Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 187: The crisis of the mercenary regiment (1)

At the beginning, Nie Yun killed Liu Chengze, but did not disclose the news in a short time, but the paper could not contain the fire, and the time was not long. The city's owner Liu Jifei knew it and found the secret room.

Liu Chengze itself is a strong ancestor, and Liu Yuan's strength is not weak, but their corpses show that they have been struck by a single stroke. The lowest way to achieve this is the peak of qizong, and there is only one peak of qizong in Jibei It is Liu Jifei!

Of course, there is one more, that is ... Tielan's demon pet!

It is impossible for his brother to kill his younger brother. Liu Jifei thinks that there was a contradiction between the young man Tielan was carrying and Liu Yuan, and the Tieyan mercenary group has the biggest suspicion.

Liu Jifei therefore came to Shenfeng City, and found that the mixed formations of the Tieyan mercenary regiment started, and he did not admit it at all. He directly reported this to the Huo's ancestor Huo Gang, his former old leader!

Liu Chengze itself is the third master of alchemy in the Kamikaze Empire, plus Huo Gang himself ordered the matter to go straight into trouble!

With the intervention of the Kamikaze Empire, the Tieyan Mercenary Regiment looks beautiful. In fact, the crisis is heavy. After all, the crime of killing the third largest alchemist of the Empire is too great!

"That was the case that day ..."

After thinking about it, Tielan would go out with Nie Yun to visit the Danish Fair and participate in the city-owner's fair.

"You said that the person named Nie Yun left Jibei City that day?" Tieyan frowned.

"Yes!" Tielan nodded. "It must have nothing to do with us. I think it is Liu Jifei who deliberately planted stolen goods. I will return when Dan will end. How can I kill Liu Chengze? Besides, I have nothing to do with him. Chou can't let the demon pets do it! "

"I didn't say you killed it. Isn't that Nie Yun?" Tieyan's fingers knocked at the table, making a "click" sound.

"The head of the group laughed. Miss Laner said that this Nie Yun is about the same age as her. Can this age have the strength of the zenith?" A laughter rang in the room.

"Yeah, no matter what our mercenary regiment is, I think brother Liu Jifei died and his nephew died. He deliberately framed us!"

Tie Lan returned to the headquarters and did not tell Nie Yun's true strength to others. After all, the seventeen-year-old Supreme was too scary. No one believed it when I said it.

"Laner, do you know what Nie Yun's strength is?"

For everyone's words, although Tie Yan also agreed, he couldn't help asking.

"His strength ..." Tielan was trying to speak, and suddenly he heard Jiang Xuan's voice sounding outside the hall. "Head, Miss ... Come alone and point out to see you ..."

The mercenary regiment doesn't have many rules, otherwise. Jiang Xuanguang's announcement was also very troublesome.

"Don't see us in a meeting? See Miss, every day someone wants to see Miss and let him go back!"

A senior youth of the mercenary regiment drank coldly.

This young man is interested in Tielan, so he hates this kind of people who want to see her.

"Just say I'm not free now ..." Tielan didn't frown.

After the news of conquering the peak of Qizong's demon pet was issued, every day some people called themselves talents wanted to see themselves, and they felt a little annoying.

"Yes ... he. He also said ..."

Seeing Miss Tielan's appearance, Jiang Xuan hesitated a bit, not knowing whether to say or not.

"What else did he say?" The young man just sang again, "Don't spit it out!"

"He ... also said that Miss would go out to meet him ..."

Jiang Xuan wiped the cold sweat on his head, but he scolded Nie Yun dozens of times.

I have only met this boy and myself, and I drank him once. What do you do with this thing?

"Want to see him? What is he!" The young man shouted again.

"This person is so brave. I just want to see the lady over here. I actually want the lady to go out to see him. He really thinks who he is? Mo Yanqing is still the master of flowers!"

Everyone laughed.

"You go out and tell him the rules of the mercenary regiment, let him go quickly!" Tie Lan was also unhappy in his heart, and waved his hands at will.

"Yes, yes, I'll go back and tell him ..."

Hearing the orders of these big men in the regiment, Jiang Xuan quickly stepped back, and walked outside the hall, still whispering "This Nie Yun really kills me. Why should I be so obedient, I have to come ..."


Hearing the familiar name in Jiang Xuan's mouth, Tie Lan's heart hurriedly turned away.

"Miss ..."

"You just said, what's the name of the person who asked me to meet him?" Tielan asked.

"He said it was Nie Yun, and I didn't know anything else ..." Jiang Xuan scratched his head.

"Nie Yun? You're talking here, I'll go out for a while!" I heard the name really, Tielan's eyes rose from the seat as soon as she blinked, and she flew outwards from the hall in a blink of an eye. disappear.


After seeing the lady, she could n’t go out, but she could n’t see it quickly when she heard the name. Jiang Xuan's eyes widened, and she muttered out in a voice she couldn't believe. “What a big man is this Nie Yun?”

Was whispering, watching the boy and the girl come in together. The girl's look towards the boy was clearly ... worship!

Miss such a strong man with the peak of the air sect would even worship this kid? how can that be?

Jiang Xuan's eyes were straight and he shook his head hard, for fear of misreading!

"Your name is Jiang Xuan, right? Let's go to Tiehe Team!"

Seeing Jiang Xuan's attitude, Tielan's face flushed, and she said immediately.

The Tieyan Mercenary Regiment is divided into many detachments. Each detachment is divided into four levels, according to different strengths. High-level tasks are high, and there is more money. Low-level characters who perform weakly have less money. Tiehe The team is the most powerful detachment of the mercenary regiment. The salary is terrible. Jiang Xuan dreamed of joining it. Hearing the words of the lady, his eyes were red with excitement immediately!

"Thank you, Miss ..."

Jiang Xuan nodded quickly, but looked grateful to the young man who had drunk with him ~ www.readwn.com ~ He is not stupid, the reason why the lady let herself enter the iron team is naturally in his face !!

He also said that he was going to be introduced to join the mercenary group, but he did not expect the other person to be so big ...

Some people in the group are proud and complacent when they have a little identity and strength, and their tails are raised in the sky, for fear that others don't know. You look at others, but you are clearly a master but you are not hiding, and you are drinking with people like yourself ...

Gap! Gap!

What is an expert? This is an expert!

For a moment, Jiang Xuan lived and worshiped the boy in front of him.

"Oh, let's go to the Chamber, just because my father is there, I will introduce it to you!"

Ignoring Jiang Xuan's bright eyes, Tielan looked at the young people around her and laughed. The whole person was as beautiful as flowers. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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