Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1880: Jin Gu

Nie Tong's retreat was not over and he could not leave. In addition to the invitation from the chief of Diao Yong, Nie Yun walked towards the tribe without any excuses. Alas,

If you stop Fai You, you don't need to worry about the "identity" being exposed. The two talked and laughed, and soon entered the Qingshan Department.

When I came to the place where the patriarch lived again, I saw a huge fire lit up in the room. The high-level ring of the two tribes sat for a week, although it was a little embarrassing between them, but it was much better than the state of tension.

"Master Nie Yun, Master Fei Tong!"

Diao Yong and Feng Zhen quickly came over.

"Patriarch Diao Yong, I plan to leave tomorrow ..."

Numerous food and wine were prepared on the table. After three visits, Nie Yun said.

In any case, if the patriarch Diao Yong has the kindness to accept him, it is better to say something if he plans to leave.

"Leave? So fast ..."

Although Diao Yong had already guessed that this little temple could not afford the big Buddha in front of him, sooner or later the other party had to leave, but he did not expect such a speed.

"Fei Tong is still in trouble. I want to be with him and I can only leave ... Thank you for your hospitality during this time!" Nie Yundao.

"Adult is going, I won't stop, but ... does the adult not want to see the valley where the dragon dragon beast is?" Diao Yong hesitated.

Nie Yun knew that it was impossible for the other party to say this for no reason, and there was definitely something to say. He didn't ask more immediately, waiting for an answer, and he hesitated. Then he said, "Although the valley has only been once, it still feels not easy! It's just the dragon beast! "

"Not easy? How do you say that?"

"I don't know, it is a feeling, Master Nie Yun may wish to think about it. Even ten years ago, the dragon beast was so badly injured that he couldn't kill us. But after all, we killed her child, and this hatred is unforgettable. The distance between the mountain and the mountain is not far away. Why haven't you come to get revenge? "

Diao Yongdao.

Nie Yun froze.

The other side didn't say that he hadn't noticed yet, think about it now.

At that time, even if the female dragon dragon beast was seriously injured, they could not kill the two and let them escape. It was enough to recover in ten years. Why didn't they come to avenge for so many years?

The hatred of the killer is not shared, especially this kind of beast. It has its own high dignity, and the strong will not dare to take revenge. It is incredible that if you are killed by relatives like ants, you will not take revenge!

It would be even more impossible to say that Feng Zhen could not be found. He drank the blood of the dragon beast, and possessed the breath of the dragon beast in his body, like a light in the night. If you ca n’t find it so near, it ’s almost impossible to find it!

"So, I suspect that there is something in the valley that holds the dragon beast. Keep it from leaving ... even if there is deep hatred, there is no way to report it!"

Diao Yong spoke out his speculation.

The fact that he can think of this does not mean that he is smarter than Nie Yun and others. Mainly after that, he had been worried that the dragon dragon beast would come back for revenge. After waiting for so many years, the latter did not come. Can't help but think about it.

"It makes sense, how far is that valley from here?"

After Diao Yong said this, Nie Yun also felt a little emotional, feeling that the valley was not simple, and the urge to go to see it.

"Only one day away, the two are strong ... If you walk with all your strength, you can arrive in one or two hours!"

Diao Yongdao.

"In this case, it is not too late, let's go!" Nie Yun stood up.

There is no hesitation in planning to go.

"Where are you going? Don't you bring me?"

The party was ready, and when they were about to start, they heard a laughter and turned around, and Nie Tong came over.

"you succeeded?"

Seeing Nie Tong's appearance, Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

My brother's retreat was to break through the realm of top-quality kings. At this point, he should have succeeded.

"Brother ... your poison is resolved? Your strength ..."

Nie Tong did not answer Nie Yun's question, but instead came to see that his eyes were about to fall to the ground.

He realized that the power of the world of God has broken through smoothly and reached the realm of the top king. He thought that it was fast, and never dreamed that this brother was faster!

Before the retreat, his brother's strength was also suppressed by the seal, and he was very poisonous. Now ... not only broke through the early period of the king's closure, he successfully advanced to the middle stage, the poison was also resolved ...

Shaking his head helplessly, Nie Tong felt a little frustrated.

No wonder in the chaotic ocean, countless people mentioned that their brothers couldn't compare with him in cultivating speed. Now it seems that it really is!


I was afraid that Nie Tongduo said that as soon as Nie Yun's spirit moved, he would pass on what happened just now and let him know the grievances of Fei Tong admitting the wrong person and Diao Yong.

"Can this still happen?"

After digesting his message, Nie Tong blinked his eyes, looked at his brother, and glanced at his pupil again, feeling that his head was a little dizzy.

Are you kidding me?

My brother grew up with him, how could he be a prince?

Although his face is strange, I know that my brother admits that he is the prince, and he definitely has his own intention, so I won't say more.

Nie Tong came out of the gate, Nie Yun had greater confidence, and everyone no longer hesitated. Diao Yong and Feng Zhen led the way and quickly walked towards that valley.

As an old hunter who grew up here, Diao Yong was very familiar with the terrain. The group walked very smoothly. With the help of Nie Yun and others, everyone came to a mountain in less than half a day.

The mountain peak was soaring into the clouds, the top was not visible at a glance, and after walking for a while, a narrow valley between the peaks appeared in front of it.

At this time, the sky was already bright, but the mountain peaks blocked most of the sunlight, and the lush vegetation made the valley look a little dark and humid.

"This valley ..."

Diao Yong pointed forward.

Nie Yuntian's eyes moved, he hit his attention and looked inwards. After looking for a while, his brows frowned: "There are indeed some problems ..."

The valley in front of him is indeed different from the ordinary valley. As to what is different, he can't say clearly, but before he enters, he feels a sense of crisis in his heart, which can give him this feeling, probably not only because of the dragon beast.

"Are we going in?"

It seemed to sense the danger, and Nie Tong hesitated a moment, looking at his brother.

"The two of you stay here ~ www.readwn.com ~ The three of us go in and see ..."

For a moment of contemplation, Nie Yun ordered Diao Yong and Feng Zhen to say a word.

The strength of the two of them is too low. If they are forcibly carried, it will only become a drag, it is better to stay outside first.


Diao Yong also knew their own skills and stopped.

"Let's go, listen to my orders inside, and once in danger, turn around and run away, don't stay!"

Knowing that the valley was not simple, Nie Yun explained to the two and walked inward.

Nie Tong and Fei Tong looked at each other and nodded at the same time. The three rushed into the valley and disappeared in front of Diao Yong and others.

(Continue to be the referee in the afternoon, get up early to finish the update ...) (To be continued ...) u

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