Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1908: Yanhuang

"Seal for billions of years?"

Miss Belle froze.

Hearing this, Fei Tong didn't have much surprise, it seems that he should have known for a long time.

"The dynasty's engulfing avenue, no one can practice except His Majesty's personal endowment and blood relatives! If Fei Tong is true, his power of engulfment can be easily suppressed ... then it can be determined that he His Royal Highness We Are Looking For! "

General Zhi Zhi Road.


Father's words were well-founded, and Bier was in situ, not knowing how to refute.

A new avenue can be created to achieve the Emperor level. This is a secret everyone in the world of God knows. And this created avenue cannot be practiced without the Emperor's endowment, unless ... !!

If Fei Tong didn't lie ... this Nie Yun is probably more than 80% chance of being a prince!

"Whether it is a prince or not, we must report it. In the event of something wrong with Your Highness, none of us can afford it ..."

After explaining to his daughter, General Zhizheng's face became increasingly ugly.

Putian has spent countless financial resources and manpower to find the prince over the years, and can see the position in his heart. He is extremely sorry for this prince who has never been met!

Now that the prince was lost with them, something really happened. His ten lives were not enough to repay.

"No, Your Highness told me not to talk to too many people ..." Fei Tong busyly said the words of Nie Yun before.

"Your Highness is thinking about it, His Majesty wants to find the Prince, and among the Prince there are countless others who don't want him to appear ..."

Zhi Zhi nodded, feeling a pressure coming out of nowhere, hesitating for a moment: "Today, no one can say anything, let's continue to look for any clue!"

There is no trivial matter in the royal family. It is good to find the prince. There are also disadvantages, their low status, it is best not to involve too deeply, otherwise. I do n’t know how to die!

But you can't ignore the prince, now you can only take one step at a time!


Not knowing that Fei Tong had leaked his "identity", Nie Yun opened his eyes slowly.

When looking at the coffin just now, a suction came, as if falling into the abyss. I don't know how long it took, and finally stopped and got here.

"What is this place?"

The spear in his hand was clenched, and Nie Yun looked around.

It was dark and without the slightest light, and he seemed to be in a narrow passage.

See how the coffin fell here? Where did Feng Zhen's body go?

Strangely, Nie Yun didn't panic.

Although the things in front of us are weird, they are a lot worse than the original void world, which is completely within the range that can be tolerated.

The sky eye works. The eyes were golden, so I could clearly see what was going on.

It's an aisle. It's empty all around. There's nothing to see.

"It seems that you must choose a direction!"

His position seems to be in the middle of the passage. To leave the spot, he must choose a direction, either forward or backward.

In this unknown environment, forward and backward. The first choice is very important. A good choice of channel can add countless confidences and a bad choice. If you don't get it right, you will be confused and increasingly passive.

Although he didn't know what this channel was, he had a vague sense in his mind. How to choose the front and back directions was a test for him.

Thinking so, Nie Yun was not in a hurry to move forward or back. Instead, he squatted down, took some soil in front, and took some behind him.

I looked at the two soils for a while, stood there for a while, and turned around, and walked back without hesitation.

After observation, the soil in the front was slightly dry, and the soil in the back was slightly wet. Although the difference was not great, it was slightly felt by his perception.

"Slightly dry, indicating that there is a wind source in front. If this is an underground palace, the place close to the wind source must be the way out, and the humid place must be the opposite place ..."

The situation under observation flows in the bottom of Nie Yun's heart. The reason why he chooses to moisten is not to go out but to have his own purpose and intention.

This cave is very weird. Since entering, it seems as if someone is holding his nose away, not to mention anything else. General Zhi Zhi speculated before that the body of a royal might might be here, which made him not convinced.

No matter what the situation is, there are many dangers ahead. Since you are here, you must find out the truth. Otherwise, even if you go out, you will become more and more uncomfortable, which will be extremely detrimental to future practice.

Moreover, he just stood there and felt it. He discovered that there was a special wave in the back that attracted him to see, so he chose this way.

The passage was quiet and there was no sound. Nie Yun held his gun tightly and walked forward step by step.

The more the passage was, the more spacious it became. After dozens of breaths, a black shadow appeared in front of my eyes.


Being alert, Nie Yun was more careful and took a few steps forward, only to discover that it was a stone monument.

A person is taller, slightly wider than a person, and looks dark in the distance, which is somewhat similar to a figure.

"Yan Huang? What is this?"

Near the stone monument, I saw two big characters written on it-Yanhuang!

To understand the world, characters and languages ​​must be learned. On the way to Feiying camp with Fei Tong, Nie Yun will learn the characters of the world.

These two words, with a simple meaning, are carved on the stone tablet, as if they have the power to make the stone tablet stand in the passage steadily for hundreds of years.

"Who wrote it ... wonderful!"

Many powerful words can express the avenue, which is in accordance with God's will. The two words in front of the eyes have obviously reached this level. At a glance, Nie Yun felt a little dizzy, as if immersed in the boundless sea of ​​stars, people are confused Measures.

"Is that the emperor who died here is Yan Huang?"

The body shook ~ www.readwn.com ~ to eliminate the dizziness in my head, Nie Yun felt cold sweat on her head, could not help speculating.

If you guessed right, this place was left by a powerful emperor of the realm. Could this person be named Yan Huang?

Although I talked to Fei Tong about Huanyu Dijie, in fact, I still don't know anything. Even if I know two words, I still don't know whether there is this person, whether he is a name or not.

"Yanhuang ..."

Nian Yun was thinking in his mouth, and suddenly his eyebrows jumped, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared.


He whispered in his heart, then felt that his body was stiff, and immediately followed by a "hum!" In the air, a sword light didn't know where it came from, facing his back heart.

(There is something going out today, the second will be very late, if not, leave will be taken in advance.) (To be continued.) Xh118

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