Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1914: Sword Yirong Dantian


An inconspicuous place in the corner of the yard, a small stone turtle hides in it, it seems to be blocked by the formation method, even if Nie Yun glances at his soul, he can't see the slightest. However, the stone turtle in the formation method can see Nie Yun In the case of the situation, the eyes that were originally closed closed round, staring at the front without moving.品 书 网 (wWW.VoDtw.coM) ▲ ∴ ,

"Ah, it seems that expectations are still too high ..."

The sound rang from the stone turtle's mouth, with a deep loss.

"The worst time I came here before was the completion of the royal kingdom. This kind of strength is still difficult to implement the Da Yan Tianji sword. The Chinese royal kingdom is almost impossible to display ... I am still too optimistic! It is comparable to the ancient times. Peerless genius no longer exists ... "

The first three swords of Dayan Tianji Sword look simple. In fact, if they want to work, at least they must have the strength to complete the kingdom. Without this power, the vitality of the body is not sufficient, and the spirit is not enough. It is almost impossible to succeed!

At present, this young man is not strong but can break through the five elements and pass the first level. He thought he might be able to create miracles, but he did not expect to look at the other side!

Now that most of the time has passed, and the distance is over, it is only about a quarter of an hour. The teenager did not even learn a trick. If he really wants to learn, I am afraid it is impossible!

I just hope that this guy can make the right choice and leave.

"Huh? Why don't you practice again? Is it violent?"

The heart was sighing. Suddenly the young man in front of him stopped, sitting quietly in front of the stone monument, not practicing, and closed his eyes again.

"I didn't expect this perseverance, unfortunately ... it seems that only memory can be erased ..."

I thought the other party would stick to the last minute even if they couldn't practice. Finding a way to truly suit yourself, who knows there is still a quarter of an hour left. The other party actually gave up!

Such esoteric swordsmanship, focus on cultivation. If you study it carefully, you can't learn it, close your eyes ... What is this not about giving up?

"Hey, young people just don't know to cherish ..."

Stone Turtle is full of disappointment.

Yan Huang Dian inheritance, if anyone knows what is in it, the whole world of the gods will certainly be crazy for it, even the four strongest emperors in the northeast, southwest, and northwestern China will forcibly interfere regardless of their status!

Such a good opportunity, this boy actually gave up, it is really rotten wood!

"Forget it. Find another opportunity next time, look for a gifted boy ..."

After observing for a while, it was found that the other party never kept his eyes open and was in a "giving up" state. The stone turtle had to shake his head and place his full hope on the next person. The boy in front of him was automatically blocked by him.


An hour's time has come, and sound storms generally sweep the entire courtyard.

"Time is up. This kid should just opt ​​out and give up completely! If you really choose to quit, it is the only one of the 108 people who will be assessed ..."

See you in time. The boy still didn't get up to practice his sword, closed his eyes still, and the stone turtle shook his head.

Countless years before. A total of 107 people were evaluated, and the worst one was practiced in the first form. Although the final assessment still failed, they also have the arrogance of genius. Never gave up!

In front of this boy, before time is over, he gave up on his own.

This kind of mind, don't think about it, even if you get the Yanhuang Temple inheritance in the future, there will not be much success!


The boy stood up, but instead of applying directly to leave, as he imagined, he continued to move forward.

The first examination is to practice swords, and then test, and the test is ahead.

"Isn't this guy ... want to participate in the assessment? Once he participates, as long as he doesn't pass, he will directly kill ..."

The Stone Turtle could not help but produce a burst of anger.

It's okay to give up on your own. At most, this opportunity is lost, and you renounce yourself. You still want to inherit it. Do you really think the so-called obliteration is just a joke?

"Take your own blame. If you want to kill yourself, don't blame anyone ..."

Since the other party was not afraid of death, he still did so, and the stone turtle didn't bother to stop it. He looked at the other party coldly and was killed by the formation method after he failed.

Zizi Zizi!

Just when it thought the boy was dying, a voice entered his ear, and a purple light flashed in front of him.

"What? It's ... impossible!"

Seeing Ziguang, the stone turtle's pupils shrank, and the eyes almost fell to the ground. It was hard to stop the shock in the original calm eyes.


The purple light swept through, and the formation around the stone tortoise was like a bubble punctured by a needle, which instantly shattered, and then the light shone on the stone tortoise. The original looking rock was cracked.

However, the turtle's body was cracked. The stone tortoise did not feel shocked and scared. Instead, his eyes were like crazy monsters, flashing with excitement: "Dayan Tianji Sword ... the seventh heavy? This ... this ..."


The stone turtle was completely broken into powder.


Nie Yun didn't know that the tortoise peeked at him behind him, nor did he know that after his sword passed, the peeping tortoise shattered into powder. At this time, he was staring at another stone monument in front of him, his eyebrows like electricity.

When that idea entered his mind, he knew the content of the first pass assessment.

Learn Dayan Tianji Sword for an hour, then come to the stone stele at the end of the courtyard and pierce the stone stele with the newly learned swordsmanship!

There are nine swords and seven weights in Dayan Tianji Sword. Each weight has great power, and the light emitted by each weight is different. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple!

Progressively, when the sword light reaches purple, it means that the Dayan Tianji sword has been cultivated to the extreme.

The assessment is not passed to the extreme, only the fourth level is required, that is, as long as the sword is green, it can pass!

Once it passes, the sword thorn is stabbed on the stele, the stele will be broken, and it will enter the next stele, which is used to test the power of the second sword!

Only three stone monuments were all broken, that is, the three strokes of the three strokes reached the fourth level before they could pass!

Taking a deep breath, Nie Yun's eyes were dignified.

In the first move, he successfully cast the sword for the first time. Obviously, he did not expect to be able to emit purple light. Although he was a little proud, he also knew that it was not a moment of pride. Once the second move could not be performed, he would be wiped out!

"It must be okay ..."

Thinking of the changes in his body just now, Nie Yun was full of confidence.

According to the normal cultivation method, the strength in his body is too weak to condense into a sword meaning, let alone the three-stroke swordsmanship. For an hour, even if any one stroke is given for another ten years, it may not be successful!

It's not that he doesn't have the talent, but ... the gap for repair!

It ’s as if a man is stronger than a cow, but does it mean that he is not capable?

Da Yan Tianji Sword, no matter how mysterious he is, he can understand it. He can't show it because ... the power in his body is not enough to operate and cannot be activated.

Everyone knows that hydropower can generate electricity, and that also requires a lot of water to complete. Give you a sip of water, what kind of electricity can it produce?

What kind of house can I build for you?

Therefore, what Nie Yun lacks is not understanding, but essential things.

Knowing this, he is not continuing to forcibly cultivate!

I thought he knew that even with his best efforts, his current strength could not practice these three swords, and he must think of other ways to find another way.

"It's almost impossible for others to learn swordsmanship in the blink of an eye, but I have a way ..."

Nie Yun's mind was spinning.

Swordplay is difficult to learn. Anyone who wants to learn takes a lot of time. He is different. At the beginning, the talent of kendo masters was opened. Learning swordplay is as simple as eating and drinking. When the air of kendo moves, no matter how difficult it is Just do it.

This set of swordsmanship cannot be learned by normal means. See if you can use the speciality of Dantian in the remaining time to learn this ability!

Because of this, he sat down on his knees and did not continue to practice, but in the eyes of the stone tortoise, he became arrogant.

Before, there was Kendo Air and Blank Dantian. Blending Kendo was very simple. At this time, it was different. Blank Dantian had it. The key is that this set of swordsmanship does not have Kendo Air at all.

After thinking for a long time, Nie Yun came up with a consciousness.

Jiandao Qi is plainly the comprehension of the avenue of swordsmanship. In this case ... what will happen when he integrates the understanding of this set of swordsmanship into Dantian?

Just think of it, sit cross-legged on the ground, and slowly integrate the understanding of Da Yan Tianji Sword and Sword into the kendo Dantian.

With the lessons learned from Beacon Dantian, he knew that instead of using the new Dantian, it was better to use Kendo Dantian, which could better accommodate the sword intention and make a breakthrough.

Da Yan Tianji Sword's sword is sharp like a sword. Fortunately, it is Dando, a kendo master, and he will definitely not be able to withstand other Dantians.

Forcibly adapted for a long time, and it really made him find an accident!

The Kendo Dantian, which incorporates Da Yan Tianji's swordsmanship, slowly swam forward, and in the blink of an eye, it surpassed many Dantians and was close to the top ten (Kendo Dantian was originally in 17th place).

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun knew that his choice was definitely right!

Although Kendo Dantian at this moment is still a long way from surpassing Tiandao ~ www.readwn.com ~, it has made real progress.

With a success, the second method of cultivation and sword intention were also integrated into Dantian, and the third method was followed by ...

All the three strokes of swordsmanship are integrated into Kendo Dantian, and it is an hour before it is time to test whether the swordsmanship can be performed!

At this moment, Kendo Dantian is also closely behind Tianji Dantian, ranking firmly in the top ten.

It was time, Nie Yun didn't sit still, and just wanted to try it out. This time, if he could show the sword technique, he came to the stone monument. He didn't know that he could not do anything in the eyes of the stone turtle.

Pointing to be a sword, to run the already upgraded Kendo talent, point your finger forward, and the purple sparkle stone blasts away!

He didn't even think that the swordsmanship that could not be cast anyway just now was as simple as a trend arm, and even reached the seventh level of purple light!


Nie Yun stared at the second stone. (To be continued ...)

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