Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1885: Division 9

Moving forward, I didn't encounter any danger. Instead, I talked for a few days, which enabled Nie Yun and Nie Tong to have a new understanding of the world of God and know more. ⊥Vertex Novel,

"In front is Zhiying Camp, a branch of Xingjun! General Zhiying's team, I am one of them!"

One day, when I arrived at a place, Fei Tong pointed forward, full of pride.

Looking forward along Fei Tong's fingers, I saw a military barracks standing in the valley. The layout of the barracks was hidden in the formation. From a distance, he had the taste of a tiger and a dragon. Break in.

It is indeed an army with a strong atmosphere. If such a team entered the chaotic ocean at first, let alone them, even if it is ten times stronger, it will certainly not be able to resist it.

"go in!"

Fei Tong walked forward first, and Nie Yun followed closely behind.


There were still hundreds of meters away from the camp, and the two figures came out, holding a spear and wearing armor, their blood was boiling, as if about to burn.

Soldiers have a field-strength power that ordinary people can't compete with.

"Leader of the ninth unit, Fei Tong!" Fei Tong took a token from her arms and passed it.

"It turned out to be Fei Tong, please come in!" Seeing the token, the two checked and hurriedly marched.

"Huh!" Fei Tong nodded and walked in with the two.

As soon as he entered the military barracks, Nie Yun felt unusual. The military barracks and the valley cleverly combined to form a large array. A special force emerged in the air like a natural barrier.

With this formation, even if someone intends to conspiracy. A sneak attack on the barracks from above will also be found immediately. Even trapped and difficult to escape.

In the barracks. The turbulent airflow makes people feel dull and serious. If they have not experienced military life and entered abruptly, the pressure in it will make people cold and sweaty, and it will be difficult to counteract.

"Oh, who do I think it is, isn't this the commander of Feida? How come back so soon, has the general accounted for it?"

The three walked along the path opened by the barracks. Just before returning to the ninth team where Fei Tong was, he heard a strange sound of yin and yang.

Looking at the sound, I saw a young man in armor who came over, followed by two guards, with a hint of mockery between his eyebrows, and looked disdainfully.

"Fan Zhong, our ninth unit and your third unit do not violate the river water. You don't need to be so weird! If it is not completed, I will explain to the generals!"

See this person. There was a trace of disgust in Fei Tong's eyes.

"Yes, we have to explain to the general, then I will see, what do you explain!" Fan Zhong smiled gently. The disdain in his eyes overflowed with words, turned and walked forward, stopped for a few steps and stopped suddenly: "You are so anxious to come back. Do n’t think that I do n’t know what you want, do n’t pretend to be with me! Miss Bier is going to have a birthday. Everyone knows it well, and they will all rely on their own skills at that time! "

Having said that. Fan Zhong left directly.


Seeing him walking away, Fei Tong shook his head with a sigh and didn't say much. He and Nie Yun walked quickly to the team they were in, and soon came to a barracks.

Although this barracks is also in a military barracks, it looks like it has no momentum. There are only three bare tents, and it is very simple, as if no one lives.

"Dominate ..."

He entered the barracks and a soldier came out.

Nie Yun looked around for a week and frowned.

He saw this soldier throughout the barracks, unlike the bustle of other barracks, no one else.

"Did ... all of you in the barracks went out on mission?"

Zhi Zhiying came to this mountain range, naturally it was not fun, and he must perform the task, looking for the so-called spiritual flower, and seeing no one in the military camp, the first idea in Nie Yun's mind was that everyone went out to perform the task. This made the entire barracks so empty.

"Uh ... that's right, but ... we don't have a lot of people in the team!"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Fei Tong was embarrassed and explained: "Zhiying Battalion is divided into nine teams. According to the strength of the fighting force, we are ranked at the bottom, which is weak by itself ... Many soldiers have moved to other teams. The whole team actually added me and only ... three! "


Nie Yun blinked.

What? There are only three members in a team. According to normal principles, the establishment should be cancelled long ago. How can it be retained?

Originally, when Fei Tong entered the barracks, he reported the title of commander and thought it was very powerful. I did not expect that this was the case!


Pupil scratched his head, full of embarrassment.

According to his introduction, Zhiying Battalion has a total of nine teams, and the team allocates resources according to the comprehensive strength ranking. The ninth team, Fei Tong, is just at the bottom. The combat power itself is not enough, and the resources are naturally very scarce!

Soldiers do not have the resources to supply, so there is no way to improve, because the team is weak, and they are often bullied by other teams. They must also complete dangerous tasks and strive for rewards ... Therefore, many members can't stand it and leave!

Coupled with the casualties ... This caused a weird situation in which this ninth team had only three people. Because of this, as the commander, he had to take the shot himself and go deep into the mountains to find the spiritual flower!

If there is a team member under his command, how can he come to a small place like the Mountain Department in person?

According to the truth, this small number of teams should have been dissolved long ago. However, as a branch of Xingjun Banner, Zhiying Camp must be consistent with all teams. The other teams are all nine teams. There must be a lot of trouble.

Get it around, this team will stay, and this weird situation with only three people will come out.

"Fan Zhong just now is the captain of the third team, and his strength is similar to mine, but his team has more than 300 people, far from being able to compare with me!" After talking about the status of their military camp, Fei Tong smiled wryly .


Nie Yun was a little speechless.

As a team leader of Zhiying Camp, this combination is indeed worth the price.

"What did Fan Zhong say about Miss Bier's birthday just now?"

Thinking of Fan Zhong, he resounded what this guy said before leaving, Nie Yun asked.

"Miss Bier is the daughter of the general. It happens to be her birthday in two days. Several of our leaders plan to have a fun ..." Fei Tong said.

"General Zhi Zhi came out to complete the task, can he still bring his family?" Nie Yun wondered.

Are n’t soldiers on the run alone? How can you bring your daughter over?

"Miss Bier is practicing at Vulcan Sect, and Vulcan Sect is very close to this Luoyang Mountain ... She just stays here for a few days and will leave after a while ..." Fei Tong said.

Nie Yun nodded.

On the way, Fei Tong has introduced Vulcan Sect.

The universe of the world of God is divided into ten places in Kyushu, and the area where they are now is the Vulcan realm among the ten places! And Vulcan Sect is the largest sect of this Vulcan realm.

In addition to the nine major forces in the universe of the universe, there are also some small sects. These sects are much worse than the behemoths of the dynasty, but they are where many practitioners dream of.

Entering these schools of cultivating, you can get more resources, far more than the widowed.

The founder of Vulcan Sect is known as Vulcan, and it is said that he is also an emperor-level powerhouse. However, no one has ever seen him make a shot, and few have even seen his deity. No one knows what the strength is.

Even if no one has seen it, anyone understands that it is by no means simple. It is easy to build a ancestral gate in Vulcan Realm, one of the ten places.

The girl Bier, the daughter of General Zhizheng, was born with the flame talent. The general sent her to the Vulcan Sect, and soon showed up. This year, when she was only about 20 years old, she had the strength of the king of Zhongpin with amazing talent.

The nine leaders of Zhiyingying knew this and all had illusions about this genius girl, but they were of the right age and only three were unmarried. Fan Zhong and Fei Tong were one of them.

Although Fei Tong looks like a middle-aged person, he looks a bit old, but in fact he is not too old, only over thirty, but his skin is darkened by military life, which is far beyond his age.

The unmarried three knew that once they captured the heart of this genius girl, not only their status in Zhiying Camp increased greatly, but they also had a gate like Vulcan Sect, and they will soon fly to Huang Tengda. So ... Actually with a competitive relationship.

Mrs. Fei's family knew about their family affairs and did not want to participate in it, so they didn't care about it. When they heard Fan Zhong said, they remembered that it was Miss Bier's birthday in two days.

In fact, this is a good opportunity. If you give a good gift on your birthday, the other party will definitely look at it, even if it is not a relationship, as long as Miss Bier is willing to say a few words in front of General Zhiyi, the benefits will be One after another.

Because of this, the Nine Leaders are fully prepared.

Originally, Fei Tong planned to find Jiao Linghua as a congratulatory gift, but she found out that she had not heard anything about it for so long. Www.readwn.com.

"Our ninth team, because of the small number of people and the lack of strength, has no resources, and it is definitely not as good as others when preparing gifts ... forget it, then, just go over and see if people arrive, and the others are not expected ... "

Fei Tong shook her head, although she said it lightly, her eyes were unwilling.

Yes, although he is now known as the commander, he is actually no different from an ordinary soldier. In this case, who doesn't want to take a step up?

But he also knew his identity and ability, even if he thought of it, he couldn't do it!

"You said Miss Bier has a flame talent?"

Seeing his expression, Nie Yun asked what he thought.

"Yeah!" Fei Tong wondered why Her Royal Highness asked this, but did not dare to refuse, nodded.

"I have a way to make you blockbuster at the birthday party!" Seeing the other party acknowledged, Nie Yun's mouth suddenly raised, revealing a confident smile. (To be continued ...)

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