Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1874: Journey Flower

If Nie Yun guesses well, if he wants to reach the emperor level, he must create a force that is quite different from the Three Thousand Avenues, which is the so-called "talent". This talent is different from anyone ’s cultivation method and belongs to his own. Because of this, if you don't want others to practice, others cannot practice!

However, there are some exceptions, such as his brother, nephew, immediate family members!

Because such people have the same and similar bloodlines, they have such talents at birth, and they are far superior to other people regardless of cultivation or whatever. Chapters are updated the fastest

Moreover, the closer the blood is, the higher the power of this talent.

The reason why this guy admits wrong right now is because the power of devour he exerts is too pure and too majestic. This ability only appears to those who have infinitely close access to Putian ’s blood. So it is speculated that it is not who the prince is?

Understanding this, Nie Yun asked for a while, and couldn't help smiling.

It turned out that when Putian Emperor had not yet reached the rank of Emperor, there was a newborn child who lost contact due to a battle, and after the success of the Emperor and the establishment of Putian Dynasty, he always sent people to look for, but after so many years, no Find any clues.

At first, this pupil was one of the members who were looking for the "Prince", and suddenly saw Nie Yunshi exhibit such a pure "talent". He was ecstatic and had no doubt.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty misses you so much, I hope you can go back as soon as possible, and see if we can ..." After explaining his guess, Fei Tong's face was inquiring.

"Go back?" Nie Yun froze.

What was going on, he knew very well, the guy in front of him was confused, and when he saw the devouring talent, he thought that it was the prince, and Putian would definitely not admit it!

I really want to go, let's not talk about the small world indigenous people. If the crime of deception is not properly done, it will be beheaded.

Even if he didn't kill, why would he have such a pure talent, it would become the target of the other's doubts ... he didn't want to be studied as a mouse.

"Going back ... let me think about it, let's go back to Qingshan Department first!"

Hesitating for a while, Nie Yun came up with a "drag" word.

Denying that he was the so-called prince, he could not explain the gift, and admitted that once he saw Putian, he would definitely help.

So, think about it. Let's talk about it for a while, and see you later.

"By the way, how do you know the people in the Mountain Department. Have you been with them again?" Nie Yun asked.

The Putian dynasty is so powerful, and the pupil's strength in front of him is mid-Feng Wang, how can he be mingled with the people in the Mountain Division? This part of the mountain is just a small tribe in the mountain forest. The strongest even the king of the dynasty has not been reached. What's worth it?

"Yes ... Prince Dobo asked us to stop looking for Your Highness first and look for something ..."

Scratching your head. It's a little embarrassing.

"Prince Dobo?"

After what just happened. He knew a lot of things, the Emperor Putian was too strong because of his bloodline. After being promoted to the emperor, there were not many children. But not much does not mean that there is no, and that not only he has. He also has brothers and sisters, whose children will automatically have talents when he is promoted to the rank of emperor. The descendants of these people are also called princes.

"Yes, he heard there. Let's search for it for a long time. It is speculated that in this area, the Luoshan Department was born and raised here as a tribe. Finding them may be better ..."

Faintly said.

"So it is ..." Nie Yun nodded: "What kind of medicinal material is Jue Linghua? What effect does it have?"

To make a prince remember this way, this so-called psychic flower is definitely not simple.

"It is a kind of medicinal material that can repair the soul. It can cure diseases. As for the others, I don't know. The order given by the prince, we can only obey it!" Fei Tong didn't seem to know much.

"Treat disease?" Nie Yun was surprised, but she also knew that Fei Tong's status was not high. If she continued to ask, she wouldn't be sure. She wouldn't ask more immediately.

I talked a few words casually, knowing that this so-called "prince of many waves" is the youngest nephew of Putian Emperor. In the Putian dynasty, he was so powerful that he would not say more immediately.

The two members showed their "identity", said a few words, and walked towards the people in the Qingshan Department together.

Knowing that Nie Yun is likely to be the "Prince", Fei Tong had no arrogance before, and followed him like a follower.


"Grandpa, what should we do?" Waner looked anxiously at Grandpa in the forest.

The bonfire in the middle of the crowd was still burning, emitting a glowing glow, but the people around them had lost the excitement just now, instead they looked at each other with vigilance and hostility.

After Nie Yun left, Feng Sheng didn't let anyone attack because his injuries were too serious, but the more so, the more the entire forest became more depressed, and the younger ones couldn't bear the pressure.

Especially in the Qingshan Department, they were surrounded by the other side, and they had no weapons. Coupled with the first master's abuse, the atmosphere was more depressed.

"If Lord Nie Yun can return safely, the danger in the Qingshan Department will be lifted ... and if ..." Speaking of this, the patriarch shook his head, looking through the surrounding people in the Mountain Department, looking away.

However, in the distance, it was dark. In order to avoid being visited by others, Fei Tong went very far, which was not what he could see.

"He ... must be able to return ..."

Hearing Grandpa's uncertain language, Waner thought of the boy and said involuntarily.

However, when I think of that boy, my face can't help but feel a little ugly, is it ... I'm really so bad, let the other party directly put on a white handkerchief?

"I hope so……"

The patriarch nodded, but his face was anxious.

The man in black knew at a glance that it was from a great force ~ www.readwn.com ~ And this Nie Yun, who knows the roots, is just an ascendant from a small world. There is a difference between the two worlds. He does n’t think that After the latter was in an ambush, he could retreat all over!

Squeak! Squeak!

My heart was sighing, and suddenly two footsteps came over not far away.

The voices were not loud, but the people of the two major tribes looked at them at the same time, one by one with expectation.

Not only the Qingshan tribe chief, Feng Sheng, etc. want to know the results, others also understand that the battle between these two people will determine their life and death. That Nie Yun wins, the Qingshan tribe will be safe and sound, and the black people will win ... They will Will face destruction!

"I hope Lord Nie Yun is fine ..."

The chief of the Qingshan tribe muttered, and hurriedly looked at the source of the sound. In his opinion, even if Nie Yun could return, he would be embarrassed. He was thinking about the seriousness of the injury, and saw that Nie Yun walked indifferently After coming over, the man in black followed his head and bowed his waist, like a servant. (To be continued. (.))

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