens will soon win ..."

"Let's rush, drive all these abominable aliens back to their hometown ..."

Uh ...

Wu Yanhui and other leaders laughed out loud one by one. The side of Chaos Ocean, which was a bit slumped, once again burned, and the strong men who fought against aliens were once again full of tenacity and strength.

Although they did not know what happened to the sudden change of the chaotic ocean, they saw Nie Yun's terribleness and talents with his own eyes, and they all believed that ~ www.readwn.com ~ everything in front of him must be made by him, and only He can figure it out!

The Chaos Ocean celebrates the whole world, it is not a celebration of alien attacks, it is certainly a celebration of what he did incredible!

Compared with the excitement on the side of the Chaos Ocean, the aliens showed a panic. They are different from Yan Hui and others. A large number of people know the same thing about chaos and can break through the rules in their own Chaos Ocean, as long as they do not fall. In the future, they are definitely famous people!

Like their Putian ancestors, it is said that they broke through the rules of their own world at the beginning and reached the level they are today!

There is no such strong person for hundreds of millions of years and billions of living beings. When one appears, he will inevitably carry great luck and great strength to fight with such people ... Isn't it to death?

I figured this out, and the death of the King of Sarcoma and the King of Golden Blood just now, everyone had a retreat!


The change of the alien race is also seen in the eyes of everyone in Chaos Ocean, knowing that the opportunity is coming, and howling again rushed up.

The fighting continued for a while, but just now the Chaos Ocean was a little irresistible, and at this time the situation reversed, and the irresistible had become aliens.

战斗 The battle outside is in full swing. Nie Yun, who is in the world of things, does not know that his breakthrough has brought such an amazing change. At this time, he is floating in the air, the soul sweeps through every inch of muscle, and feels the change of the body. [Unfinished to be continued This text is provided by 闪 神 影 组 @ 影 承 Bring on @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 仙 波]

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