Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1868: Struck


When I saw him, everyone looked weird.

Even Wan'er almost hit 趔 趄 and almost fell down. After a while, she was embarrassed and difficult to curb the anger in her heart: "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, I can't dance!"

Ignoring her anger, Nie Yun concentrated on the white handkerchief on her waist.


Wan Waner almost did not spit out blood.

She is very confident in her appearance and temperament. For a long time, there are few boys who can block her charm, which has created her somewhat arrogant character.

I originally thought that when I stepped forward and invited the other party to dance and express that kind of meaning, the other party would accept it happily. Now it seems that it is not only wrong, but also ridiculous.

The other person didn't mean it at all, even thought she was air.

"Do you ... don't know what it means to dance?"

The suffocated whole body couldn't get angry, and Waner's teeth rattled.

说 She said this, she can be regarded as a step down, just refused others, just like the princess, in the blink of an eye, she will be slapped in the blink of an eye, whoever feels embarrassed.

"I know, I didn't like you ..."

Nie Yun knew what the other party meant, but he didn't give it, he said it intentionally.


Wu Wan'er's three dead bodies jumped, and she almost passed out. Knowing that he would say this, she wouldn't talk nonsense.

I can imagine that after today, the myth of her goddess will be completely broken and become the target of everyone's ridicule.

不是 Aren't you proud? Isn't anyone fancy? It looks like no one else has fancy you ...

"Your name is Nie Yun, right? I want to fight you!"

When Wan Er was mad, a roar rang out, just the Guanjiang River that had just failed.

It seems that this boy is deeply rooted. Seeing her goddess being humiliated, she couldn't care less about the face she had just broken. Put forward a request to duel with Nie Yun.


Nie Yun shook his head.

Even if his strength cannot be used, he is also the strongest in the early days of Fengwang. In front of this guy, he didn't even reach the master, and wanted to duel ... What a joke?

"Why, dare? It ’s a man. Then, if you lose, apologize to Miss Waner immediately. If you win, I ... I promise I won't entangle Miss Waner again!"

Seeing that the other party did not agree, Guan Jiang thought he looked down on him and was angry.

"You are not entangled with Miss Waner ... seems to have nothing to do with me? Why should I duel!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

肯定 This duel must not be allowed. As long as you agree, you are jealous for Waner to fight for the wind, neither is victory, nor is victory, extremely uncomfortable.


Wu Guanjiang was speechless, and even Wan'er looked ugly, and almost broke into internal injuries.

Sure enough, this bet is too nutritious. People don't like Miss Wan'er at all. What's your concern about him?

Even look at the other person's expression, you better tangle, she has no time to entangle me ...

"Nie Yun, don't bully you too much ..."

Wan Waner panted. The plumpness on the chest was a volt, and the white jade surface also carried a ruddy anger after burning.

To be honest, it grows so big. Has been treated as a princess by everyone, and encountered this situation for the first time.

"Too much bullying. I ... didn't bully? I really don't like you, do you want the overlord to lie to me?"

Bian Nieyun blinked.

Little girl. Want to fight with me, far worse!

As an old monster who has experienced so many things, where does Nie Yun know what the other party thinks, she actually doesn't like herself at all, but wants to use herself to get rid of the current predicament, and by the way create some trouble for herself and take revenge Before things.

Who knows, there is no revenge, but she has become passive, so embarrassing.

"The overlord bowed hard ..."

Wan Waner almost vomited blood.

Even if she is careless, she is also a girl. It is said that it is as if she is hungry and has to marry each other. It is unbearable!

I was about to get mad, and suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, and then a howling figure rushed over.

"Patriarch, Patriarch is bad ..."

This figure Nie Yun has never seen, but looking at clothing and manners, it should be a person from the Qingshan Department.

"What's wrong? So panic?"

She is the granddaughter. She is always proud of her granddaughter. At this time, although she is angry, she can also grind her temper and let her know that not everyone in the world is spinning for her! In his opinion, it was a good thing, so he did not dissuade him.

He wanted to see if this granddaughter would change his character because of this. He heard this, his eyebrows couldn't help raising.

"It's ... the people in the Mountain Division, they came here during the bonfire, and our defense has been completely destroyed ..."

This man was full of nervousness and shouted anxiously.


"Are the people from the Mountain Division coming? Will the defense be broken?"

糟 "Well, they must think that the bonfire festival, we will relax our vigilance, this is the offensive!"

"The Luoshan Department itself is better than us. If we really want them to rush in, there is no other way for us to surrender ..."

"Surprise? Did you forget the end of the Zishan Department? We must not surrender, otherwise, how can we be worthy of the ancestors of the Qingshan Department ..."

Uh ...

The words of the man just now were not covered. The crowd around the bonfire immediately heard them clearly, and each one looked ugly and shouted anxiously.

The Qingshan Department and the Luoshan Department have been hostile for many years. Both sides have many lives at hand, and they really want to surrender. It is foreseeable that all young adults in the Qingshan Department will be beheaded and women will be humiliated. If this is the case, it is absolutely bad. dead!

"Cache weapon against foreign enemy ..."

When everyone realized this, the patriarch naturally understood more and yelled loudly, but before the shout was over, he was interrupted by a laugh.

"I'm afraid it's too late to take another weapon at this time ..."


The voice is over ~ www.readwn.com ~ A series of sounds of footsteps on broken branches and leaves are heard. Numerous dark figures surround the crowd, and a middle-aged man with gazing eyes walks over, showing evil in his face. color.

身边 He is surrounded by a middle-aged man in a robe. This person is not the same as everyone else. His appearance is hidden in a black robe, and no specific appearance can be seen.

"People in the same vein?"

Others don't know who this person is, Nie Yun recognized it at a glance.

The guy in front of me, although well hidden, carries a thought that erodes the soul of the human body, very similar to the previous Baizhe and others. Don't think about it, it must be the person with the same vein!

如果 If this guy guesses well, it should belong to a big force, how can he appear in this so-called downhill department?

"Feng Sheng, what do you want?"

I was surrounded by everyone. The patriarch knew that he was in danger of escape today, and his face sank.

"What do I want? Haha, is there anything else to say? Don't you know?" The middle-aged man named Feng Sheng, looks like a hawk with cold intent.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is written by the Flash God Tuban group @ 寒冰 真 境". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 天珠 那 变 @ 雨 爱 亭 @ 注册 idUSER)

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