Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1883: go away

"Don't worry about it so much, leave here to say, a dragon dragon beast can't deal with it, and a few old ones will definitely die!"

After thinking about it for no reason, Nie Yun knew that this place was not a place to stay for a long time, and immediately stopped talking nonsense, and went quickly with Nie Tong and Fei Tong.

I didn't encounter any danger on the way back, and I arrived in the valley shortly after.

"grown ups……"

When Diao Yong and Feng Zhen waited outside to see them coming out so quickly, they both froze, with confusion in their eyes, and wanted to ask what had happened.

"Let's go back first, this place is not accessible by your strength!" After seeing the curious look in Feng Zhen's eyes, Nie Yun sank and warned.

They almost didn't come out with this kind of strength. The two really wanted to pass, and they couldn't escape. In addition, Feng Zhen was still the murderer of the little dragon dragon beast. It was difficult to leave if he was seen. .

"Yes!" Both Diao Yong's faces were frozen at the same time, so they didn't say more.

Although they have not seen the three men in front of them exert their best efforts, they can be seen from the previous speed. Such a powerful person all said in this tone, which shows that the valley is terrible.

The speed of the crowd was fast, and it was not long before they returned to the tribe.

"Go to see Zhizhi General, but before that, I hope you can keep my identity for me, just say that I am a friend of you and want to join Xingjun Banner ..."

After much deliberation, Nie Yun decided to go with Fei Tong to meet the so-called General Zhi Zhi, but only to see what the other party ’s strength was, and whether he could see that he was “counterfeiting”.

If you can see how far you can escape, you cannot see. However, you can use this so-called "prince" identity to learn more about the universe of the gods of the world, better adapt to this world, and even take advantage of the situation, mixed wind and water.

Although doing so. It is very dangerous to seek skins with tigers, but if you do n’t, it is impossible for him and Nie Tongshen to be famous in the universe of God.

"it is good!"

At this time, Fei Tong gave the five-body admiration to the "prince". Obedient and obedient, naturally will not say anything. After a little preparation, the three left the Qingshan Department and went out of the mountain.

"Luoyu Mountain traverses millions of kilometers. Although it is not a famous mountain or river in the whole world of God, it is not small for people of our strength. It is not necessary to search the entire mountain. may!"

As the three men moved forward, Fei Tong introduced: "Because of this, we all act in batches. Inquire in all directions and notify the general when there is news. The general sits in the middle of the mountain range! It can be taken care of in all directions ... "

"The place where the general stays is called Luofeng Peak. It's seven days away from here. We don't have to worry, just walk slowly. If someone really finds the spirit flower, we will definitely get the order!"

"Seven days away?" Nie Yun said no more.

The pressure on the universe is too great. His strength now cannot fly, millions of kilometers of mountains. You can't even blink in the blink of an eye in Chaos Ocean, but here it is. Can only walk step by step.

Fortunately, Fei Tong had been here once, and knew the road in the mountains and forests, and knew where there were powerful beasts. He could not approach, walked all the way, was very calm, and the three of them did not encounter any danger.

On the road, Nie Yun and Nie Tong desperately learned many rules and some common sense of this world. In a few days, they learned a lot.

Of course, too deep things don't know much about the trouble of eyes, Rao is so, Nie Yun feels very satisfied, and they are shocked.

According to Fei Tong's introduction, the three thousand avenues of the world also exist, belonging to the most basic things. Many people fully understand from birth, it is nothing.

If you want to become a strong person, you must break the world and create your own avenue!

This avenue is created by individuals and has a personal brand. As long as he does not allow it, no one can practice.

It is because of the particularity that many different levels of bloodlines were born. The closer the bloodlines are to the powerful who created the avenue, the stronger the talent, but correspondingly, the ability to create a new avenue is lower.

It's like painting on white paper, you can do anything, but once you have graphics on the white paper, it's difficult to draw other things.

Through dialogue, Nie Yun also knows that only the great emperor can create his own avenue, that is to say, creating a new avenue is a ticket to the emperor level. He did not create it, even if the talent is more powerful, resources No matter how powerful you are, you can only stop and succeed in the imperial realm.

Dozens of great forces at the level of the Nine Great Powers have countless descendants. Although these people have the status that everyone envied and countless people dream of, the strongest is only the perfect emperor, and it is difficult to move forward. .

In addition to the descendants of these great emperors and the pure-blooded strong people in Huanyu Divine World, there are also many ordinary people, such as Fei Tong, who is an ordinary person. Since the ancestors, I haven't seen any royal strongman for many years.

Such people do not have the power of blood, but they do not have too high talents. They can only join forces and rely on the strength given by others to improve their strength.

Although these people do not have the identity and blood purity of the descendants of the Great Emperor, because of this, there is no other brand in the body, so they have better opportunities for progress.

In the whole world of God, most of the great emperors were successfully promoted.

There is a small part, who is the Ascension!

Ascendents, like these ordinary people, have no stigma in their bodies. Like a piece of white paper, it is easier to accept more things. In addition to being able to ascend, almost everyone is a leader in the small world ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is only one peerless genius among hundreds of thousands of living creatures. Once given sufficient resources, the speed of progress will far exceed that of ordinary people in the world of God!

Because of this, the emergence of the Ascension has caused panic in the entire world of the Divine Realm, and the indigenous creatures of the World of the Divine Realm are thinking of suppressing them. Otherwise, as time goes by, as soon as the Ascendants appear more and more, they will Will no longer exist.

"Is there a lot of Ascension?"

Knowing this, Nie Yun could not help asking.

The Chaos Ocean didn't know how many billions of years before they appeared. When they came to the universe of God, there were only a handful of them. Where did these ascendants come from in the eyes?

"It is said that the Universal World of God is the core world of heaven and earth. There are countless chaotic oceans of various sizes floating around. Those who rise are from these chaotic oceans ..."

Fei Tong did not know that Nie Yun was a member of the Ascension and explained casually.

(I was a referee for one day today, and I was half-tired, just one chapter, and it will be updated very late tomorrow, sorry. Oh, don't slap ...) (To be continued)

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