Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1913: Practice sword

This set of Da Yan Tianji Swords is not complete, but only three of them. Even so, Nie Yun was still shocked in his eyes.

This sword skill surpasses any sword moves he has learned in the past, and even surpasses Pity Moon Sword!

Pity Moon Sword is a unique skill created by him combining the heavenly ways of the chaotic ocean. Even if the power is very strong, he still cannot surpass the heavenly ways, and this set of swordsmanship strokes the sky like a pen from God, with a taste of transcending the avenue and transcending time and space.

If he can practice, he can definitely make his strength go further!

However, strong swordsmanship will make it a lot harder to practice. If it is at the level of Pity Moon Sword, the talents of kendo and martial arts will be changed in a few breaths, and now this set of swordsmanship, even if it is He had involuntary feelings of inbornness in his mind.

The avenue is unspeakable. If the swordplay is easy to learn, it will not stop countless days of talent, and it will be powerless.

Because Nie Yun knew this, he didn't rush to study at first, but read the whole set of swordsmanship first.

Read through it, knowing before and after, this connection is not easy to make mistakes, otherwise, just analyze one sentence, go the wrong way, and then want to go back, it will inevitably waste more time.

Although there are only three strokes of the large Yantian Sword carved on the stone tablet, the number of words is quite large. There are more than 2,000 words. After reading a full tea, I read all of them.

After reading, Nie Yun was still not in a hurry to practice, but closed his eyes to review the text he had just seen in his mind, and then looked at the stone monument again.

"First style, the star burst ..."

Looking at the first type of comment, while looking, the palm slowly slides.

The trick to destroy the stars is simple. To put it bluntly, it is to drop the ten sessions with one force and crush the opponent with the strongest force. If it is to be perfect, the stars can be broken.


The palm of the hand forms a sword, becoming stronger and stronger. Like the rivers and rivers that gather in the river, the strength in the body quickly converges towards the sword.

Destroy the Stars ... Together!

If you want to accumulate powerful power, you must gather all the power in your body to form a sword.

Normally, his sword intentions are all strength, how much strength. There is how strong Jianyi has never been gathered, and at this time, even he feels a sense of difficulty.


The sword of the palm spreads. Cracked like foam.

"This ... can't even converge one-tenth of the swords of the stars ..."

Nie Yun's face was heavy.

I thought he majored in Kendo and learned this set of swordsmanship. It must have more advantages than others. Now it seems that he thinks too simple.

The first move to destroy the stars required Jianyi to accumulate to a certain degree before being released, and he just experimented a bit. With the current strength and control, even one-tenth of Jianyi could not gather!

One-tenth of the sword's intentions could not be gathered. How is it possible to learn this set of swordsmanship?

"try again……"

The spirit of dissatisfaction in his heart was born, and Nie Yun gritted his teeth and experimented again.


Jian Yi was born from the palm of the hand again, slowly gathering. Just like a balloon blowing up, it gets bigger and bigger.

Squeak! Squeak!

As the sword became stronger and stronger, the sweat on Nie Yun's head became more and more, and the whole person shivered involuntarily.


Jian Yi lost control again and dissipated.

Although he exhausted all efforts, more than just now. Still less than two tenths.

In this way, the simple sword will not condense. How to make it work?

"Look at the second move ..."

Knowing that the first move could not be completed with his current control. Although Nie Yun was nervous, he did not give up and looked at the second move.

In the second type, the pursuit of the stars pays attention to the speed day by day, and the gravity is not gravity. If you want to practice, you must first think of the fusion space and form a special thinking.

Once this trick is practiced, it means that the sword is free from space and time, and the speed is far faster than heaven.

Zizi Zizi!

According to the method content on the stele, Nie Yun controlled the mind and the sword qi of his fingertips, stabbed sharply, and the air gave out a crisp sound.

"Although it is closer than the first move, the speed at this time, even the minimum requirements for chasing the stars is more than half!"

Nie Yun has an ugly face.

Star chase has the minimum requirements for speed day by day. If you want to practice, you must reach this speed!

In fact, to put it plainly, this minimum requirement is the speed of heaven!

How fast is Heaven?

The width of the oblique moon supreme domain, even if Nie Yun flies at full strength, it will take a certain amount of time. The heavenly path is not needed, and it can be reached with one idea!

This is heavenly speed!

As long as it is within the range of heaven, you can completely ignore space and time!

Although Nie Yun has practiced swordsmanship from the Qihai continent, no one can distinguish the chaos of the ocean from the single swordsmanship, but in terms of speed, there is still a gap between heaven and heaven. If you want to exceed it, it is far from reaching it!

In fact, his speed of sword-sending is only half the speed of heaven.

The minimum requirement for the speed of chasing the stars day by day is the speed of heaven. He can only reach the speed of heaven by exhausting all his strength. How can this be done?

Zizi Zizi!

After stabbing several swords in a row, he found that he could not do it with all his strength. Nie Yun had to give up again, and looked at the third move.

The third move is called Jian Zhi Cang Tian. It combines the power of the first and second moves. It has the strength of one move and the speed of the second move. The two moves are merged together, even if the sky retreats!

With only a glance and no experiments, Nie Yun knew that this move would definitely not be completed.

If you want to learn this trick, you must have a thorough understanding of the first and second tricks.

"Don't ... I can't really learn these three techniques?"

Giving up the third move, Nie Yun set his sights on the stone tablet again, his fists clenched.

He confessed that he didn't lose anyone. Since twelve people passed the first level, it means that ... someone learned three sets of swordsmanship ~ www.readwn.com ~ and successfully passed the level!

Why did someone fail if he succeeded?

"It's been more than half an hour, don't hurry, there is really no way ..."

Anxiety was born in his heart, and Nie Yun glanced at the time more anxious.

More than half of the time has passed, and it is getting shorter and shorter from the agreement of an hour. According to normal circumstances, at this time, he must learn at least one skill of swordsmanship. Impossible to complete!

Nothing can be done in a pinch. After half an hour, there is no improvement at all. How can it be completed in the remaining time?

"Is there something I have overlooked? This sword art is not learned at all like this?"

Anxious in his heart, Nie Yun didn't panic, but revolved his mind and reconsidered.

With the ordinary method, this set of swordsmanship will definitely not be completed for the remaining half an hour. We can only see if we can find another way and come up with other methods! (To be continued)

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