Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1869: Sudden ideas

"The Bonfire Festival is the grandest festival in Vulcan Realm. It ’s against the peace to move troops, are n’t you afraid that the [God punishment] will increase when you advance?"

The patriarch was furious.

Divine heaven punishment is the heaven and earth punishment of the universe of the gods of the universe, and the promotion will appear. It is the biggest obstacle for practitioners.

The source of the divine punishment is the same as that of the heaven and earth of the floating heavens and continents. It is fair. If you do too much against your mind, the divine punishment will increase, making it difficult for people to contend.

The bonfire festival is the grandest festival in Vulcan Realm. It is celebrated all over the world. At this time, it is necessary to dismantle family members and preside over the killing of the trees. It hurts Tianhe and will inevitably be backswept by heaven.

Of course, this is just a way of saying for ordinary people, whether the specific divine domain punishment will be aggravated, not that they have the final say.

"Hey, this doesn't need you to worry about it, the people in the downhill department listen to the order, do it!"

Feng Sheng didn't seem to care about the God of Heaven punishment in his mouth, and sneered again. With a palm stroke, everyone in the downhill surrounding the crowd swarmed over, holding the ice blade, like a wolf like a tiger.

The people in the Qingshan Department were celebrating the bonfire festival, and did not expect the other party to attack, so most of them were not prepared. Not to mention that there were no weapons in their hands and nothing, which was far worse than the opponent's fully armed.

The same strength, the other side has weapons and armor, once the battle, the victory is easy to predict.

"These people killed and killed countless lives in the mountainous area at the beginning, and today they will take their flags!"

"All men are beheaded, women are slaves!"

"Kill them, take revenge for the old patriarch ..."

There was a roar from everyone in the Mountain Division, and the sword reflected the light of the bonfire, making everyone cold.

"Feng Sheng. If you want to move my clan, first see if you have this ability, dare to fight alone with me!"

Seeing the crowd around him, a brave man jumped up immediately when the battle started. The walking room is like a dragon and a tiger, with a smile on the mountain.


The first master of the Aoyama Department, seeing that the fighting between the two sides began immediately, could not help jumping out.


Seeing that he jumped out and asked to fight alone. Feng Sheng snorted, but did not refuse: "I will let you know today, your so-called master of the Qingshan Ministry is also vulnerable!"

After speaking one step forward, a punch came.

This boxing is upright. Strong and incomparable, like a sledgehammer, without any fancy, but with an inescapable force.

"Half-step king?"

As soon as he punched, Nie Yun looked out immediately.

Unexpectedly, Feng Sheng, like Guan Ling, was a half-step king. This strength lies in the ocean of chaos, which is definitely more than 10,000 people, and here. Can only be considered as average.

"Hey, I'm afraid you cry for mercy!"

The other side agreed to go it alone, and was in the middle of it. A sneer ushered in a punch.


When he saw Guan Ling's move, Nie Yun froze.

According to the normal fighting method, Feng Sheng's tricks are upright, which makes people unable to resist, and the insult should choose to avoid. It's not long, it's soft. Once the opponent's violent force disappears, start to do it again. Often can do more with less.

Why ... The Guan Ling clearly saw that the other party was very powerful, but also had to use the same fierce tactics?

Could it be more powerful than him?

This stupid approach is only used when his own strength is far superior to the other side. Nie Yun carefully observes that even if the infiltration is strong, it will not exceed the other side. Is there any hidden means?

Confused, I didn't take any action and watched quietly.

However, this observation did not last long, and he was speechless.

The two men in front of the battle, "Boom", fists against each other, took a few steps back at the same time, flushed on their faces.


Guan Ling seems to know the reason to start first, as soon as the sole of the foot stabilizes, he kicks to the ground and rushes forward quickly.

Boom boom!

One punch after another attacked Feng Sheng in front of him.

After watching it again, Nie Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

The fighting strategies of the two are very simple. Although they also have skills, they are very crude. If Nie Yun's tricks and vision are compared to a luxurious palace, their fighting style is thatched house!

It's as if Nie Yun has a stunt with six-veined magic swords and a dragon and eighteen palms, and is watching a group of promiscuous fights.

Although the strength is not weak, there is no skill at all. It is clunky and full of loopholes. Not to mention him, even if he is replaced by any one of Chaos Ocean, it is easy to find the flaws in them and defeat them. !!

"When fighting with Baizhe and others at the beginning, the opponent's tricks were exquisite, even with the power to surpass the Three Thousand Avenues ... It should not be that the martial arts of this world is backward, but ... the Qingshan Department and the Luoshan Department have been isolated from the world for too long Most of the understanding of fighting comes from hunting animals, and there is no system ... "

Nie Yun guessed.

He fought against the King of Golden Blood, Baizhe, and others, knowing that their tricks are subtle, and they are even better than him. This shows that the people in this world are not all the same as the two in front of them. , Will only use physical instinct to fight, no martial arts.

The only explanation may be that this place is far from the human world, and they have not learned powerful martial arts.

No wonder the Miss Wan'er had a stiff action before, and he gave him a hand-to-hand uniform. It turned out that it wasn't that his strength was too bad, but that their entire tribe's martial arts were very backward.

If Waner knows what he thinks now, he will definitely spit out blood and die.

In the eyes of the aboriginal creatures in the universe, the talents of the small world are backward and low-level. As a result ... their natives have been despised ...

When Nie Yun speculated in his heart, the battle in front of him was already fierce.

Although there is no too clever martial arts, but the strength of the two sides of the battle is very fierce, not long, they bleed one by one, apparently evenly matched, no one can win in a short time.

"Is it just that? If it's just this, stay here today!"

Guan Ling is in a desperate situation, coupled with the strength itself is a bit higher than the other side, the more furious the battle, the whistling fists with air flow, the next attack came, making it difficult for the other party to parry.

"Damn, this is your own death ..."

After being punched by the opponent several times in a row, Feng Sheng also seemed to be angry, his face flushed, and his blue muscles kept beating.


As soon as his palm was scratched from his arms, a silver-gray glove fell to his palm.

"Everything in the world?"

Seeing this glove, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned.

As soon as this glove appeared, he felt that the idea of ​​devouring was swarming everywhere, just like Baizhe and others he had seen before.

It seems that this glove must be related to the man in black not far away.

Perhaps, because of this reliance, Feng Sheng dared to attack.

Otherwise, he also carefully watched a crowd of people who had fallen to the mountain just now. Although the sneak attack occupied a certain advantage, in fact, if the people in the Qingshan Department desperately resisted, they would lose at least half of them even if they could win!

Killing an enemy is a loss of 800. According to normal principles, Feng Sheng should not do so as long as he is not stupid.

After all, the hatred of the two tribes must have been more than one year and two years, and it has not been exhausted for such a long time. At this time, it will not be such a big fight.

"go to hell!"

Put on gloves, Feng Sheng's evil spirits flourished in his eyes, and his fists turned into palms in cold hum.


Guan Ling was able to resist at the beginning. After a while, he couldn't hold it anymore. The gloved palm of the other party was like a huge vortex, which swallowed up his scattered power constantly, letting him all Somewhat passive.

"Engulf ..."

Seeing the actions of Guan Ling, Nie Yun knew that his failure was only a matter of time and shook his head.

This so-called putianyi vein does have weird abilities, let alone the others, devour the small world, devour the soul, and devour everything. This ability alone is very daunting.

However, I have experience fighting with this kind of person. I really encountered that first of all, I should control the use of power, and use it as little as possible to prevent being borrowed by the other party. Since then, they ca n’t use it. how about it.

Nevertheless, these devouring forces are indeed terrible.

No matter what kind of body or soul is attached to it, it must be removed immediately, not in the slightest.

"Forget it, let's do it, it's still humiliating, the patriarch's love ..."

Nie Yun made a decision in his heart and was thinking of taking a shot to defeat Feng Sheng and others to resolve the crisis in the Qingshan Department, and suddenly remembered something.

"Engulfing? Putian's veins are so weird that the soul is inevitable. Can the golden blood in my body be engulfed in the same way?"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun was not in a hurry.

Anyway, even if he is not the opponent, he can persist for a while, and he is not in a hurry to save him.

Sitting quietly in place, thinking about the ability of the alien to devour, Nie Yun pondered.

This ability has just been in contact with foreigners ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have been studying this strange engulfment, which is completely different from the energization of the vitality Dan Tian that he used before. This ability is clearly beyond this category.

Because of the weirdness, I have been studying it, but it has not made much progress.

"Experiment from the World of Nag ..."

The power inside him is now completely sealed and cannot be used, and he can only enter the world of objects when he wants to experiment.

Although Feng Feng's avatar stayed in the Chaos Ocean, he could give birth to a avatar in one stroke of San Qing's unique skill. At this time, he was studying it in the world.

"Here, I have been attacked by the King of Sarcoma and the King of Golden Blood, and I have killed hundreds of alien creatures. The strength in their body is the kind of devouring power. See if I can borrow it ..."

Standing in the world of darts, he recalled the scene of fighting with Baizhe and others, and fell into meditation.

(It ’s been a day of practice today, shit, it ’s only half past seven and it ’s crashing ...) (To be continued)

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