Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1916: Pass Level 1


"Really crazy ... absolutely crazy ..."

Looking at this scene, the stone turtle's eyes were full of panic.

The two big sword moves are completely different, but this boy is thinking of merging together, isn't it crazy? It seems that he can kill himself by himself without using matrix formations!

The person who created this set of swordsmanship is cultivated to the sky. Each sword move has a specific strength and power. If it is so easy to integrate, someone would have already completed it, and he could not wait for him!

"You have to stop it ..."

After waiting for a good seed for many years, and relying on the strength of Wang Pin in the middle, I trained Dayan Tianji Sword into two styles, and even reached the seventh level with a trick. This genius really wants to die here, it absolutely I'll regret hitting the wall!


Stone Turtle was about to enter the courtyard to prevent Nie Yun from making such an adventurous act. Suddenly a light flashed in front of him, and the two swords in the hands of the teenager in front of him were trembling slightly, and there actually appeared ... Fusion!

"What ... this is impossible ..."

Stone turtle a cricket.

Now it feels crazy.

The difficulty of merging the two swordsmanships is no less than the fusion of water and fire. Water and fire are intolerable, and the swordsmanship cannot be merged. But now this boy has really done it!

If you do n’t see it with your own eyes, it ’s hard to believe!

How did you do it?

"Successful ..." Unlike Stone Turtle's madness, Nie Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

The reason why the two sets of swordsmanship can be merged is not that he is strong and knowledgeable, but that ... he had practiced both Buddha and magic, and the conflict at that time was stronger than this. In the end, he was thoroughly adjusted. With this foundation, it becomes much easier to merge swordsmanship again.

Even so, the two swordsmanship in both hands still felt broken at any moment, it seemed. As long as there is a little carelessness, a little mistake will be blasted in place, and even if he does this, it is hard to escape.

"*, Get me together!"

See the fusion for a long time. No more hurry, the interval between the steles has arrived, Nie Yun can no longer take care of these, his face pale, his hands slamming towards the middle.


The palm of your hand gives birth to thunder. The two completely different swords and minds merged at once, hey!

Fully compatible sword meaning, like a solid sword with the same handle, flashes a dazzling light and powerful power, this momentum emerges suddenly, even if Nie Yun is the master of creation, he can't help but take a step back. .


Ning Yun's eyes glowed while calmly living the chaos in the body.

Never dreamed. The third sword after the fusion is much stronger than the first and second swords. It is by no means a simple one plus one equal to two!

If you guessed right. Power has increased tenfold!

Seeing the power of this sword technique, he even felt that he would have the opportunity to beheaded when he met the powerful King Realm!

A sword technique can enable him to surpass two levels to defeat his opponent. Who created this set of Da Yan Tian Ji Sword? How powerful is this so-called Yanhuang Dian inheritance?

Wanting to understand this, Nie Yun looked forward to it even more.

Different from his expectations. The stone turtle's chin outside almost fell to the ground.

"These two sets of swordsmanship ... so powerful together?" ...

Da Yan Tianji Sword The third stroke refers to Changtian, although it is the fusion of the first two strokes, it is actually a new sword technique combining the advantages of the two strokes. It is not a hard fusion of two big tricks at all!

Most importantly, the third trick. It has seen countless people cast it, and even the super strong who created this set of swordsmanship has also performed it. At most, it is 20% stronger than the previous two moves. Why now ... ten times more powerful?

This is too exaggerated ...

Shi Gui feels that he can't turn his head.

Rao is how many years he has lived. He has seen countless geniuses and super-powerful people, but he can't figure out why this happens!

Disrupting the stars and chasing the stars are two major sword moves. According to the truth, even if they are merged, they can increase their strength by up to 50%. How can they increase so much at once?

In fact, not only it can't figure it out, even the masters who created this set of swordsmanship will definitely not understand it, because the two swordsmanship techniques are not integrated at all, and Nie Yun's forcible fusion is equivalent to creating another swordsmanship technique. Although the shape is the same as the sword pointing to the sky, it is actually completely different from the essence.


When the stone tortoise was wondering, the courtyard in front exploded, and Nie Yun's successful sword stabbing on the stone monument was no accident. The latter was directly blasted into powder. Not only that, the entire yard also seemed to be looted. The walls There were cracks, and the stele in front of which three types of Dayan sword were written collapsed.

"Uh ... what the **** is this fused swordsmanship? Why is there no color ..."

Nie Yun scratched his head with the powder powder that had blown up the stele, his face was depressed.

The previous swordsmanship was divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, and the seven colors represented the sevenfold. Now the fusion of swordsmanship breaks the stone in a blink of an eye. I can't see any color, and it doesn't matter what the weight is. Got it!

"Forget it ..."

If you do n’t know the weight, you do n’t know. Anyway, this sword is very powerful and can be used as the strongest hole card in the future.

Thinking in his heart, a light fell from the sky before him, immediately covering him.


The entire person disappeared from the courtyard.

Smashing the three stone monuments is equivalent to successfully passing the first level and entering the second level.


Nie Yun appeared in a courtyard, still a stone turtle in front of him, but not the same as before.

The previous stone tortoise was smaller than this, and its shape and behavior were completely different.

"Passing the first level, your potential makes me can't believe it ..."

Stone Turtle opened his eyes and looked at the boy full of praise ~ www.readwn.com ~ He couldn't believe it, he was almost scared to death.

I thought this boy could not practice swordsmanship and renounced himself. Who knows without experimenting, standing up is the seventh highest level, just this way, and two completely different swordsmanships are fused together ... this Is the guy human?

"Just luck ..."

Nie Yundao.

"Very good, have achievements without pride, encounter difficulties without shrinking ... very good! According to common sense, you must pass the second level to pass the first level, but your current practice is still too low, I can give You have a chance, wait for you to reach the perfect kingdom and come again! "

Shi Gui praised and said his thoughts.

Although the young man has good talents and strong understanding ability, he knows that if he really wants to go through the second level, he will be trapped in it and die directly.

Not because his talent is bad, but because ... the second level is too abnormal! This kind of strength can't compete at all. (To be continued)

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