Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1855: coma

Bai Zhe himself was seriously injured and attacked Nie Tong exhausted all his strength. Therefore, the speed of the giant axe was extremely fast, and there was even an illusion of tearing space. Nie Tong avoided and intensified, and the original strong strength changed. Be more powerful.

This time, Baizhe was unlucky. I didn't expect that the other party could not only hide away, but also bless the power. It was too late to escape. The giant axe, like the bow and arrow shot, with an unstoppable degree, split straight down.


With a scream, Bai Zhe's body was split in half by a giant axe, the body fell to the ground, and the spirits were destroyed.

One of the Yue Wang Nie Tong ’s powerful kings was beheaded by his own weapons and his own attack.


Seeing Bai Zhe dying in the hands of his conspiracy, Nie Yun did not relax, but a little finger, a flame burst out, and the body divided into two halves on the ground was instantly burned to ashes.

With the experience of the ancient corpse, burn the corpse first, otherwise, such a powerful guy will be resurrected again, they have no hope of beheading it for the second time!

After all, the most important turning point in dealing with this guy was his sneak attack, resurrection, vigilance for the sneak attack, and whether or not he can overcome it may not be!


Burning the corpse, Nie Yun and others were relieved, looked at each other, and saw a smile from each other's face.

I have to say that ∞ ← was just now, I was too dangerous, I was a little careless, and I lost all over!


Nie Yun fell to the ground.

The pressure on my heart disappeared, and then I felt endless tiredness, and my eyes seemed to be unable to open. A punch with Baizhe destroyed most of the vitality in his body. If it hadn't already been promoted to the rank of prince, I'm afraid he's dead now.

"Birth of wood!"

Try not to get into the coma. Nie Yun mobilized Mu Sheng Qi to restore physical strength.

Immediately afterwards, various shouts came from his ears. Among them, the voice of "Master Nie Yun" was the closest to him and was the loudest.

However, at this time, he was weak and had no strength, even his eyelids could not be opened, and he could only continue to recover from the injury.

Although the spirit of Mu Sheng can make a person from a serious injury to health instantly, but this time the injury was too severe, and there are countless dark strength left by Bai Zhe in his body. Only by expelling these things can we gradually recover.


Closing his eyes, Nie Yun is slowly adjusting the power to expel the dark energy left by his opponent. Suddenly, a powerful force came from his arm and hit his body instantly!

Feeling this power, his face changed.

The golden blood that had melted into the arm before, actually attacked at this time!

Golden blood, like highly toxic, has a great corrosive effect on human soul and strength. After breaking through the queen, although this corrosion has slowed down, it has not been completely removed. Nie Yun originally planned to accompany the enhancement of strength. Solve it a little bit, or ask Lingtai Lingyue to find a solution. I never dreamed that the combat injury just was too serious. No longer able to resist the toxicity!

Suddenly, the venomous power of drowsiness came to my mind. Nie Yun only said one thing in his heart, he couldn't help but get dark. He fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Before going into a coma, I heard several winds, and it seemed that many people came to him and shouted their names anxiously, but he didn't know anything.

I do not know how long, Nie Yun slowly woke up.

This time, he lay flat on a soft bed. There was no battlefield or aliens in front of him, but countless flowers with fragrant smell.

"Where is this? How is my health ..."

Nie Yun did not stand up, but looked inside the soul to observe the situation inside the body.

"How could this be?"

The spirit looked around in the body, and Nie Yun immediately looked depressed.

His injury was almost healed, but the kind of golden blood containing venom had already broken his arm and ran into his body!

This situation is equivalent to the highly toxic drug that has penetrated into the bone marrow. Even if he has the power to block the king, there is no way to solve it!

"Is it going to be poisoned as soon as it breaks through the king?"

Nie Yun was helpless.

I just broke through the title of the king, and thought that the strength was great. This situation happened unexpectedly, and it was helpless to think about it.

"Huh? No, my body is not in a big way ..."

My heart was a little unwilling, and suddenly there was a flash of light in my mind.

No, the poison of golden blood is integrated into the whole body, even the bone marrow is stained. According to the truth, it should no longer be able to wake up and die directly. Why ... These poisons stopped on it and did not continue to erode his soul, heart?

"Someone helped me seal these poisons ..."

Thinking of this, Nie Yun saw the situation inside his body.

It seems that some people have sealed up these poisonous poisons by great means. These poisonous gases cannot move in a short time!

This way, although he can have a worry-free life in a short time, his overall strength is equivalent to being completely suppressed and cannot be used!

That is to say ... besides his physical body, the power of the king he just broke through cannot be used at all. Once used, the seal will break, and the poisonous invasion will cause death.

"I didn't expect I would have this day ..."

He shook his head with a bitter smile, pushed the bedside with his palm, and sat up gently. Nie Yun looked up.

There was a huge garden in front of him. Someone seemed to hear his waking voice. When the air moved, several figures flew over.

The first one is Nie Tong.

"Where is this? How is the alien?"

Nie Yun hurriedly asked.

At this time, Nie Tong's injuries were fully recovered, and his spirit was full. After the previous battle, it seemed that he had touched a certain trance again and would break through at any time.

"After Bai Zhe was killed, the remaining aliens are not worried and have been killed by us all!"

Nie Tong was busy.

"Slay all?"

Nie Yun was relieved.

Since he said so, all those aliens must have died.

Although the remaining aliens are united, although the fighting power is not weak, the death of Baizhe, the King of Golden Blood, and the King of Sarcoma must have dealt a great blow to them. There are no dragons, and naturally they can no longer stop Nie Tong and others!

It's definitely only a matter of time to be beheaded ~ www.readwn.com ~ How long have I been unconscious? "

My heart moved and I thought of a problem.

Nie Tong's injuries were intact and all the aliens were beheaded. According to the situation, it should be a lot of time!

"Three months! My brother has been unconscious for three months!"

Hearing the inquiry, Nie Yun hesitated, said.

"Three months?"

Nie Yun was stunned. Since his rebirth, in addition to Nirvana, he has never experienced such a coma for so long. It seems that the original injury was really serious, and the golden blood was very toxic.

"What about Yue Er?"

Knowing how long he was in a coma, he felt a sigh in his heart, and Nie Yun looked up, glanced at the crowd, and his eyebrows couldn't help wrinkling.

Among the group of people in front of them, there was no Yantai Lingyue.

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