Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1853: Change in strength

Breaking through the king, the breadth of Qihai has changed significantly from the past. The power contained in it is more surging. If you compare the current power with the time of dominance, the two can be said to be heaven and earth, not the same!

Especially the soul, along with the breakthrough in strength, has also been greatly nourished. Originally, there was only a trace from the feudal king. At this time, he was successfully promoted, and the spirit spread out when he moved, and it was more than a few times stronger than before!

With a fist, the power slowly flowed along the sea to the meridians, and a powerful feeling emerged.

Although his strength can fight the powerful king before, but it is only an ordinary king such as Chaos King and Lore King. Compared with Nie Tong, it is still a short distance, not to mention the Golden Blood King and the Baizhe My lord!

If you don't deceive the other party into the world of things, it is almost impossible to kill them!

At this time, the power penetrates the whole body, and every move is accompanied by the thunder, and it is a good guess. Once again, if you meet the golden blood king, you can fight even if you don't use the world of holding things!

In other words, although it has just broken through the rank of prince, it already has the strength to surpass Nie Tong!

"Although this golden thin line has become dim, it still has the power to erode life. With my current strength, there is still no way to completely remove it ..."

He looked down at the thin golden line on his arm, and Nie Yun shook his head.

With the increase of strength, the ability to fight this golden thin line has gradually increased, and it has been able to suppress it for a short time, but it cannot be completely removed, and it is slightly inadvertent, and it will be backed up, and it will be in great danger.

"This guy's golden blood is so toxic. How can he survive? And he still has such a powerful strength?"

I felt that the current strength could not remove the traces left by the blood, and Nie Yun couldn't help wondering.

The strength of the golden blood king is for him now, it can only be said that it is almost the same, it will not exceed too much. Why is the same poison in the blood?

"I don't care anymore. I don't know what's going on outside ..."

I studied the changes in strength for a while. Nie Yun knew that although the golden thin line was powerful, he had no threat to him in a short time. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his refined gun hummed in his palm. The spirit moved, leaving the world of things.

I do n’t know what ’s going on outside. I have to go out as soon as possible, otherwise my brother, Yantai Lingyue will be troubled for life.


I just returned to the sea of ​​chaos. Before having time to look around, Nie Yun suddenly froze.

I entered the ocean of chaos before, and I was subjected to all kinds of slugs. With my ability to swim, although I did n’t feel much, there would still be a lot of pressure over time, but now I am standing in it. As if the chaotic air flow around him recognized him, he could control it at will without any effort!

Is somewhat similar to the world of things. There is a kind of tiger howling forest, and the dragon feels like he enters the ocean. As if at this moment, he is above various rules.

As the origin of many worlds, the Chaos Ocean has a variety of rules, such as human life, old age, illness, death, joy, anger, sorrow, joy ... is an immutable rule. Overriding these rules, it seems that he has been able to escape from life and death. The chaotic ocean cannot restrain it.

"What's the matter?" Nie Yun was a little dazed.

Even if it breaks through the king, there is no such change. He now feels that he can leave the chaotic ocean at any time and even sit on an equal footing with the chaotic ocean!

The impact is so great that even if he had been prepared, he still felt incredible.

"Leave it alone, look back and study it carefully ..."

He shook his head and set aside this strange feeling. When Nie Yun knew it was not what he wanted, he looked up at the battlefield in front of him.

的 The battle in front of him is not much different from the time he left before. It seems that the people on the side of Chaos Ocean are more confident and morale is higher, but the morale of the alien race is a little weak.

"Strange!" Nie Yun couldn't understand.

Even if one-third of the aliens were beheaded and killed just now, this should not be the case. Is there anything unexpected that has happened in your own breakthrough efforts?

After watching Chaos King and others are not too dangerous at present, they breathe a sigh of relief and look at Lingtai and Nie Tong who are fighting with Baizhe.

百 The adult Baizhe did not know what method was used, his eyes were blood red, and his whole momentum was more fierce than just now. However, Lingtai Lingyue and Nie Tong were also full of strength and did not show much defeat for the time being.

"It doesn't seem to delay anything ..."

Seeing his breakthrough effort, the crowd was not greatly damaged, and Nie Yun was relieved.

I was just afraid that when I saw it, it would be the best result.

"First deal with that Baizhe master, as long as he is beheaded, other aliens are not worried ..."

After looking around, Nie Yun immediately locked the area.

百 This Baizhe is the strongest leader among the aliens. If he can be killed, the alien dragons will have no head, and they will certainly be defeated immediately! At that time, it will become easier to cooperate with others to kill it.

"This guy is strong, even if he has improved, he is not an opponent. He must be careful. It is best to sneak attack ..."

I made a decision, and Nie Yun did not rush forward rashly, but looked like a knife and secretly calculated.

百 This hundred philosophers are too strong. Although he broke through the title and made great progress, he is still a lot worse than the other party. He must be careful and strive for success!


The spirit moved ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun quietly flew to Bai Zhe.

He uses the talent of the Stealth Master to fuse himself into the air of the chaotic ocean.

According to the truth, Hidden Master's talent has little effect on such powerful people as Bai Zhe, but when it was displayed, Nie Yun was startled.

At this moment, as if he and the Chaos Ocean are fused together, the entire person can turn into a chaotic airflow at any time and appear anywhere in front of his eyes.


He didn't even understand what was going on!

He has played against Asoka and others, and also has a king of demise. He understands that even if the king of lords deter the Three Realms, this ability to turn into a chaotic airflow and merge into the ocean is not available!

If you really have this ability, you won't even be able to kill some people who have not reached the title of king, and you will become passive everywhere!

Why did so many changes occur after I broke through? So much more?

"Becoming a chaotic air stream can be better hidden, and then attacking Baizhe, it should increase the chance of winning!"

Regardless of observing the changes in detail, Nie Yun flew straight towards Bai Zhe in the longitudinal direction of his body. At this time, he was like a chaotic atmosphere and no one could see it.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @kirlin trace". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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