Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1907: Nie Yun disappears

Lying in the coffin is not a peerless master, nor is he an unknown emperor, but an old acquaintance!

The old patriarch of the Mountain Division, Feng Sheng's father, Feng Zhen!

How did this guy lie here?

Nie Yun rubbed his eyes, for fear of seeing it wrong, but under the eyes of the sky, it is impossible to make mistakes. This person is the guy in front of him.

Feng Zhen came to this cave and was attacked by the dragon dragon beast. He fell into a coma for ten years and did not wake up. As a result of several years of fighting in the Qingshan Department and the Falling Mountain Department, it was Nie Yun who came to the rescue. According to normal circumstances, this guy should still be afraid to come to the tribe. Lying in this coffin?

This ... is too weird!

Even with this mentality of Nie Yun, he couldn't help but be shocked, confused and confused.

"Do you know this person?"

Seeing the expressions of the two, General Zhixuan asked.

He has not been to the Qingshan Department or the Luoshan Department, and does not know Feng Zhen.

"General, this is Feng Zhen I told you, the old patriarch of the Mountain Division!" Fei Tong said.

"Feng Zhen? You said that you have not reached the level of master? How can such a small person be here?" It was strange that General Zhizheng's turn was this time.

According to common sense, Feng Zhen has beheaded and killed the small dragon dragon beast, and has hatred against the king beasts in front of him. He dare not come here and not to mention, more importantly, the outside formation method is so troublesome that they can even crack it. This guy ... ... how did you get here?

"do not know……"

Nie Yun shook his head.

He wouldn't be surprised if someone he didn't know was here. Feng Zhen was lying here, saying it wasn't surprising that it was fake.

After returning from here, Feng Zhen ignored his account. Run here again?

But even here, there is no way to enter the coffin!

"Let's see if this guy is dead or alive ..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Nie Yun had to get close to the coffin and observe what was going on.

No matter how this guy came in. As long as people are here, there are always signs to look for.


As soon as he got closer, a sudden suction appeared in the coffin, pinching him like a huge palm.


Before Nie Yun had time to resist, he disappeared.

"Nie Yun ..."

Unexpectedly, such a sudden change occurred, General Zhi Zhi quickly arrested. But nothing was caught.

"His Royal Highness ..."

Fai Tong's complexion turned pale.

It was difficult to find His Royal Highness, and if he lost it, he was too much charged.

"Nie Yun ... Dad, what the **** is going on, you can help him quickly ..." Miss Bier was also full of nervousness. Shouted quickly.

Although he hasn't been together for a long time, this young boy named Nie Yun calmly and wisely gave her a deep impression and didn't want him to have any problems.

In fact, it is not necessary for them to say that General Zhiyi also had this meaning. His arm trembled suddenly, his strength was like a knife, and he hit the lid of the coffin severely.


Hit by his strength. The coffin lid immediately fell down and dropped heavily on the ground, revealing the condition inside the coffin.

Inside the coffin. Nothing Feng Zhen just disappeared.

General Zhiyi quickly came to the coffin and lay his head in it. The situation of Nie Yun was not seen in front of him. The bottom of the coffin was clear and there was no passage at all.

Where did Nie Yun go, not even him ...

"what happened?"

Turned around the coffin. The long gun in his hand knocked the bottom of the coffin a few times, and General Zhizheng's face became increasingly ugly.

The stately powerhouse. I don't know what caught him under his eyes, but I don't know ... it's too shameful!

"It should be a certain formation. I don't know what's going on. Don't worry. Although Nie Yun is young, he is very resourceful. There should be nothing ..."

Seeing the worried face of his daughter and Fei Tong, General Zhi Zhi said.

That being said, in fact he has no confidence at all.

Ever since he came to this cave, he seemed to be led by his nose. There were many weird things, even though he had never heard of it.

I have never seen it before, so it is impossible to know what happened to Nie Yun.

"General, you must save him ..."

Unlike General Zhizheng's attitude, Fei Tong is more worried than anyone else.

"Be sure to save him ... by the way, what did you call his Highness just now?"

Just now the situation was critical. He didn't realize that Fei Tong's name was wrong. At this moment, he couldn't help asking.

His Highness is not called casually, and Fei Tong is not a reckless person. How could he say that?

"If I guess correctly ... he is the prince who has been lost for many years!"

Faintly said.

His Royal Highness did not know where he was, and there was no need to keep a secret. He must find a way to save talents as soon as possible.

"His Royal Highness? Fei Tong, this can't be nonsense! Once you make a mistake, no one can protect you ..."

General Zhi Zhi's face changed and he scolded.

His Royal Highness ... This is not nonsense, there are too many things involved, and even if he is in this position, he is afraid to talk about it.

"It should be true. He can show the purest devouring power. Except for the blood relatives of His Majesty, I really can't imagine anyone else!"

Fei Tong will tell what happened to Nie Yun.

After listening to his words, General Zhizheng was contemplative.

"You said ... Nie Yun may be His Son of Putian? This is impossible!" Bier on the side had a strange face: "I lost the prince ~ www.readwn.com ~ I also heard of some of them. His Majesty Putian has not yet achieved the avenue, and has not established a dynasty. According to time calculations, it is at least billions of years away now ... This Nie Yun looks about the same size as me ... How is that possible? "

It is no wonder that Bier is confused. Even if the life of the Emperor Realm is limited, it is impossible to experience hundreds of millions of years without falling. This Nie Yun is only in the middle of the realm and is less powerful than her. If it is a prince, it will take so long. It must have died a long time ago.

"This is the secret of the Putian Dynasty. I told you not to tell others ..."

Hearing her daughter's question, General Zhizheng hesitated, "It is said that Her Majesty used seals to protect the children and sealed them up, fearing that others would find them and beheaded them! If not, It is impossible to find the same bloodline! "

"This seal technique not only seals the blood, but also makes it sleepy, just like hibernation! No matter how many teenagers, life will not increase. At the beginning, His Majesty tried to prevent the blood from being chopped by others. The power of the seal will not wake up for hundreds of millions of years ... Later, His Majesty defeated his opponent, unified the dynasty, and then tried to find it. He never found it. He could only wait for the power of the seal to end. According to speculation, he would wake up in these decades. This is where I look for ... "(to be continued)

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