Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1882: not dead?

What appeared in front of me was not the dragon dragon beast, but several huge footprints. Seeing the shape and the appearance of dust, it was not long before the owner of the footprints left!

"It's an adult dragon beast, and ... seems to be more than one!"

Tong Tong recognized it, and his eyebrows jumped. Vertex Novel,

The footprints in front of him are the dragon beasts, he can clearly recognize them, and the main thing is ... the owner of the footprints seems to be an adult dragon beast, even more than one!

The adult dragon dragon beast has the strength to complete the king, and there are several heads in a small mountain range, which is indeed weird.

"go back!"

Hearing this, Nie Yun's face suddenly changed, and he rushed out.

Nie Tong and Fei Tong said before they came, obeyed his orders, and at this time saw him and left without saying a word, and did not dare to stay, and followed closely behind.


Before the three of them got out of the cave, their ears trembled, and then they felt a huge airflow coming at the same time. A roar rang through the eardrum at the same time. The strong roar made the three feel trembling, some could not bear.


Nie Yun turned his head and saw a black shadow rushing straight ahead. In front of the black shadow, the air flow was like a sharp sword. When he touched the rock, he left a huge footprint immediately.

"It's a dragon beast ... run!"

His face was ugly, and Nie Yun couldn't care less about the others. He flew behind Nie Tong and volleyed.

This fist used the talents of the Master of the Sky and the talent of devour, and the power in the body immediately formed a vortex formed by Qi.


The whirlpool touched the claws of the dragon beast, and Nie Yun felt a violent surge and a dull chest. A tumbler flew out and hit his back against the rock. The whole person has some difficulty breathing.


Take a deep breath and suppress the injury. Fq Nie Yun's body moved and fell from the rock.

Just now, Nie Tong had taken the opportunity out of the cave.

The two knew that Nie Yun blocked each other in order to give them a chance to leave, and naturally they would not stay silly.


Seeing them escaping, Nie Yun wasn't staying, his body flickered, a few ghost images flickered in place, and rushed straight out.

The pressure on the universe of the world of God is too great, if it is in a sea of ​​chaos. In this case, the top quality kings can not catch up, and it is difficult to show where they are, but here, they are only barely able to perform, and the effect is not satisfactory.


The Dragon Beast behind him seemed to see his true body, a roar and a claw struck again, full of **** oppression. Immediately behind Nie Yun, I felt a huge force on his back before he came to the entrance of the cave.


Blood spewed out, and the whole person fell out like a broken kite.


I thought I would fall to the ground. I fell asleep, but I didn't expect my body to be soft and caught. It turned out that he had fallen out of the cave. Go outside.

"Don't worry so much, just go!"

See brother's worried look. Nie Yun quickly yelled.

Now is not the time to be injured or not, it is the right way to escape!

The dragon dragon beasts that have completed their kingly strength are by no means the current strength of the three of them, which they can compete with.

Nie Tong also knew the danger. When he heard his brother's shout, he didn't dare to stop, rushed forward, and swept away a few hundred meters away in a blink of an eye.


Before I stopped, I heard the unbearable roar of the dragon dragon beast behind, but did not chase out of the cave, as if there was something outside the cave that it did not dare to touch.

"How to do?"

Seeing that the other party did not chase him out, the two breathed a sigh of relief. Nie Tong looked at his brother, his eyes full of inquiry.

"That's right. The cave is a bit weird. These dragons are afraid to rush out ..."

Sitting in place and adjusting his breath for a while, he recovered his injury, and Nie Yun was relieved, inferring.

From Diao Yong's words before, I guessed that there might be a reason why the dragon dragon beast could not leave the cave, but it still hasn't come out yet, and it has already proved the guess.

"No, if they can't come out, why are there their footprints outside?"

Nie Tong asked.

If there were any seals inside the cave, and the dragon beasts were banned from coming out, why would the dragon beasts' footprints again, and how could they and Diao Yong be present?

"This ... I don't know!"

Nie Yun was depressed.

He didn't know anything about the life of the dragon beast. If he wanted to say it in detail, he really didn't know how to answer it.

"His Royal Highness, I looked at it just now. The dragon dragon beast you are working on should not be an adult yet!"

Suddenly, Fai Tong said.


Nie Yun wondered.

"Yes, the adult dragon dragon beast has the strength to successfully complete the strong king, and every move, self-contained, really want this strong shot, just now ... we must not escape!" Fei Tong said.

Although this is a bit of a hit, he knows the strength of the King of Perfection. He knows that this guy is the peak King at most. There is still a long way to go before the so-called perfection.

"Is it so good when I'm an adult?"

Nie Yun knew that the other party would not be groundless, so he dared to say this. He certainly had his own reasons, so he didn't ask much, but he was shocked.

It's so good to be young, who really wants to be an adult, who can stop it?

"Yeah ... and ..."

Fei Tong was puzzled, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't even believe it.

"And what? But it doesn't matter!"

Seeing him like this, Nie Yun frowned.

"And ... I just saw a big scar on the chest of this dragon beast, and over time, it can cause such a large scar, I am afraid that it was wounded at an early age ..."

Painfully said slowly.

As soon as the dragon beast appeared, Nie Yun and Nie Tong turned and ran away, because they didn't notice what the guy looked like when they turned their backs on the former.

Fei Tong was carried by Nie Tong, but looked carefully.

"Injured at an early age? What do you mean ..." Nie Yun didn't understand the other party's meaning at first, and he froze suddenly. "Do you suspect that this dragon beast was the one killed by Feng Zhen at the beginning?" "

Scars on the chest ~ www.readwn.com ~ Injuries in infancy ... and not yet in adulthood ...

Whoever changes it will think so.

It's just ... isn't that little dragon beast dead? Is all blood swallowed by Feng Zhen?

How could it come to life and grow so big?

"Yes ... I think so, but ... I think it's impossible ..."

Hitomi nodded.

"Isn't it possible that Feng Zhen didn't kill the dragon beast at first, but just made him unconscious, and the mother dragon beast also happened this time, so he didn't continue to hunt down Diao Yong, but instead tried to cure it Anymore? "

As soon as my heart moved, an idea came out, and Nie Yun frowned. (To be continued!

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