Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 186: Iron Rock Mercenary Headquarters

After telling Luo Qingcheng, Nie Yun took some elixir to restore physical strength, completely restored his strength, and did not continue to stay in Baihuazong. After all, Baihuazong was a woman, and it was not a way for a big man to stay here.

"Take advantage of these three days, and inquire about the traces of my father and others, don't make a mistake ..." After leaving Baihuazong, Nie Yunfei frowned in the night sky.

Although the high-profile announcement that Tianyi Sword is a good way to save his father in his own hands, he ca n’t help but ask, if his father is killed by the other party within three days, that ’s bad!

"On my own, if I can inquire about the news, I'm afraid I can't find out anything. I was discovered, huh? By the way, go to the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment! They know more about the news, and they must have very good news channels ... ... "

Suddenly, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

Many of the mercenaries' missions are half-black, so they all have their own news channels. If they can use them, it is better than asking them alone.

When talking with the two mercenaries in the afternoon, I knew that Tielaner had returned to Shenfeng City. With her relationship, it should not be difficult to help with this!

With this in mind, Nie Yun flew towards Shenfeng City with three big monsters.

The headquarters of the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment is in the most prosperous part of Shenfeng City. After entering the city, I just walked away for an hour and saw a majestic building standing in front of me. This is a castle-like building, which is dark and positive In the middle, there are five large characters "Tieyan Mercenary Regiment", and the lower right corner is two small characters "Headquarters".

Although it was midnight, the mercenary regiment was still well lit. People flow like a shuttle.

"Miss Tielan is an animal trainer, and she has subdued two demon pets. One air peak and one armor peak. Now the status of the Tieyan mercenary regiment has surpassed the other two, becoming the first of the three mercenary regiments. Mercenaries must join this! "

"Yeah, I'm here to sign up too, the tamer master Qi Zong peak demon pet ... oh, Miss Tielan is so good ..."


This voice can be heard casually outside the hall, whether a mercenary regiment is strong. The key is to look at the highest peak force. The three strongest mercenary regiments in the past were the heads of their respective regiments, the peak of their sect, but now Tielan has conquered the sect of the peak of his ancestor, and this situation is broken.

The air monster peak monster, strong physical body, even if the general two or three air peak master. All defeated, but because of this, the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment became the first of the three mercenary regiments in one fell swoop. More and more people came to join to make the mercenary regiment stronger!

"You see that there are three monsters behind this man. Is he, like Miss Tielan, also an animal trainer?"

"It is possible. The friends that the Tamer made are also Tamers, and they are three monsters. The Iron Rock Mercenary Group is really powerful!"

"Just don't know what level his three monsters are, can they catch up with Miss Tielan!"

"Catch up with the lady? It's impossible! Miss Tielan's monster is the peak of her sect, she almost reached the highest level. Even if the strongest in the early days of the Supreme want to kill, it is difficult to find this kind of monster. Troublesome, how easy it is to conquer ... "

"It's hard to say. I think these three monsters have smooth skin and strong body, and should not be worse than Miss Tielan ..."

Seeing Nie Yun walking into the hall with three monsters, many people consciously made a way, watching the wind wolf king and other beasts, eyes full of envy and surprise.

The Beast Tamer can domesticate monsters into monster pets, and the overall strength has greatly increased, making people envious.

"Huh? Little brother, it's you, you really came here, haha, go, I'll take you to the assessment, Lao Zhang will sell me face!"

Entering the hall, Nie Yunzheng wanted to ask how to go, when he heard a laughter, a strong man came over.

"Huh? Brother Jiang Xuan?"

Seeing the comer, Nie Yun smiled.

It is one of the two mercenaries who drink in the afternoon, well informed Jiang Xuan!

At this time, he put on the uniform of the mercenary regiment, and at a glance, he knew that his position in the regiment was not too low.

"It's nice to know the mercenary regiment, even the team can directly participate in the assessment without platooning!"

When he saw the boy coming in, he was picked up by the mercenary regiments. All the people who came to the hall for assessment were envious.

"Brother Jiang Xuan, I didn't come here to evaluate the mercenary group, but ... to find you Miss Tielan!"

Seeing the enthusiastic enthusiasm in front of him, Nie Yun could not bear it anymore, and hurriedly explained.

"Looking for Miss Tielan? Haha, you have this idea, I understand. Everyone comes here is this sentence. If Miss Tielan sees everyone, it will be exhausted! Little brother, don't be so high, and work hard in the group. As long as you work hard, the lady will definitely look in the eyes! "

Jiang Xuan first laughed, and then laughed.


Tielan's strength outside the body has conquered the peak of the qizong peak demon pet, which became a good story in the emperor, many people came here, want to look at it, how did Nie Yun never think that he would be classified as this People, can't help but be funny.

"Brother Jiang Xuan, I didn't really come to the assessment, so please trouble me to tell Tielan and say that Nie Yun is here, and let her come out to pick me up!"

Nie Yun said helplessly.

"A briefing, and come out to pick you up?" Jiang Xuan's eyes widened, as if he heard the best joke in the world, "Your boy didn't wake up!"

In this status of Miss, even if she is not qualified to see him, let alone a stranger who comes suddenly, he even wants Miss to come out to pick up ... no dream!

"... You just go, I'll wait here, no problem!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Nie Yun smiled helplessly and explained.

"Well, I'll go there. If you get scolded, you have to pay me a drink!"

Jiang Xuan is also a hearty person ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, he will not be so enthusiastic when he only meets at this time. At this time, when he sees the young man with a hard attitude, he nods his consent and walks towards the building inside the hall.

Those who can live in the headquarters of the mercenary regiment are basically the big names in the regiment. Jiang Xuan knew that the lady was not asleep at this time, and seemed to be discussing something in the conference hall of the headquarters. He did not hesitate to go straight to the conference hall. .

In the chamber of the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment, all the high-level ringers sat in it. At this time, instead of having the joy of the mercenary group's growth, they were all frowning, as if something big was about to happen.

"Everyone talk about how to do this! Liu Jifei is a direct subordinate of Huo Jiahuo Gang's ancestor when he was Minister of Military Aircraft. The relationship is very good, otherwise he will not be appointed as the owner of the city of Jibei! Now his brother Liu Chengze, Nephew Liu Yuan was dead, and he vocally said that it was related to the Jibei City branch of our mercenary regiment. The empire even began to investigate. Laner, you will tell the story of Jibei City again and again, you must come up with a countermeasure and clarify. misunderstanding!"

A middle-aged man on the most central theme frowned, said.

The founder of Tieyan Mercenary Corps, Tielan's father, Tieyan! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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