Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1875: reason

"Gu ~~" The clan leader of Qingshan swallowed, and everyone else stared at the scene in stun.

From the manners of the men in black, they couldn't see any more, it was silly.

Especially Feng Sheng, who was still aggressive before, is now like a frosted eggplant and has no spirit.

Seeing this situation, his clan may think that there is a fight. Only he knows that the people in black are not so strong as opponents, so many people here are useless!

And looking at the appearance of the man in black at this time, I am afraid that he has been loyal to the young man in front of him. One can't deal with it, and the two don't even think about it.

Depressed and strange at the same time, isn't this man in black a Putian dynasty? Such a person is so arrogant, how can he be conquered?

"Go ahead and take care of it!"

When he came to the crowd, Nie Yun smiled slightly and stopped coming forward.

On the way, he inquired carefully about the process of the incident. The reason why the Luoshan Department came over so brightly was mainly because of this trouble!

Feng Sheng has seen Fei Tong's strength, knowing that he has leaned on the mountain, so he started at the bonfire festival, intending to win the Qingshan Department in one fell swoop and completely destroy it.

It's just that the ideal is very beautiful, and the reality is very skinny. Although the plan is thorough, I never dreamed that a monster like Nie Yun appeared, and then they killed their actions.

"Mr. Feng Sheng, you are in the mountains and ∧ Qingshan are in the mountains, and they are not far away. Instead of fighting like this, I ca n’t see how to turn our enemies into friends. Do n’t fight again!"

Fei Tong knew the meaning of the "prince" in front of her, and came forward to persuade him.

Before this kind of tribe. Kill a few casually without frowning. But to do so, the "prince" in front of him will surely kill him.

"Make the enemy a friend? Unless they kill all of us in the downhill. Otherwise ... there will never be that day!"

Feng Sheng's eyes were fierce, although he knew he would be beheaded on the spot if he refuted that the person in front of him could not be treated well, but he did not hesitate.

"Master, this ..."

Fei Tong's eyes flashed coldly. Before switching to him, he dared to speak like this, and he must have killed all of them, but now he can only ... turn to look at Nie Yun.

"You would rather die than reconcile with Aoyama? What is the hatred between you?"

Nie Yun was strange.

According to common sense, even if the two tribes are hunting, there is some dispute between the sites. It ’s not like we meet each other. The appearance of this weird phenomenon must be the hatred of uncommon hatred.

"Well, what's the matter, go and ask Diao Yong that old man!"

Feng Sheng was angry.

"Diao Yong?" Nie Yun froze, then understood from Feng Sheng's eyes.

Diao Yong should be the patriarch of Qingshan Department, Waner's grandfather.

"You are the old man! It is your father Feng Zhen who ignores the danger and knows that there is danger. He still has to step forward, and it is just his fault to become this now. It has nothing to do with other people!"

Hearing the other person scolding her grandfather, Waner immediately blew her hair.

"Take the blame ... haha, blame it!" Feng Sheng's face looked like blood was dripping: "Okay, I'll let you blame it now. Give me death ..."

The words of play thoroughly stimulated Feng Sheng, and the whole man growled wildly like an injured lion. In a loud roar, both feet slammed on the ground. Straight forward.

The palm of his hand was like the sharp claws of a beast, flashing with coldness.


Nie Yun did not expect this guy to be stimulated in such a word. His eyebrows were wrinkled, but he did n’t need to do it. The pupil on one side had already done the work for him, and when he saw an energy strike, Feng Sheng had fallen heavily on the ground before he came to him. Nothing can be struggling.

Half-step Feng Wang and Feng Wang involve a gap in the level of life. The two are not at the same level and cannot be compared.

"Let me go ... I must kill them and take revenge for my dad!"

Can't move, Feng Sheng growled.

It's no wonder that he was crazy and fought with the Castle Peak Department for so many years. For the first time, he was so close to success, but there were variables. I am afraid that no one can afford it.

"what happened?"

Ignoring Feng Sheng, who was crazy, Nie Yun looked at Patriarch Diao Yong.

"Actually ... Blame me ..."

Patriarch Diao Yong shook his head, showing loneliness on his face: "It's like this ..."

Then he talked about the hatred of the two tribes.

The Qingshan Department and the Luoshan Department are not far apart. There is only a distance of more than ten miles. The two tribes originally had a good relationship, and even in-laws communicated with each other to resist fierce beasts. Years changed.

Ten years ago, during a hunt, Diao Yong discovered a strange place. At that time, his strength was not enough, so he invited Feng Sheng's father Feng Zhen to investigate together, and then Feng Zhen was the patriarch of the Luoshan Ministry.

In this strange place, Diao Yong felt that there might be a great opportunity, so he didn't tell anyone, even before departure, Feng Zhen only knew that he was going to a place, and he didn't know that the danger was not dangerous.

After the two left, they really encountered danger, and finally Diao Yong fled home with Feng Zhen who was seriously injured.

After Feng Zhen returned, he was completely in a coma, like a vegetative person. Ten years later, he was not sober.

Feng Sheng was young and vigorous, knowing that his father was injured after leaving with Diao Yong, and the other party did not give any explanation. The anger spread to the entire Qingshan Department. At first, it was just a small affair. Finally, several people were killed in a dispute five years ago, and the two tribes turned into a raging fire and could not be reconciled.

"So it is ... why don't you explain it carefully? This will also resolve the conflict between the two tribes?"

After hearing these things, Nie Yun understood it and looked at Diao Yong.

If this guy explains Feng Zhen's injury in detail, although it will not completely resolve the conflict between the two tribes, at least it can be eased, why not explain it?

"This thing ... I can't say it!"

Diao Yong shook his head.

"Grandpa ..." Waner seemed to know what, and he was anxious to see Grandpa unwilling to say.

"Don't persuade me, this involves the reputation of my old friend, I already planned to rot it in my stomach ..." Diao Yong sighed.

Seeing his actions and hearing these words, Nie Yun's heart moved.

If you guessed well, Feng Zhen should have done something not so glorious. Diao Yong took care of his old friend's face and was unwilling to say more.

"Without saying this, the conflict between the two races is getting deeper and deeper. If you go on like this, you will lose out sooner or later. Do you just ignore the lives of all races for the sake of others?"

Guessing this, Nie Yun hesitated for a moment and interjected: "You should also be able to see that if it weren't for my shot today, the entire Qingshan Department would be in danger of collapse, and even your granddaughter Waner ... would not be spared! Was arrested ... as a result you should be able to figure it out! "

If the other party can say it, he must have said it already. Now he can only click on the softest part to make him feel scared.

The most important person in his heart must be this Waner.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Diao Yong's face changed again and again.

The appearance and temperament of his granddaughter, he knew very well. If this young man did not take the shot and was captured by the opponent today, it would be the lightest to be killed, in case he could not die ... it was really horrible!

"Master Nie Yun ... you won!"

His face changed for a while, and Diao Yong smiled wryly.

Gu Quan's old friend and granddaughter died. Don't think he can make the most correct decision!

"I was hunting with the clan as usual, and suddenly I found a strange footprint. At that time, no one told me. I had been thinking about returning to the tribe. After hesitating for a long time, this was called Feng Zhen!"

After a bitter smile, Diao Yong's eyes seemed to fall into the door of memory.

"The reason I don't tell the clan is not to disbelieve them, but ... the owner of this footprint, at least has the strength to complete the king or even the realm of the kingdom. Once the clan knows it, it will be very dangerous!"

"Successful King? Royal Realm?"

Nie Yun shouted.

He already knows the strength classification through the previous conversation. He is now the king of top grade, and there are the king of top grade and king of top. It is the king of perfection and the realm in upward direction.

To be honest, his current strength, there is no way to meet this kind of beast, let alone these ordinary people who have not even reached the master.

"What is this ... is it ... the pinnacle beast?"

Fai Tong asked.

"Peak King Beast? If this is the case, we are not so embarrassed ... If I guess well, it should be a sacred beast!" Diao Yong said.

"Holy beast? It's ... impossible!"

Fai Tong's pupils shrank, and he quickly shook his head: "This mountain is so small that there cannot be a holy beast. You must be mistaken. Besides, if there is a holy beast, how could you come out alive?"

"I hope not ... but ... the truth is so cruel!"

Diao Yong shook his head.

"Grandpa, what is a holy beast?"

Wan'er didn't seem to understand and was confused.

In fact, she didn't ask, Nie Yun was going to ask, don't talk about the holy beast ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the king beast, he didn't know what was going on.

"Not only people have grades, but also beasts. The beasts we usually hunt are relatively ordinary. Even if there are many opportunities, they cannot reach the strength of the king. It is not a cause of fear! But the world is fair. Since human beings can reach the king and emperor Beasts also have this talent! On top of the ordinary beasts we hunt, there are king beasts, and upwards are holy beasts, and even ... there are even the highest level beasts! "

When the granddaughter asked, many others did not understand, Diao Yong explained.

"King beast, sacred beast? Emperor beast? Does it mean that these beasts have reached the rank of king, emperor and emperor?"

Waner froze, her face horrified.

"It hasn't been achieved. Some have potential and are eligible! If I know the other party is of this level, I will not go back even if I die!"

Diao Yong showed remorse: "Just because I think this beast doesn't have that kind of strength, I decided to call Feng Sheng to take a chance ... As a result, I was wrong, and it was ridiculous!" Continued ...)

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