Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1866: Bonfire festival


I glanced at Miss Wan'er in front of me, and Nie Yun was a little tangled and didn't know what to do.

别 "Don't say I'm here ..."

Seeing his expression, Wan'er was afraid of what he said, and hurriedly lowered his voice, with a plea on his face.

No wonder she was scared. As the patriarch's only granddaughter, although she was usually carefree, she was actually the most beautiful flower in the tribe. She had never had anything to do with others. In case the tribe found that she appeared in a strange man in the middle of the night The courtyard ... can't make sense!


Nie Yun was not stupid, immediately understood the meaning of the other side, and at the same time secretly relieved.

The other person said this, it also shows that she was not here to instigate Ling, the patriarch's intention. In this case, the sudden appearance of Insulin may be a coincidence.

Although he hasn't known each other for a long time in the Qingshan Department, the other side is so enthusiastic that he doesn't believe he will deal with him anyway.

"I'll clear up before I go ..."

I understood this, Nie Yun no longer said more, shouted.

"Well, before you came to the mountain pass, hurry up, you won't be able to catch up with the late ..."

Wu Guanling laughed, and then heard footsteps getting farther and farther, until disappeared.

I was sure that the other party had indeed gone far, and Nie Yun looked at the girl in front of her.

"You come here in the middle of the night ... what are you going to do?"

Although he doesn't want to have an unpleasant trouble with this Castle Peak Department, if the other party really intends to commit wrongdoing and wants to murder their two brothers, they will certainly not let go.


Wan Waner didn't want to explain, but she saw the other person staring like a viper, and she couldn't help but have a panic in her heart: "I heard Grandpa say that people in the small world are very powerful, so I want to try ...

"It's that simple?"

Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

Keep yourself alert. Doubt this, doubt that, and the result ... is that simple?

The other person just gave birth to curiosity and wanted to try it ... I didn't expect to be arrested before entering the room.

Nie Yun did not doubt her words. Just now he deliberately released the breath on his body with a strong murderous spirit. The opponent's strength could not bear it at all. If he can lie again at this time, it is impossible to reach the master.

"I have long heard that people from the small world have extremely high talents and abilities. It seems that Lord Di Xuan came from the small world ... I want to see if you are as powerful as the legend, so ... conceal He's coming over ... "

She seemed afraid that he didn't believe it, Waner hurried.

The other party was discovered and subdued by himself before he dived in. It didn't make much sense to continue to struggle, and Nie Yun watched it carefully. The other party should only be curious for a moment, but did not expect the consequences, so he shook his head and stopped investigating, shifting the topic: "What does the bonfire festival that Guan Ling said just now?"

"There is fire to survive. The Bonfire Festival is an annual festival for our Qingshan tribe. On this day, people in the tribe will sit around the campfire, sing and dance. Carnival all night!"

Wan Waner said.


Xie Nieyun did not expect such a festival, and smiled slightly.

He would never go before he changed. But just here, you need to know more about the rules of this world, and attending this kind of gathering may better understand these native people.

"Let's go!"

I asked what was going on, and no longer said it, Nie Yun waved his hand.

Since the other party is not malicious. Definitely not beheaded, and staying here is troublesome. Might as well just let go.

"Thank you ..."

I didn't expect to let her go so soon, Waner froze for a moment. Then he bit his lip, nodded his head, and jumped out of the low wall, disappearing into the night.

She did listen to Grandpa's bragging about the Ascendant. She wanted to take a look at it, but she never dreamed of it. She was restrained as soon as she came to the yard.

Until then she understood that compared to these people, her so-called psychological superiority was nothing!

"Who can live to the top of the world in a small world, who does not experience countless battles, nine dead and a lifetime! How can a person who only stays in the mountains and can only hunt!"

Seeing Waner leave, Nie Yun shook her head and stopped paying attention.

The chief of the She clan is right. Although the Ascension was born in a less-than-authentic world, the potential is much greater than them!

Can you kill from your own world and reach the peak, which is not an old monster like the sea? This kind of person will become stronger and stronger with the passage of time even if it is lowered in a short period of time, far exceeding those flowers growing in the greenhouse.

Perhaps, those conservative Universes, because of fear of this potential, formed an assassination group to assassinate the ascendants who had just arrived.

I entered the room and saw that my brother was still practicing. For the time being, there was no problem. Nie Yun pushed the door and went out.

The outside was dark, except for one place. The fire was dazzling and the sound came from far away. It was very lively.

Don't have to look, you know it must be where the bonfire festival is.

I walked slowly, and as I approached, I saw countless people sing and dance around the bonfire, which was very lively.


Before I came, I heard a shout. The patriarch looked at it with a smile and pointed to the seat beside him.


Yun Nieyun knew that the other party asked him to do it, and sat down with a smile.

"You little world, don't you have this kind of bonfire festival?"

Patriarch Qiang came over.

"No!" Nie Yun shook his head.

"The Bonfire Festival is actually not a custom of the talents in our mountains, but a festival in the entire Vulcan realm!" The patriarch arrived.

"Vulcan Realm?"

"There are ten places in the world of Kyushu, and Vulcan Realm is one of the ten places. Everyone here believes in fire. They believe that fire gives people warmth and light, and where there is fire, strength is only there!"

She chief said.

"Ten places in Kyushu?"

Xie Nieyun does not care about fire, but cares about the so-called Kyushu and Ten Places.

"This is the geographical division of the universe of the world of God ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't think that Vulcan Realm is just one of the ten places that is not large, then you are wrong! Although ten places are smaller than any of Kyushu, they are actually boundless It ’s almost impossible to reach the imperial rank. It ’s almost impossible to cross! "

The patriarch said with a sigh of relief, "I don't know what the strength of your brother is, but when the small world comes out, it must not be too high. If you leave like this, I'm afraid this mountain will be difficult to get out! "

"Thanks to the patriarch for reminding me!"

Xie Nieyun knew that the other side was really sincere to discourage him, thanks to the fist.

"Hey, I know I can't advise you ..."

Seeing that the young boy was grateful, he still had his persistence in his eyes. The patriarch knew that he could not be discouraged and shook his head.


When the two of them were talking, they heard the dancing people in front of them, and made a sound of crickets, and looked in one direction.

Looking at them in the direction, she saw the granddaughter of the patriarch. Waner, who had just been arrested by herself, had changed her head and came over.

(The school stopped power for a day, and only started to code when I got home. It's a bit late, sorry!)




◇ [To be continued. "This text was provided by The Shining God Tuban Group @ 随风 飘 杨 2". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards on the official website. Your support is your greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @du_ 新城 @ 字 书 文)

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