Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1856: Gone to the interracial?

"She ... went to find a solution to the golden venom on you!" Nie Tong hesitated, said.

"Looking for a solution to the venom? It seems that the poisonous gas on me should be her seal!"

When I heard Lingtai Lingyue ran for her, Nie Yun felt warmth in her heart.

The other party forgets the past and can do this, it is a good start.

"Lingyue sister-in-law tells you to take a good rest during this period of time, do not use your strength, otherwise, once the poison gas is completely resolved, I am afraid there is no way to cure it," Nie Tong explained.

"Relax, I won't be reckless!" Nie Yun smiled, suddenly remembered something, raised her eyebrows: "How about the seal? Has the alien invaded again in these three months?"

This is what he is most worried about.

I learned a lot from the mouth of the King of Sarcoma, and understand that these invaders belonged to a force called Putian. This strength is unmatched. Baizhe is so powerful that it may not be a master in this force!

I beheaded and killed so many people. Once I was informed of this power, I sent a team over again, and even as long as I sent a master with more than 100 philosophers, Chaos Ocean would not be able to bear it, and fell into a huge disaster!

"The seal Lingyue Bitch has been re-reinforced, there is no alien invasion at present, you can rest assured!"

Tong Nie Tong smiled.

"Can't be taken lightly, these aliens seem to have a huge organization and must be prepared in advance ..."

Seeing that he didn't care a little, Nie Yun warned.

"it is good!"

Knowing that his brother will always be targeted, Nie Tong nodded: "Brother, you have just recovered. Take a good rest!"

"No, I haven't moved in such a long time. Let's do some activities!"

Nie Yun smiled and went out.

I was unconscious for three months. He felt a bit stiff in his entire body.

"Well, where is this? Why haven't I ever seen such a place in the Three Realms?"

I took a few steps forward and Nie Yun stopped.

There are all kinds of vegetation and flowers in the mountains and fields in front of my eyes, and an elegant air is produced in the air, which is very smelly.

Although the time to enter the Three Realms is relatively short, I have been to many places. I have seen this kind of place for the first time.

"This is ..." Nie Tong was awkward and hesitated for a moment. I don't know how to answer.

"This is Lingxiu Mountain ..."

A voice in the crowd saw him unable to answer, said.

"Lingxiu Mountain?" Nie Yun blinked, glanced at Nie Tong, and looked at the Emperor Lingxiu in the crowd, and laughed.

"This ... The Emperor Lingxiu said that this place is suitable for healing, and the environment is good, so I will bring you here ..." Seeing his smile was strange, Nie Tong quickly explained.

"I know ..." Nie Yun didn't ask much.

No matter what the purpose of Nie Tong is, he can bring himself here. It shows that the relationship with Emperor Lingxiu has improved, at least in a good direction.

For Nie Tong, he has always felt a lot of deficits, starting from previous lives. As an elder brother, he didn't take good care of him, but was always taken care of by him. Now he has become a generation king, accompanied by such beautiful women. It's a good ending.

Of course, it still takes time to be able to come together with Emperor Lingxiu. For Nie Yun, being together is really perfect.

"How about Chaos King, Lore King?"

After walking for a while, Nie Yun suddenly remembered that he had not seen the two kings, and could not help but feel strange.

At this time, the chaotic ocean may be attacked by aliens at any time. The top strength should be gathered together in accordance with normal conditions and ready to fight at any time. Why are these two kings and many strong men missing?

He and even Yan Hui's leader were not there.


Tong Nie Tong scratched his head and spoke in a lingering manner. He did not say a word after half a day.

"What's wrong? Is something hiding from me?" Nie Yun frowned.

"No ... Yes, brother, you can rest assured, how can there be something to hide from you ..." Nie Tong smiled embarrassingly and quickly bowed his head.

When he saw this look, Nie Yun jumped in his heart. Nie Tong is his brother. He is most familiar. However, although he has now become King Shura, his status has increased countless times. The relationship between the two is still simple. Brother's affection, under this kind of feeling, the other party concealed and did not conceal himself.

When he lied, he never dared to look directly into his eyes, which is obviously the case now.

"Since you don't want to say it, I'll find the answer myself!"

I didn't see him, Nie Yun knew he must have had troubles, and stared at his younger brother: "I'll ask you the first question ... Where does Lingtai go to find a solution to the venom?"

I realized that the other party had something to hide, and all kinds of thoughts turned in my head, and I already understood a lot of things.

As a king of the sky, Lingtai Lingyue can control the entire chaotic ocean. If there is a solution in the ocean that can solve his venom, it won't take long to find it. It is impossible to spend time to find it!

I further said that although I don't know where Chaos King and others have gone, it is certainly related to this matter if we look at Nie Tong's appearance, otherwise Nie Tong will not be so supportive!

After all, if it is to deal with alien races, there is no need to conceal it. Even if Nie Yun's strength is unavailable now, physical power can still be used. Based on the physical soul alone, he also has the king's combat power and can do many things.

"She went ... went ..."

Tan Nie Tong's face rose to red, speechless.

"Hmm? Where did you go?"

Seeing his brother's behavior, Nie Yun raised his eyebrows, and his heart gave an ominous premonition.

I ca n’t help it ... the guess just now?

The whole body muscles are tightened ~ www.readwn.com ~ The fist is raised involuntarily, and the voice is a little trembling: "Did she ... have gone to the alien race?"

Unlocking the bell still needs to be a bell person. The golden venom on his body is caused by the strong aliens. If you really want to solve it, the ocean of chaos may be difficult to find a way. The only way is to aliens!

But the alien master is like a cloud. No one knows what the situation is, and he is not ready to enter it. The danger is so great!

Even if Lingtai Lingyue is the king of the sky, I am afraid that if she accidentally falls, it will be difficult to save!

"Brother ..."

Tong Nie Tong's face tightened, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"Yes or no!"

Xie Nieyun ignored his hesitation, his gaze was like electricity.

"Yes!" Hesitated for a moment, Nie Tong knew he couldn't hide his brother and had to admit it.

"Go to the alien? How did you get there? Was it through the seal? How so reckless!"

Although Gu guessed in her heart, when she heard the other party's confirmation, Nie Yun was still nervous and anxious.

I am not a strong player like Baizhe in the alien race.

(Today's mid-term exam proctor, half-tired, and encountered a jam again, the whole person is about to collapse. Don't urge me, let me take a good look. If it has not been updated after 10:30, today will be a chapter ... Sorry!) [To be continued, this text is provided by The Shining Shadows Group @ 影 承. Bring on @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 仙 波]

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