Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1863: 9 major forces

The first thing to come here is to find people in the field of Yantai. If you only think that this is a simple alien, you don't feel anything later. Now that you understand that this is a bigger world, you can't help but worry.

Anyway, if you find people, you can work together to be safer.

"Three months ago? No, even if there is, you may not be able to find that Luoluo Mountain traverses millions of kilometers, so you happened to encounter it ..."

Ill shake his head.

"This is ..."

Nie Yun's expression faded.

For a mountain traversing millions of kilometers, it is not unusual to lose tens of thousands of people, let alone a few!

Besides, when Lingtai Lingyue and others first came in, I was afraid that, like them, I was afraid they would be found by other people, so try to avoid it, so that others would not find it.

"Patriarch, these two are from a small world, passing here!"

Knowing that there was no news about Lingyue in the other party, Nie Yun stopped asking more and talked about many things in the world of God in the world. After a while, the three entered a huge courtyard and shouted.


An old man in a black robe came out and saw Nie Yun smile with a smile: "Come in!"

This old man is the patriarch of the tribe where Guan Ling is located. His strength is only the dominant level, which is a big difference from Guan Ling. However, he is highly respected and respected by ¤, w︾ww.

Entering the room, the patriarch prepared a banquet, and Nie Yun was indeed very hungry. He was not polite and had a full meal.

During the meal, I got to know each other and had a good chat. Nie Yun and Nie Tong also finally understood why they were identified by each other after eating a lotus fruit.

Ground lotus is bitter and unpalatable, and has little effect on people. In other words, even though it looks good. The actual effect is almost the same as the root of the tree, even before.

Not far from them there are edible weeds and mountain fruit, but these two people eat "tree roots", and blind people can surely guess that they don't know ground lotus fruit at all, and they are certainly not the world of gods. Homegrown creatures.

"Two newcomers to the world of the gods should be unfamiliar with everything. I don't think it's better to join our tribe ... it's not too late to go out when the strength is strong!"

After chatting for a while, the relationship gradually became harmonious. The patriarch frowned and said with a smile.

"Join your tribe?"

Nie Yun knew for a moment why Guan Ling and the patriarch had such a good attitude.

It seems that Guan Ling should have seen that he and Nie Tong are strong and want to solicit.

Through the conversation just now, he also knows some things. The tribes living in the mountains and forests like them, the main source of life is hunting. The beasts of the universe of the gods all have physical constitutions beyond the gods and it is very difficult to kill. . Males and powerful people become extremely important.

For example, Guan Ling, the reason why he receives so many children's admiration, is that he is superior in strength and can bring many prey to every hunt.

Except for hunting. There are other tribes in the forest, just like the hill-down part mentioned earlier. These tribes have overlapping hunting ranges and division of spheres of influence. Conflicts often arise in order to resolve them. War is unavoidable, so. No matter which tribe, they hope to recruit some powerful people.

People born and raised in the world of the Protoss are definitely dismissive of these small tribes and will not join them. Therefore, they can only find small world people who have just come here and do not understand anything.

Because of this, Guan Ling and the Patriarch are so enthusiastic.

"This ... we and our companions are lost. I'm afraid it's impossible to find them and join the tribe! But ... you can stay here for a few days!"

Nie Yun hesitated, said.

He decided to stay for a few days for three reasons. First, he knew too little about the universe of the world of God. Staying here, he can learn more about the habits and behaviors of these people. After leaving, he will not be recognized at first glance.

Secondly, Nie Tong just whispered quietly. The cultivation that he was about to break out was a little bit eager, and it seemed that he would break through at any time! Regardless of the way forward, if you break through the first floor, you will have one more security. Of course, Nie Yun is willing to wait a few more days.

Third, Lingtai Lingyue and others have entered here for more than three months. If no accidents have occurred, they will have left Luoyang Mountain long ago. Even if they step up their efforts, they may not be able to catch up. Rather than find a direction, act rashly, and It is better to know more about it and sharpen the firewood!

"Just a few days?"

When the patriarch heard this, the anticipation in his eyes disappeared, but he smiled and nodded at the same time: "Welcome! If you want to stay for a few days, if you really want to leave, just say, I will let you be sent away!"

"So disturb me!"

Seeing the other side's attitude, Nie Yun nodded secretly in the heart of the two because they did not join the tribe.

It seems that this so-called "foreign" is not everyone is cruel and killing, there are also good people.

"Yes, I don't know if the patriarch has any knowledge of the many forces in the universe of the world of God. Can you tell us?"

Nie Yun asked.

They ca n’t live here for a long time. They definitely want to go to the big stage of the universe of the universe. Knowing a lot of forces in advance will be helpful in the future. Of course, the most important thing is that he wants to know what the so-called Putian vein belongs to. Level of power.

"In the world of God, I only know about the nine forces. I do n’t know the specific nine ... Our ancestors in Qingshan Department are all in Luojing Mountain and have never been out. I do n’t know how many years the ancestors passed down to the outside. Not many! "

The patriarch's face was a little awkward.

As a native of the world, he was not very clear about the division of power in his world, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"Nine forces?" Nie Yun thought.

Seeing the appearance of the patriarch should not be intentional concealment, it should be really unknown, after all, it is isolated from the world here, and it is not easy to know outside information.

"Then ... you should know the division of power here? Can you explain it?"

After a pause, Nie Yun asked.

The other party doesn't know the division of forces, and should always know the practice level!

"Let me do it!" Guan Ling smiled: "The levels of training in the world of God are divided into king, emperor, and emperor! They are the so-called king realm, emperor realm, and emperor strong! The great forces are all behemoths with the presence of the great emperor! "

"Emperor level?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

Earlier, when I met with other races, I heard them say that Putian the Great, isn't it possible that this so-called Putian is a master of the Great class?

If this is the case, is it possible to make this so-called universal pulse, one of the nine forces?

"Yeah, each of these three levels has five levels of lower, middle, upper, peak, and perfection! Taking the kingdom of kings as an example, it is divided into the king of the lower grade, the king of the upper grade, the king of the upper grade, the king of the peak, and the king of completeness!"

The indignation continued.

"Five levels? It seems that this kingdom should be at the same level as the King of Chaos Ocean ..."

Hearing each other's words, Nie Yun speculated.

Previously, he felt that the powerful kings had ranks. For example, the King of Chaos and Chaos were both lower in power than he and Nie Tong. Baizhe was also a king, but the real power was far superior to them.

"If the speculation is correct, the Chaos King and the Lore King should be the strong king of the lower grade. Although his strength was not sealed, although he is also the lower grade king, the combat power is comparable to the middle grade king. Nie Tong is a real middle grade king. Baizhe is most likely the top king! "

Knowing the classification, Nie Yun quickly divided the known strength.

It's no wonder that Baizhe didn't look down on the crowd at the time, and he could show such a powerful power that he was a superior king.

Separating the level, Nie Yun was secretly shocked.

A superior king almost destroyed Chaos Ocean, not to mention the emperor level, the peak king, the complete king, I am afraid they can make them instantly fly ash, no ability to resist.

No wonder those aliens feel that they are sitting in a well and watching the sky as soon as they enter the chaotic ocean. They do not know the size of the heavens and the earth. They are real indigenous people. Now it seems that this is indeed the case!

"This is the division of the universe. To those of you who are ascended from a small world, basically do not follow this level!"

Irrigation Road.

"Oh? Ascension, are there other levels?"

Nie Yun does not exclude the word "Ascension". After knowing the vastness and greatness of this universe of the gods, he also knows that coming to this place with his strength is no different from that when the floating heavens entered the spirit world.

"It's not the level. Didn't I tell you about the borderless guard before?" Guan Ling smiled. "This is a small world comer. The rules set are only six levels, which are the so-called one-star, two-star, three-star ... All the way to the Six Stars! The Six Star Boundless Guards are basically masters of the imperial realm. As long as the great emperor does not shoot, no one can be beaten! "

"Six Star Borderless ..."

Nie Yun nodded, keeping these things in mind again.

"As long as joining the Borderless will give badges, the Borderless Union will also have records. The higher the level, the higher the enjoyment of the treatment, and the more respect it will naturally receive! Of course, the Borderless is not so good to join, the worst strength , I'm afraid they all need the strength of Wang Jing! "

Said Wang Jing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Guan Ling had envy in his eyes.

Although he can be called the first master in this Qingshan Department, his real strength is only half a step away from the king. There is still a long way to go before the real kingship.

"The worst is king strength?"

Nie Yun shouted.

The King of the Kings is the strongest in the Chaos Ocean. Here, he is only enough to join the threshold of the Boundary Guard. This force is indeed terrible.

"Grandpa, I heard a guest came? Where is it? Let me see ..."

Nie Yun said with emotion, just wanting to continue to inquire about the universe of God, he heard a loud voice spread into the room, and then "squeaked", a figure came in from outside.

It is a girl, seventeen or eight years old, with big eyes and awesome eyes. When she entered the room, her eyes fell on the brothers Nie Yun and Nie Tong.

(There is a second chapter, coming later!)

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