Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1915: Fusion


The first method can be performed with the talent of a Kendo master. The second method is about speed. I don't know if it will succeed. Alas,


There was no emotion in my heart, and I was pointing to be a sword, and a sword qi was born again from the fingertips.

Weapons cannot be used here, and even sword practice can only use sword air.


Communicating the talent of kendo, the sword flew like wind in the whole body, and Nie Yun kicked his eyes forward and stabbed forward.

Zizi Zizi!

As soon as Jian Qi appeared, he traced a track that was invisible to the naked eye, straight forward.

Needless to say, this speed has already surpassed Tiandao, than it was in the sky and underground.


A green awn flickered, and Jianqi hit the stone tablet, and the second stone tablet burst apart.


"Huh! It worked ..."

Nie Yun was relieved.

Although the second skill only hit the fifth level of Qingmang, it was already very good for him.

After all, I just learned an hour, and if I give enough time, I can definitely reach the seventh!

"The third stone ..."

After breaking the second stone tablet, Nie Yun's eyes fell on the last stone tablet. As long as the third stroke of the sword meant that Cangtian reached the fourth level, the first pass assessment was passed completely.

However, he also knew that the third sword was the scariest and hardest to learn among the three moves.

The first move is to destroy the stars, pay attention to the heavy, and try to drop ten sessions. The second move is to speed the day by day.

These two moves are hard to learn, and the third one is a combination of the two. Both heavy and fast. Even though Nie Yun's genius has been promoted with the intent of swordsmanship, he still feels weak.

just. Even if you ca n’t do what you want, you have to show it, otherwise life and death cannot be controlled by yourself.

Taking a step back, Nie Yun was not anxious to face the stele, but stabbed at a space behind him.

Every stone tablet is broken, and there is a certain rest period. His third trick has not been tested yet, in case it is unsuccessful. It is likely to be obliterated on the spot. It is better to test it and see the power.


Jianmang flickered, the sword gas shot out from his fingertips, and it didn't shoot far away before disappearing.


Sword Qi emits red light.

"Although I was able to perform the third move, I was only the easiest first, and the fourth most important to break the stone. It is far worse ..."

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun was disappointed.

He has practiced Dayan Tianji Sword in two ways, knowing the power and realm of this set of swordsmanship, and the role of kendo talent. Although the third trick can be performed, unfortunately, it is only the lowest priority. It is impossible to pass the stone tablet!

"Time is not waiting. What to do ..."

At this point, it is definitely impossible to advance to Kendo Dantian. After all, there is not enough time to understand sword moves. It is impossible to generate new sword meaning, and it is naturally impossible for Dan Tian to advance.

Even if there is a time interval between the second stone monument and the third stone monument, there are only tens of breaths, and it is no longer possible for him to explore for a few hours.

"Huh? Right ..."

Just as he was at a loss, a flash of aura flashed through his mind.

"The sword refers to the sky that is the fusion of the first type of broken stars and the second type of chasing the sun. It has both speed and power. I can't do it alone. What if ... use the talent of the master of heaven?"

The talent of the master of the master hand can make him both left and right very dexterous and make any action he wants.

At this time, the third stroke of the sword cannot be performed by one hand alone, and it can be cast by both hands at the same time. One stroke can destroy the stars, the other can chase the stars and then use the unique ability of the sky master to combine the two moves!

This kind of fusion swordsmanship was tried out when he was in the floating heavens and continents.

"It can only be this way……"

Thinking of this, Nie Yun looked at the time and knew that there was no time to ponder carefully, so he had to come to the third stone monument and stare closely ahead.

Hum! Hum!

The talents of the Tianshou Master are running, the palms of both hands turn golden at the same time, the four fingers of the left and right hands stand up, and the two swords shoot straight out, wandering at the fingertips.

One with a strong and unmatched sword, the other radiated a cold mang that surpassed heaven at any time.

In a courtyard not far from Nie Yun, another giant stone tortoise stood silently, his closed eyes slowly opened, looking toward the courtyard, as if blinking through the walls, disguising, and seeing him What is being done.

This is naturally the one that talked to Nie Yun before, and the one that peeped in the yard. Although the stone turtle in the yard was broken, it was not dead. The stone turtle that talked to Nie Yun was only an attached tool. No matter how many cracks, there will be no impact on that idea.

"What is he doing?"

The stone turtle was a little puzzled.

The first move and the second move were successfully completed, which exceeded its expectations. As for the third move, almost everyone was damaged here. According to the move just performed by this boy, the possibility of damage is very high!

However, it doesn't care.

Because the idea on the stele just was left by it, there was one thing that was not intentionally stated ... that is, there are two steles, even if they pass the first pass, three pass ... even if the twelve pass the first pass Even a genius didn't do it.

The reason why he didn't say it was to give pressure to the other party. After he really couldn't get over it, just let him pass.

Originally, he had planned to let Nie Yun pass by, but he didn't expect that the boy could make such a place with his left and right hands, and even he couldn't understand it.


Just when it was full of strange faces, the boy gradually approached his hands, the star burst in his left hand and the star chase in his right hand followed by the day-to-day sword qi, and before they came together, there was a violent shaking.

"This ... isn't this guy going crazy ..."

Seeing this scene, the tortoise was startled ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then I understood the purpose of the boy, and his face became very ugly.

In his eyes, this boy must be crazy, otherwise, he would never think of such a perverted method!

Although the sword refers to the sky that is the fusion of the broken stars and the chasing stars, it can not be done, it is easy to be bitten by the sword gas, or it will be seriously injured, seriously, and even ... dead!

Dare to do this, absolutely crazy!

Zizi Zizi!

The two major sword moves approached the middle at the same time, with different powers and different operation methods. Before they came to the front, the whole courtyard seemed to be swept by the wind, releasing a bitter cold.

These two sets of swordsmanship, one gravity and one heavy speed, are completely different. How can it be easy to merge? Nie Yun's head immediately burst into cold sweat.

However, if you do n’t integrate, you must be wiped out. In this case, you have to fight for it anyway!

Nie Yun's teeth clenched, and his spirit was dizzy because of his high movement. (To be continued ...)

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