Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1884: Emperor Xuanyuan

"Floating countless chaotic oceans?"

Nie Yun froze.

It was thought that the Chaos Ocean was the ancestor of all realms, capable of giving birth to all heavens and realms, and multiplying countless souls. Now it seems that this is not the case. This universe of gods is above all realms.

Perhaps, this universe of the gods is the same as the original spirit world, a higher plane than the chaotic ocean.

After chatting for a while, Nie Yun's face gradually became heavy.

According to Fei Tong's introduction, Chaos Ocean and Universe Divine Realm are basically unable to communicate with each other. Even if the great emperor wants to find it, it is difficult to do so unless there is some change.

In the eyes of the gods and humans in the universe, although the chaos ocean is only indigenous, its origin is of great help to the practitioners. Because of this, once the chaotic ocean is found in any place, there will be countless strong men rushing to **** it. Ya Yu's precious elixir and weapon were born.

"The chaotic oceans are also classified. Ordinary ones can only conceive at most one or two small worlds, and they are powerless. Powerful ones can conceive dozens of worlds of different sizes ..."

Fei Tong introduced it very carefully.

"Can conceive dozens of small worlds?" Nie Yun froze for a moment. "How big is a small world?"

"Probably can accommodate the dominant!" Fei Tong said.

"Accommodating the master?" Nie Yun questioned: "What if he could accommodate the King of the Kings?"

In the chaotic ocean in which he lives, the three supreme realms can carry the power of the powerful king, that is, this chaotic ocean can conceive a world to accommodate the king.

"Accommodating the King? This is impossible ..."

Fei Tong shook his head: "His Royal Highness also knows that although King Realm and Master are only one level behind, they are different from each other. They are not at the same level. If a world can be born that accommodates the King, how much should this chaotic ocean be? Amazing? I have n’t seen it anyway, of course, I am just an ordinary leader of Xingjun Banner. Is there such a great chaotic ocean? It ’s not clear ... ”


Nie Yun will not say more.

Through the conversation with Fei Tong, he knew that the chaotic ocean in which he was located was powerful. No wonder he could make Bai Zhe and others so excited.

It seems that the secrets of the chaotic ocean must be strictly kept, and the connection point with the universe of the universe of God must be completely sealed, otherwise. Once these people in the Divine Realm know that all the strong ones are swarming, even if he has three heads and six arms, it is useless!

Go chatting while chatting. There was enough time, and Nie Yun asked a sentence without a word, and Fei Tong also answered a lot.

This guy is a born-in-law, so he doesn't need to ask any questions and will speak for himself. This saves a lot of trouble.

"I have been living in the mountains and forests, and I do n’t know much about the outside world. I heard that there are nine major forces. Which nine are they?"

Asked later. Nie Yun asked about the nine forces mentioned by Diao Yong, Guan Ling, and others before.

Diao Yong and others are not very clear about the specific nine forces. But Guan Ling, as a member of the Putian Dynasty, definitely understood.

This should be counted as common sense in the universe of the gods of the universe, and it is best to figure it out.

"What are the nine major forces, in fact there are only eight major dynasties. It is said that the nine major forces are just those who ascend to put gold on their faces!"

Pupil eyes blink. Show scorn.

"The Eight Dynasties?"

"Yes, there are eight dynasties in the universe of Gods. They occupy the land of Kyushu, the most orthodox force in the world! Everyone is honored to be able to enter the dynasty!"

Said the Eight Dynasties. Fei Tong's eyes were fiery.

"Oh? Which eight dynasties? The Putian dynasty should be one of them!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Of course! Your Highness may ask others, it may not be clear, ask me, you can say it clearly!" Fei Tong's narcissism: "The eight dynasties are: Putian Dynasty, Qiankun Dynasty, Langya Dynasty, Haotian Dynasty, The Xuanji dynasty, the Shenbing dynasty, the goddess dynasty and the Chixiao dynasty, which are the so-called Putianling, Qiankun Pavilion, Langya Cave, Haotianlou, Xuanji Hall, Shenbing City, Goddess Peak, Chixiao Mountain! "


Nie Yun secretly remembered the names of the eight dynasties for the first time.

"I heard that there is still a boundless sea, doesn't it belong to the Eight Dynasties?" After hearing the conversation between the two, Nie Tong interrupted.

The Borderless Sea was introduced by Guan Ling. Only when the ascendant becomes a borderless guard can he not be remembered by the indigenous people in the world of God and save his life.

"The boundless sea was made by those who ascended, and gathered a group of black people. The soldiers were scattered, unorthodox, and not qualified to be called a dynasty!"

Fei Tong blinked his eyes, hummed.

"Oh? Really?"

Seeing his words flashing, there seemed to be some insincerity, and Nie Yun smiled and couldn't help asking.

If the boundless sea is really as vulnerable as he said, why can you walk freely in the world of the gods without fear of a sneak attack by the natives as long as you become a borderless guard?

If it is really weak, I am afraid that it has been overthrown by the Eight Dynasties!

"Uh ... In fact, the boundless sea is also terrific, but ... the eight dynasties did not want to die out. If they really wanted to do it, they would have perished long ago ..."

After hearing the question from the "Prince", Fei Tong seemed to be exposed as a lie, a little embarrassed, scratching his head and saying.

"Hehe!" Nie Yun chuckled again, staring directly at the other person: "I'm afraid it's not that simple ..."

Although Fei Tong's speech was vague and even exaggerated the eight dynasties, it can be seen from his tone and his actions that it must not be so simple.

The Bada Dynasty did not succeed in trying to unite and annihilate, but was also unsuccessful, and was forced to sign an agreement. As long as the ascendant became a borderless guard, he could not sneak attack.

"Well, let me be honest, although the Borderless is composed of a group of ascendants, the number of great emperors is strong, far more than any of the eight dynasties, and most importantly ... the strongest of the borderless sea, known as the universe The first person in the **** world ... he has a seat ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Eight Dynasties can't help it! "

Seeing through Nie Yun, Fei Tong knew that what he had said was wrong and had to tell the truth.

"The first person in the universe of the universe?" Nie Yun froze.

To obtain this title, this ascendant must be extremely powerful, otherwise, it would never be possible to yield to the Eight Dynasties alone.

"What's his name?"

Nie Yun could not help asking.

"Called Emperor Xuanyuan!"

Although there are many disdains for the ascendant, when he said that name, Fai still looked serious and did not dare to take the slightest light. It seems that this man has infinite magic, even if he is a kind of ascetic ascendant, he has to officially treat.


Nie Yun wrote down his name. Although he only heard one or two words, a kind of simple and magnanimous meaning came out from the bottom of his heart, giving a sense of vastness, which made people involuntarily feel admired. (To be continued)

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