Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1879: Flicker

After a short time, Feng Zhen figured out what was going on, and his face was red and white for a while. After a moment, he sighed and stood up.

"Dad, tell them, it's the patriarch Diao Yong who lied, which things are fake ..."

Feng Sheng hurried to see his father know what happened.

He grew up using his father as an example and didn't believe or admit that his father had done that kind of thing.

"It's not fake ... it's true ... and the patriarch Diao Yong still said less. When I saw the dragon beast, I pushed him in order to escape, and fled first ... I was in a coma for so many years, it was really my fault!"

Feng Zhen shook his head and sighed, there was no cover in his words.

I have died once, and I'm down on other things. Knowing the sacrifices made by my old friends over the years, if you don't admit it, what face is there?

"Knowing what is wrong can be changed, if you do n’t admit it, I can save you if I die, and naturally I can make you die directly!" Seeing him admitting, Nie Yunmu was light and indifferent.

He is not exaggerating. If the other party wakes up and does not admit the facts, he will be very entangled and will definitely shoot!

The resolution of the grievances of the Qingshan Department and the Luoshan Department was because he felt that the chief of Diao Yong, Guan Ling and others were good. If anyone didn't know what to do, he had to take a shot.


After hearing these words, Feng Zhen and Feng Sheng were sweating coldly on their heads, and then they realized that they had walked around the gate of the ghost.

"This incident itself was wrong in our Mountain Division. Now we apologize to the Mountain Ministry and compensate them, hoping that the two tribes will be as good as ever ..."

Feng Zhen woke up and everyone knew what happened then. Hatred has faded a lot, coupled with Nie Yun's shock. It is only a matter of time before the two tribes return to the past.

"Master, I think of one thing ..."

It came to an end. Fei Tong came over and gave a voice to Nie Yun.

"I came here this time to look for, would it be in the valley where they went?"

"Why is there such a guess?" Nie Yun looked at it.

He knows that the other party can say this, it is certainly not nonsense, and he must have his own inferences and guesses.

"As I said before, the Phoenix has no treasure, and the dragon dragon beast is actually the same. In this mountain range, the strength of the beast is basically dominated. The highest one is only half a step away from the king. Why not make people doubt? "

Fei Tong spoke out her inferred guess.


Nie Yun pondered.

This is indeed the case. People are grouped together and things are grouped together. This is heaven. This mountain range is like a cloud in the chaotic ocean, but in the universe of the universe of the gods, it is equivalent to a horned owl. Not worth mentioning.

Dignified adult dragon dragon beasts here come to complete the strength of the king, there must be its purpose!

"But ... the dragon dragon beast lost his son, and it is estimated that he has already left. Since he has to leave, even if there is any treasure, it must have swept away cleanly, and it will be a waste to go!"

A moment of contemplation. Nie Yundao.

The newborn child of the dragon dragon beast was killed, so he has left the place. Really want to leave, no matter how many treasures will certainly be taken away. How could it be kept for you.

"This is ..."

I didn't expect before, when I heard the explanation, I smiled bitterly, and my face was right: "His Royal Highness, this is not the place where you are staying after all, regardless of the fact that I will now take you to see Zhi Zhi and discuss the matter of going back to the palace! I will be very happy to see you! "

"Return to the palace?"

Nie Yun's face was strange.

He was a fake, and certainly could not go back to the palace. He really wanted to go back. When he saw Potian the Great, he was bound to reveal his stuffing.

But if you insist on not returning to the palace, the other party will definitely doubt it. Moreover, the other party thinks that he is a prince, and maybe he can use this, make some articles, improve his strength as soon as possible, or find them in Lingyue.

After hesitating for a while, Nie Yun asked, "What is the strength of your general Zhi Zhi?"

It's not impossible to see the other party, but let's find out what the strength is. The strength is too strong, it is easy to see through, and it is difficult to escape, and the strength is low. With his strength, you can consider fooling.

"General Zhizheng is the leader of a team under the Star Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor's Kingdom 981, and has the strength of the inferior king!" Fei Tong's eyes were full of fiery eyes.

"The inferior king?"

Nie Yun's mind was "giggled!"

Although I have not seen the Emperor of the Emperor Realm, I also know that the difference in strength between him and this kind of person is no less than heaven and earth. At the time, a top-level king of the hundred philosophers made them almost obliterated. It would be even more terrible to reach the Emperor!

If they are seen in the presence of such a person, they will surely be beheaded and escaped!

Now I want to find Lingtai Lingyue and other people to improve their strength. It is definitely impossible to stay here. It is definitely the best choice to find General Zhizheng. But if you really do this, your identity will be doubled.

You must think of a way for both sides to win.

"What is the relationship between General Zhi Zhi and Prince Dobo?"

After a moment, Nie Yun's eyes lightened and he asked.

"Relationship with Prince Dobo? Your Highness is afraid of getting rid of the same robe?" Fei Tong was also a wise man. After hearing such a question, he immediately understood.

The emperor's house has no affection. This is something everyone knows. For that position, it is normal to have flesh and bones and no brotherhood.

If the person in front of you is really a prince, after returning, she will definitely be higher than Prince Dobo. This is something many people do not want to see!

If not, it will be beheaded.

"Although I do not understand many situations in the divine realm, I also know that there is a struggle between the great forces. I am very weak now and have no credibility with the forces. Once I have identified my identity and are known by them, it is estimated that it is difficult to walk to Putian Imperial City alive! "

Nie Yundao.

"This ... Your Highness is considering that, although you don't want to admit it, ... this is a fact!"

Fai looked awkward.

Although he did not want to admit it, such a thing was real.

Even if Prince Dobo didn't do anything, other princes knew that he would return, and he would definitely take a shot, and even at that time, he would find a way to marry Prince Dobo.

In these royal battles, he was just a little man and couldn't control it at all.

If it is true that the head of the Prince ’s Palace will go down to look for General Zhidi, just like the prince, and if the General is the prince or the Prince ’s person, it is very likely that he will be attacked by His Royal Highness. The Prince is really going to die ... do n’t say he ca n’t Get rewards and follow the funeral!

Understand this, Fei Tong's cold sweat brushed out.

It seems that there is no absolute strength, and it is not a good thing to find His Royal Highness. If it is not done well, it will lead to killing.

"His Royal Highness, what shall we ... do?"

Now he had no idea, so he had to trust the prince in front of him.

"It's hard to say this, it's easy to say it!" He flickered the guy at the sight of a sentence, and Nie Yun laughed secretly, but a dignified expression appeared on his face.


Pu Tong eyes brightened, hurriedly came over.

"If you indicate my identity and the news is passed, you will definitely be stunned by other people, not only from the Putian Dynasty, but also from other forces!" Nie Yundao.

The Putian dynasty became a great force on one side. It must have experienced countless killings and enemies all over the place. These enemies could not kill the Putian Emperor and it was possible to kill a weak prince.

"Yes ..." The pupil didn't expect this in advance, and when he heard this, his expression was even more dim.

This is not to find the prince, a treasure trove, but a bomb!

"It would be a lot of trouble to prove your identity, wouldn't you say it? If everyone doesn't know who I am, wouldn't there be a problem?"

Nie Yun laughed.

"This ..." Fei Tong nodded quickly.

Yes, knowing his identity will lead to countless calamities. If you do n’t know, it will be a lot safer.

"So, I think about it, and I can go with you to see General Zhi Zhi, but not as the prince, but as your friend, or other identity. Since then, no one knows, so it is safe! "

Nie Yun expressed his thoughts.

He just came to the world of the gods like an idiot. He doesn't know anything. If he wants to quickly integrate into this world, he can only reach more people and more powerful people. This so-called Zhizhi General is undoubtedly the best choice.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to just walk around the mountains and want to see a strong man in the realm of the emperor.

"Okay, just do this ... say you are my friend, I don't have the qualification yet ..."

Tong Fei nodded, his face awkward.

Let him admit that he is a friend of the "Prince", and he is not enough to speak up.

"Anyway, you can say that I am your distant relative. I lost my life since I was a child. I believe no one doubts that. I will find a way to mix it with Xingjun Banner before making a plan!"

Nie Yundao.

"Okay!" Seeing "The Prince" making a speech, Fei Tong did not dare to disobey, and nodded: "Then ... His Royal Highness, when shall we leave?"

"Wait a minute, I have a friend who is retreating. When he comes out, let's leave together!"

Nie Yun said.

What he said was naturally Nie Tong. Now that he is "Prince", naturally he cannot have a "brother", otherwise it is easy to wear out, and he has to say that Nie Tong is his friend.

"Everything is to your Highness!"

After the previous conversation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fei Tong knew that although the prince in front of him knew little about common sense, his wisdom was definitely above him, so he would not say more.

"Master Nie Yun, this master, the patriarch and the patriarch Feng Zhen have prepared a dinner party and hope that the two steps will pass ..."

Immediately after the discussion, Guan Ling came over.

After resolving the contradictions between the two tribes, Nie Yun treated Guan Ling with his injuries. The spirit of Mu Sheng can be used, and the strength of Guan Ling is far lower than him. He did not take long to heal and he was cured.

At this moment, the strength of the whole body, the whole body's strength, faintly touched the edge of the king, if it is not good, it will break through.

Because of this, he is very grateful to the boy in front of him, knowing that if it was not for the other party to take the shot, not only would he become a corpse, but all the people of this tribe would surely be in deep water at this time.

If the idol of the boy in the clan is him, and his idol is the boy in front of him. (To be continued ...)

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