Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1861: Be identified

In front of them were a few young children, holding rough bows and arrows in their hands, and the arrows were facing them, staring at each other, like the enemy.

孩子 These children are only eleven or two years old. They have rough clothes and bare feet. They should belong to hunters in the mountains, but they are full of energy, and their thin bodies contain powerful energy.

"Sovereign level?"

I saw that these ten-year-old children all had the level of suzerain, and the two brothers looked at each other, and they felt that their brains could not be turned.

I was so shocked!

From clothing and clothing, these people obviously do not have good cultivation conditions. In this case, they all have the strength of the suzerain. Once they practice, how strong should they be?

"We ... are the drug collectors and accidentally lost ..."

Qi Nieyun said quickly in imitation of the other's tone.

I just arrived here, and he didn't want to get into trouble. Although these children only have the suzerainty level, it's nothing to him, but what if there is a master behind him?

I further said that inquiring about the news is Wang Yidao. To avoid fighting, it is best to avoid it.

"Pill picker?" A few children blinked and looked at each other with mocking smiles: "Who are you fooling? Can the picker not know [Lianlianguo]?"

"Ground lotus fruit?"

Nie Yun blinked.

I do n’t need to ask, the fruit in my hand is definitely there.

"The lotus fruit is extremely bitter and inedible, we all know that the drug collector will not know it!" A child hummed.

这 "This ..." Nie Yun was a little embarrassed. He ate it even when he was hungry. How could he think of such bright fruits on the surface, but the taste was so bitter?

I had to scratch my head awkwardly: "We lost our way and we were so hungry. So ... we ate something ..."

"No nonsense, I think you must be the spy of [Luoshan Department], grab it and give it to Uncle Guan Ling and let him handle it!"

One of the children shouted loudly.

孩子 This child is half head taller than everyone else, and his face is slightly dark. With an animal skin on his body, he seemed to be the leader of the crowd.

好 "Okay, it's not a good person to look at them sneakily, catch them!"

The other children should also say one at a time, each holding up the bow and arrow in his hand, Nie Yun and the two as long as they can not come down. They will throw arrows.

"Come on, someone may ... can inquire some news!"

Nie Yun did not want to have branches outside the festival, so he jumped down from the tree with Nie Tong.

Since there are so many children in this place, and what kind of mountain department is mentioned, there must be a tribe here. Maybe ask a lot of things.

However, it is indeed inferior that the two powerful kings of the great court were captured by a group of children as captives.

"We don't resist, you don't use bows and arrows to force you ... the first time we two heard of the Mountain Department, we didn't know ..."

I came to the crowd, Nie Yun explained.

I ca n’t explain it, just in case these arrows can't keep hitting him. It's not good.

"Don't know the Mountain Division? Whether you know it or not, come with us ..." The leader's child hesitated to see him say this. The pretense added calmly: "Don't think about running away, here you can't escape!"

"Yes, yes, we will not escape ..."

Nie Yun said quickly.

"Let's go!"

Seeing the two captives so cooperative, a few children were full of joy. Take them along the mountain road into the forest.

孩子 The strength of these children is not high, and there is not much to hide about the soul fluctuations. Very well captured, Nie Yun and Nie Tonglu deliberately asked them to speak. In a short time, they learned a lot of language.

人 The language of these people is the same as that of the people who invaded the alien race. At the time, the golden kings didn't talk much, so they didn't learn much. Now with these people talking, it is not too difficult to really learn.

I walked all the way, bypassing a mountain bag, and saw a dense forest in front of me.

的 The trees here can't be named, each of them has a thickness of two people, inserted into the sky, and can't see the top at a glance.

As I passed by, I talked on the trunk, and Nie Yun's face changed.

The trunks of these trees, even without refining, have reached the level of half-step dominating the soldiers, that is, just cutting a branch on this tree and throwing them to the Three Realms are the same as half-step dominating the soldiers. Countless people are crazy about it.

The branches and leaves of the cypress trees are enlarged, covering the sky, and blocking all the light from the sky. Although being a strong king, walking in it, Nie Yun and Nie Tongxi still felt a bit of cold involuntarily.

Yi Yi is similar to the half-step master soldier in the branches, wouldn't he say ... the toughness of many ore has surpassed the master soldier?

No wonder you can make true blood crowns and other princes. The material of this world is incomparable to the chaotic ocean.

I walked in the dense forest for a while, and it turned out that I saw a small tribe. The houses stacked with rocks and wood seemed a little humble.

"What's wrong? Who are these two?"

He walked a few steps inward, and before he came to the house, he heard a thunderous voice ringing, and then a figure strode over.

人 This figure is very tall, more than two meters tall, and his eyes are like lanterns, shining with bright golden light.

"Half-step Feng Wang Qiang?"

I glanced at each other, and Nie Yun's heart moved.

The brawny man in front of him is actually a half-step king. Although he is slightly inferior to himself now, a small tribe in the forest sees such a strong man, which makes him unable to describe it with shock.

"Uncle Guan Ling, these two guys were caught by us on the lotus fruit tree just now, and they are eating the lotus fruit. I suspect it is the spy of Luoshan Ministry!"

The former leader's child was slightly idyllic.

"Eating lotus fruits?"

壮 The brawny man, who is called Guanling, made a slight mistake and waved to the children: "You go home first, and these two people will give me the treatment!"


The children seemed to be very convinced by this strong man ~ www.readwn.com ~ Listen to him say, no more nonsense, ran to the room in front of him, and disappeared after a while.

"What are you two ...?"

Although Guan Guanling was physically strong, he was not stupid. Naturally, they saw that Nie Yun and the two did not belong to the so-called "Mountain Department" and asked directly.

"We ... accidentally got lost, we came here!"

Nie Yundao.

迷 "Lost? Don't hide me, you don't even know the lotus fruits, and eat them directly ... If I guess correctly, you should be people from other small worlds, right?"

He Guanling smiled, his eyes brightened, as if seeing through the identity of the two.


When he heard the other person's identity, Nie Yun's face tightened and his face changed immediately.

He is really afraid of what is coming. Is it because he ate a lotus fruit and was seen by the other person at a glance?

With his fist clenched, Nie Yun's eyes flashed, revealing a cold mang.

(Khan, a reader said today that what is eaten in the world of things ca n’t be eaten outside, wo n’t they go in to eat? Keke, it ’s really my negligence, but ... if it ’s normal, it ’s inside Eat enough, there is too little aura in the food, and you will continue to be hungry outside.)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @kirlin trace". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】

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