Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1862: Universe Divine Realm

"Don't worry, nothing else comes from the small world. I'm not those defenders. What will happen to you?"

I seem to see Nie Yun's nervousness, and said.

"I don't know what you say ..."

Although the other party said it was nothing, Nie Yun was not assured, and his mouth did not admit it.

对方 Anyway, the other party can't detect it, as long as he doesn't admit that he can't help it. If the other party really has a way to confirm it, Nie Tong will be shot to kill him!

"Don't deny that after living for so many years, is it a person born and raised in the universe of God, I can still see it!" Guan Ling smiled and looked at Nie Yun and said: "Relax, there are countless counties in this world every year The people in the small world are coming, one or two more, nothing! "


Nie Yun and Nie Tong looked at each other.

Through dialogue and manners, Nie Yun can clearly feel that the other party really has no other meaning, and there is some doubt in her heart.

"Nie Tong, always be ready to kill this man, don't leave any traces!"

Hesitating for a while, Nie Yun whispered quietly, but people looked at Guan Ling and laughed: "Since you say this, I will not hide it. We do come from other small worlds. Just here, many things are not Understood, maybe a joke! "

The other party has doubted himself, instead of confessing it, it is better to admit it. Once you see that he has a ventilating report, or wants to summon people, kill him directly!

Even if I get in a lot of trouble because of this, there is nothing I can do.

After all, once their identities are revealed, to the aliens who rushed into the ocean of chaos before, the ending will definitely be more miserable.

"I said. People who are born and raised in the world of God can't even know the lotus fruits and eat them! Well, don't be nervous, don't have to think about killing people, whether they are from a native or other small world. Now all the creatures in the universe of God, I will not ask for trouble! "

The two brothers' uncle's vigilance was read out by the intimidation. The brave man grinned, his eyes and manners were unabashed.

"Uh ... it's my villain's heart!"

Seeing the laughter of the other party is hearty and bright, from the heart. Without the slightest concealment, Nie Yun knew that the other party should have no other thoughts. It really had to be. This man's acting skills were too high, and his strength was certainly not just half-step.

Can't stand it. In such a small place, it is very powerful to have one and a half steps to block the king, and there is another powerful blocker to the king. It is estimated that both of them will collapse.

"It's no wonder you are so concerned, many people who come here from small worlds will do this ..."

Wu Guanling smiled.

"You just said about the small world ... and the universe of the gods ... I don't understand something, can you introduce us?"

Since the other party is not malicious, Nie Yun is not disguising. Ask the questions in your heart.

From his words, you can hear that this world should not refuse to enter the small world. And this group is not small.

"The universe of the gods of the universe is our present world, and the creatures are divided into the native gods of the universe and the outsiders ..." Guan Ling also talked directly.

Nie Yun and others listened carefully for a while before they figured out what was going on.

The so-called world of the Hei tribe is called the universe of the gods, and the souls here are born and raised here. Known as the Universal Protoss.

世界 The creatures of this world are not only native people, but also some of them. Coming from other small worlds.

The people of the Huanyu Protoss consider themselves orthodox in the world, and those from these small worlds are not to be outdone. Over time, two camps formed.

Although the people of the small world are not of good origin, they have excellent talents one by one, and their cultivation speed is also very fast. Originally, they did not have a high status in the world of the gods, but after the establishment of the alliance, they quickly gathered a bunch of masters. , And finally won the corresponding status for these people.

In other words, no one from the small world dares to get in trouble even if they show their identity here.

However, there is no absolute truth in the world, and there are some defenders who think that the people in the small world are country hooligans from the countryside. They are making troubles everywhere, and they have set up an assassination team to deal with the kind of people who have just come out of the small world. People who understand the rules of the Universe.

Although Guan Guanling is a native of the Universal Protoss, he has no resistance to small world practitioners. On the contrary, he has a good opinion of people in the small world, so he is so enthusiastic.

"Say this ... we still have to hide our identities and don't let others know that we came out of a small world?"

When I heard Guan Ling's words, Nie Yun did not expect that there were so many small worlds, let alone that there was such an organization in this universe of gods.

If there are such people, it seems that he and Nie Tong must be careful, in case they are found, with their current strength, they must not escape the assassination!

"Yeah, but if you really want to be safe, just get your identity!" Guan Ling said: "Did you not tell you just now, people from the small world have also established an organization no less than the Universal Protoss, as long as Join it and become a member, your life will have its protection, those organizations of the defenders dare not deal with it! Because this is the agreement between the peak forces, who wants to destroy, spur the war between the two sides, no one can afford it! "

"Oh? How do I get this identity?"

The two looked at each other, and Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

I will talk about this status no matter how I get it, so that I can walk this so-called universal world of God.

"This identity is called [Borderless Guard]. I want to join it and I heard that it needs to be assessed, but ... I do n’t know what the assessment is. I just heard people say that there is such a thing. If I want to know the exact news, I have to ask about it ! "

Wu Guanling hesitated.

"Boundless Guard?" Nie Yun nodded, secretly keeping things in mind.

No matter where you go, you can get a better identity by first getting the right identity ~ www.readwn.com ~ In this world of God, there can be strong people like Baizhe, and there must be more powerful experts. The strength of the two of them is in chaos. The ocean is unstoppable, but here, it is only better than ordinary people, so you must be careful.

别 "Don't stand here, here are all visitors, follow me to the tribe first, the patriarch is very hospitable, I'm sure to see you!"

I chatted for a while and laughed.

"Well, I'm disturbing ..."

I thought for a moment, and Nie Yun nodded in agreement.

虽然 Although they have eaten lotus fruits and blocked hunger just now, they are actually eating nothing. Besides, they do n’t know much about this world. It ’s better to inquire about it for a while and get more useful information if they do n’t.

"Yes, ask you something ... About three months ago, did a few people from the small world pass by here?"

After taking a few steps, Nie Yun suddenly thought of something and looked nervously at Guan Ling.

(I'm still sorry, I changed it today. After listening to the morning lecture in the morning and cleaning the afternoon in the afternoon, I was going crazy. In addition, the new map needs to be set, it's really indifferent, I hope everyone forgive me!) to be continued)*



◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 天珠 那 变". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 雨 爱 亭)

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