Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1909: Sneak attack


The sword is dark, and Nie Yun only feels that the whole acupuncture point is covered by the other side. The door of life, dead door, valve, cover door ... Jian Mang, like all-pervasive flowing water, sealed all the escape routes.


As his pupils shrank, Nie Yun immediately understood that the other party was a master with a sword, so strong and terrible that he was far better than him!

If the opponent's strength is far beyond him, he does not feel horrible. After all, the universe of God can create a avenue that transcends the heavens and strong men come out, but ... although the sword light behind him is terrifying, he can clearly feel the strength. Wang Zhongzhong!

This strength dominates the chaos in the ocean of chaos, but here, it is not obvious, and is not a master!

But such a person makes him feel fear and weakness in his heart.


My heart was shocked. Nie Yun was not panic. He had experienced too many dangers. Although the situation in front of him was terrible, it was not irreparable.

The gun in his hand was too late to turn the gun head, and the gun body shot back.

The direction of this shot was not the person carrying the sword, or the long sword in his hand, but a place in the air that was not related to the two.

If you see it for others, you will definitely think that Nie Yun is in a hurry and you haven't found the right direction. This is going to be miserable. In fact, as long as the combatants understand, this is the perfect way to break the attack of the other party!

The sneaker ’s swordsmanship is like flowing water, endless. No matter what kind of tricks he uses to resist, there will be corresponding means. The stab of the gun just happens to cut off the source of the flowing water and let the opponent make any tricks. There was a pause of one thousandth of a breath.

Don't underestimate this pause, for others. Even if I knew it, I couldn't find a solution. Nie Yun was different. Forcing the other party to pause, you can definitely grasp it!

Sure enough, the pistol banged on the void, and the swordsmanship behind him paused. Nie Yun's face was dignified, and the pistol struck three times in the air.

These three times are like dragonflies drenching water, and they may not cause fluctuations if they land on the water, such as useless work.

But Nie Yun and the attackers behind him knew. It is by no means useless. On the contrary, it is more effective than blocking the sword of the opponent.


After three hits, the long-sword attacked behind him made an anxious sound of breaking through the air. It seemed that he was trying to perform a trick that changed instantly.

This change of movement challenges the human body's limits, and its strength is slightly weaker, and the meridians will burst directly due to the change of direction. The milder was paralyzed and the severer died on the spot.

But the man behind him seemed to be okay. He said that change would happen without any hindrance.


Hearing the wind speed of the opponent's changing moves and sword moves. Nie Yun's heart was deeper, like falling into the bottom of a valley.

Knowing the sneak attack, he stabbed his gun at the back. The purpose of this move is not to hurt the opponent, but to break the momentum of the opponent. The second trick was repeated three times in order to block the other side's breath. Make him a last resort.

According to the normal situation, when the two moves are performed, the opponent's forced changes will inevitably lead to physical emergence, and he will be able to fight for half a breath, turn around, and face the attacker, who knows ... the opponent is fine!

Forcibly changing the sword moves is actually as simple as eating and drinking, and the body is not affected in the least!

The fact that this happens can only explain one problem ... this person's physical strength is not weaker than him!

The opponent has a strong physical body, exquisite swordsmanship, and fast response speed. He is passive in his own right. If he can't turn around, turn his back on him, or he will be planted here today and killed by him.

Presumably this situation, Nie Yun was not in a hurry, but his eyes narrowed, and the electric light flashed in his brain, thinking about what to do next.

The martial arts talents are also running to their limits, trying to break the opponent's tricks.

"No way, just use this trick ..."

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of methods flowed through my mind. The best way is to stick to a few more tricks. It is almost impossible to turn around and kill the other party!

In desperation, Nie Yun can only use his last tricks.

With a little finger, I was about to activate the Emperor's Amulet in my hand, and suddenly my mind flashed, and an idea appeared in my mind.


When the sneak attack Jianguang was about to fall behind Nie Yun, his figure disappeared out of thin air, the teleportation was average, and he lost his trace.

The next moment, it appeared again, already turned around, while the spear in his hand pierced the sword tip.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The tip of the gun and the blade of the sword hit each other flawlessly, emitting a series of crisp sounds, the turbulent air stream tore to the walls on both sides, and the rocks and dirt fell down one after another.


Nie Yun suddenly disappeared under extremely passive conditions. After reappearing, he had turned around. Someone seemed to be shocked by this situation, and a surprise voice sounded.

However, Nie Yun can be sure that this voice was never made by the person opposite.

As if born in the soul, it seems to be in the depths of the passage. Even if Tianer's talent is powerful and unmatched, he has not found a specific location!

Of course, at this time, Nie Yun was not in the mood to find the source of the sound, but looked coldly at the figure who had just attacked him, his eyes full of doubt and confusion.

He shot at him just now, but he thought he was a strong man, but it turned out that ... the corpse I saw before was the father of Feng Sheng, Luo Zhen, Feng Zhen!

Isn't this guy dead? How come again?

Isn't power just the dominant level? Why ... in the blink of an eye, like you, you have reached the middle of the kingship?

What's the matter?

Nie Yun felt that he couldn't turn around.

However, this strange time is not long enough to see some problems.

In front of him, Feng Zhen's eyes were dull and expressionless.

People who have been trending have such powerful sword moves. Who is this person?

"Which predecessor is joking with Xia Xia, and inadvertently offend Xia Xia, please forgive me!"

Thinking of this, combined with the exclamation sound just now, Nie Yun exhaled a breath, looking at the surroundings with a high concentration of spirit.

"Kill this person ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can see me only after passing the first assessment, otherwise, I can only bury my bones here!"

When Nie Yun thought the other party could not answer, a faint voice sounded.

The voice is a little old, can't hear the age, and can't hear the specific location. Like the "刚才" just now, it sounds like it sounds in the bottom of the heart, making people find no direction.

"Kill this person in front of me? Assessment? What assessment will I go through?"

Nie Yun hurriedly asked.

However, this time his voice kept reverberating in the empty channel, and no one answered, as if the speech just now was like a dream, the voice he had imagined.


Just before Nie Yun wanted to continue to inquire, Feng Zhen in front of him moved again.

Jianmang is like electricity, sword frightens, and straightens into the eyebrows!

(I wish all the brothers and sisters in the college entrance examinations can get a good grade, go to the ideal university, and make a bright future!) (To be continued ...)

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