Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1865: Waner?

At this time the sky was dark and everything was silent. This figure was like a ghost, hidden in a dark curtain.

"Did the guardians of the Universe know about us?"

Nie Yun frowned.

Looking at the other person's appearance, it was obviously not good intentions. He and Nie Tonggang just came here and wanted to shoot at them, I am afraid only those so-called guardians!

"Willn't it be the insult, the patriarch betray us?"

As his face sank, Nie Yun's eyes flickered.

Could it be that the performances of Guan Ling and the patriarch were false, and the two of them were intentionally left here in order to inform the guardians?

He hadn't thought about this before, and he kept watching carefully. To tell the truth, the attitude and manner of the two were fine. If he didn't even see it, their acting skills would be too great.

"Ignore it first, it's better to start first, it's better to catch it and ask what's going on!"

These thoughts flashed in my head. Nie Yun turned his head and glanced at his brother, knowing that he was on the edge of the breakthrough and could not be disturbed. His body was vertical like a leaf, slowly falling in the courtyard, a little, the whole People are already hiding in the corner.

Although the cultivation in his body cannot be used, the muscle strength can be exerted at will.

His muscle strength has not yet reached the level of the king, but he is infinitely close. With many methods, although not as powerful as before, he also has at least the early period of the king.

The masked man outside the wall, I do not know what secret method to hide his breath and cultivation, people can not see, but according to his guess, it should not have reached the level of the king.

Hiding in the corner, Nie Yun didn't move, but held his breath. The whole person is quiet like a stone.

The power in the body cannot be used. It is not easy to hide it as before. Instead of rushing to kill, it is better to wait for the rabbit. Take it easy.

After waiting for dozens of breaths, the shadows outside really couldn't wait, and the body turned upside down.

"This guy……"

Seeing the other party turned in, Nie Yun could not help laughing.

I thought the other party was a master, but I did not expect to be a rookie. The normal killer, who hurriedly entered other people's dwellings, must first investigate the presence of seals, ambushes, traps and the like everywhere. This dark shadow turned over directly and stared directly at the door. I didn't even look at the back road, it was too unprofessional!

Could this guy be so confident in his strength?

Strangely, Nie Yun walked out from the dark place.


Immediately when he came behind the man in black, the latter was suddenly alert, his arm turned sharply, and his palm split.

"This strength is also a killer?"

Seeing the attack from the other side, Nie Yun's face was strange. The strength of this guy didn't even reach the master. This level of palm power has no impact on him.

Although just came to the world of God. But through conversations with Guan Ling and others, we already know this world's strength level. If it is really a killer, at least it must be about half a step ahead of the patriarch. What kind of strength is this?

"Don't move, I'll kill you!"

Body stroke. Nie Yun has escaped the attack of the opponent and stretched his right hand. Hold each other's neck from behind.

Dodge the attack and come behind you. Then he squeezed the other person's neck in one go, in one go, flowing, without slacking, and even the shadow didn't understand what was going on, he already fell into his palm.

"Who sent you here and what do you want?"

In a move to subdue the man in black, Nie Yun snorted coldly, his fingers stiffened.

Originally, the man in black still wanted to move, but was stopped by the strength of his fingers.

People in black may have discovered that they were discovered and stopped just as soon as they turned in.

"Woo ..." The man in black was about to speak, and footsteps came from outside the yard.

And listen to more than one.

Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, and the other hand immediately covered his mouth: "Dare to speak, I will kill you!"

After speaking, no longer care about each other, ears raised to listen to the movement outside.

Although I do n’t know the time, it is already midnight to see the darkness of the sky. At this time, a man in black with so many footsteps, what do you want to do?


My heart was wondering, footsteps had reached the yard, and then I heard the knock on the door.

"Brother Nie Yun, have you rested yet?" Guan Ling's voice sounded.

"Oh, not yet. It's so late. I wonder what's going on with me?"

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, Nie Yun frowned.

"Woohoo ..."

It seemed that when he heard the outside movement, the man in black was about to talk, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, and he squeezed his fingers around his neck.


The man in black seemed to know that he would die at any time, and he didn't know where to develop courage. When he rolled his elbow, he shot at Nie Yun.


Nie Yun was very close to the other side. How could he hit him, his body flicked forward, avoiding the blow from his elbow, and grabbed the other arm with a light grasp.

Just wanting to ask the other party what he did not know what was going on, Nie Yun suddenly froze.

Just now the action was fast, and the two were close. They had to hold each other from the front and lock each other. In this way, their arms would inevitably surround them, and immediately he found something wrong.

The two soft things under the other's chest, holding his arms, made him stagger slightly.

I always thought that the man in black was a man in front of me, and now I felt the elasticity of my chest ... Could it be a woman?

However, after a moment's sleep, Nie Yun calmed down again, regardless of whether the other party was male or female. If he wanted to deal with him, he had to pay enough.

Move your finger and tear off the opposite towel.


When the face towel fell to the ground, Nie Yun looked at it and wanted to find out who was so bold. This strength dared to come to trouble, and at a glance, his face froze again.

"Miss Waner?"

The ~ www.readwn.com ~ that appeared in front of me was not someone else. It was the same shameless gentleman that I encountered in the patriarch's room before.

Taking a few steps back in a hurry, Nie Yun let go of the other party.

Now I am a guest in the opposite tribe, and someone is outside the door. Once someone is seen holding the patriarch's granddaughter in his arms and holding each other's ... Hehe, I think it makes sense to think.

To be honest, if Xiu Wei is still there, it doesn't need to be so troublesome to deal with this Waner. The strength can be shot at will, and he can be sealed at will. Now only physical strength is left, and only close-handed combat is so embarrassing.

Looking up at the other side, only to see this Miss Waner's face was ugly, his eyes stared at him.

As a woman, no matter how careless you are, the attacked chest will definitely be unhappy.

"Brothers Nie Yun, tonight is the bonfire festival of our tribe. I wonder if you are interested in participating ..."

Just when Nie Yun was at a loss, the sound of gongling outside was loud. (To be continued)

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