Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1870: Derived Dantian again

Although the King of the Sarcoma and the King of the Golden Blood didn't use this devouring ability much, he still knew if he had such power.

If it wasn't for the special power of the World of Objects, the corpse would be completely burned and placed anywhere in the Three Realms. It won't take long for you to be able to regenerate a new spirit and resurrection.

He originally thought that this was a method possessed by all people of other races. He came to this world and found out that this is not the case. I am afraid that this method can only be possessed by the so-called Putian vein.

"Look at those strengths first, can you find anything ..."

A move in the palm of his hand, a vitality appeared in the palm of his hand.

Although fighting with Baizhe and others has now ended for more than three months, the vitality air flow formed by those aliens at the beginning did not disappear, and it was still slowly being engulfed by the world of things, nourishing the expansion of the world.

Even now, the refining is only about one tenth, and there is still a long way to go before it disappears completely.

Let's sizzle!

These vitality came into contact with the palm of his hand, and it immediately gave people a feeling of grasping the charcoal.

Xie Nieyun knew that it was the swallowing power in the vitality that did not speak, and observed the speciality of these vitality quietly.

"These vigor have a great common honor, like water ..."

I looked at it for a while, and Nie Yun seemed to have found something, his eyes lit up.

These auras that can devour everything are very strange to say. After research, you will find that they are not complicated.

Even gives people a feeling, just like water.

Zhashui is the ancestor of all things, and almost everything can be perfectly integrated. This vitality is exactly the same, regardless of whether the other party is strength or soul, can melt in, regardless of each other.

"Try if you can devour the golden blood in your body ..."

Since this vital energy is so powerful, it is better to try to swallow the poisonous gas in the body.

Do it when you think. When the spirit moves, this vitality immediately appears in the sea of ​​energy.

At this time, his Qihai was sealed by Yantai Lingyue. Although the poisonous gas integrated into the bone marrow was serious, it did not hurt him much.

"The seal is cracked ..."

He is very familiar with the seal left by Lingtai Lingyue in his body, with a whisper in his heart. A narrow crack appeared in front of the seal.

Inside the crack, the golden poisonous gas rolled, making people sick.

Xie Nieyun carefully put this vitality into it.

Let's sizzle!

Wu Yuanqi seemed to have encountered a real soldering iron, giving out a scorching smell, and was immediately assimilated by poisonous gas.


I stunned in my heart. Nie Yun hastily closed the broken seal again.

Not only did the vital energy not swallow the golden blood poisonous gas, but it was assimilated by the latter and turned into a larger mass of gas. If it was not fast to close the seal, it would cause disaster and make him fall into a coma again.

"These vitality is not mine, and cannot be assimilated by my control, so it is easy to be assimilated by the other party ..."

Although the previous move failed. But Nie Yun summed up the rules and experience and understood what happened.

的 The vitality just used is not his thing. Fighting with golden blood, like an unowned treasure, is definitely defeated, but it is easy to be assimilated by it.

If it is your own strength, if you can't get it right, you will get rid of the poisonous gas and even completely resolve it.

"Ah. It seems that I can only find a way to Putian, and by the way look at how they can cultivate their ability to eat ..."

I thought about it. There is no other way, Nie Yun had to shake his head.

I want to take complete control of this vitality that can swallow the power of others. First of all, we must learn how to cultivate this kind of power. Since so many people in Putian's veins know it, it should not be difficult to learn! As long as you find the so-called Putian Yimai headquarters, you will definitely be able to learn this cultivation method!

I thought in my heart that I was going to leave the place, and when I found Putian's pulse, I suddenly stopped.

"Huh? I don't have any exercises, in fact ... I can make this kind of energy!"

An idea came up in Nie Yun's mind.

When he was in Heaven and Earth in the Six Roads, many exercises were not, but there were countless special abilities in his body. This was not a special exercise, but a avenue of understanding, but ...

His biggest advantage is that he opened up the master Dantian, and has the ability to derive Dantian infinitely in his body! Previously, in Tiandi Liudao, with three thousand avenues, he thought that three thousand dantians derived from him would be successful and he could not break through. Now it seems that this is not the case!

If there are only three thousand avenues and three thousand dantians, what is the power of Putian's pulse?

Their power obviously exceeds Three Thousand Avenues, which belongs to another ability!

"I wonder if I can succeed, try it ..."

When I thought of this, Nie Yun couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

This incident is just a flash of light, and it has not been confirmed. Even if he is well-informed, he does not know whether it is feasible or not, or even what consequences it will cause.

If it is a good consequence, it will be dead. If Dan Tian exceeds the limit, Qi Hai will not be able to withstand the cracks.

I was cautious in my heart, but Nie Yun didn't flinch. The spirit communicated with Dan Tian, ​​and a special breath surged in the moment.

This special breath belongs to the place where the Chaos Ocean was founded. The world of things can not be copied, but Lingtai Lingyue incarnates into the heaven for 30,000 years. He has traveled all six roads and has collected a lot of these breaths. Not lacking.

Squeak! Squeak!

With the influx of more and more breath, the master Dan Tian issued a series of crisp sounds, as if one thunder exploded and then his mind sounded ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yunqiang resisted the coma and his eyes narrowed.

He also tried before, whether it can continue to be derived beyond Sanqian Dantian, but it seems that he encountered a barrier and did not continue.

After all, Sanqian Avenue corresponds to Sanqian Dantian. The number is just right. If he gets more, he doesn't know if he has that special talent.

At this time, there is speculation, regardless of the barriers in the body, the special breath is surging, and it is constantly injected into the main Dantian.

虽然 Although his power is sealed, Dantian can work. With the constant instillation of special power, the master Dantian makes a special sound, like a special avenue singing, which gradually purifies his soul.

This feeling is the same as when Dantian was first opened, making people a little nervous and incredible from the inside out.

"Derive ..."

Knowing that this might be a success, Nie Yun was completely indifferent, and suddenly he sang loudly, and the special breath raged fiercely again to the master Dan Tian.


For a while, the roar of the sky swirled loudly, and a loud noise sounded in his ears. Nie Yun looked down, and indeed, a few bloodline factors were derived again in the sea of ​​air, and they were spinning slowly, like a gem.




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