Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1922: Fishing

"Forget it?"

Hearing this, Miss Bier was helpless again.

How to listen to the other person's tone for fear of sticking to him?

Is it that bad?

For other men, I'm afraid I dream about this kind of encounter, even a girl can put down her face, don't mind too much, he took it!

For a while Miss Bier could not wait to rush forward and choke this guy alive.

Seeing the other person's gloomy, murderous gaze, Nie Yun wondered for a while, it seemed that he didn't say anything wrong ...

"Otherwise ..." After thinking for a while, Nie Yun thought of a compromise method: "You find a way to transfer the fire poison in the body from the perineum point, as long as you leave that point, I will find a way to help you treat it!"

As long as Huo Du is not in the perineum, there is no need to be so awkward.

Although the young lady in front of him looks good, he really does not have any thoughts, so avoid it if you can avoid it!

"Take it out ..."

Miss Bier's eyes did not improve for the slightest, and it was still ugly: "If I could move it ... I would have solved it myself ..."


Nie Yun was awkward.

This is a fact. The other party is really capable of removing the fire poison from the position, and I am afraid there is a way to expel it from the body.

The reason why this fire poison made her helpless, I was afraid that she could not be removed, could not move, and was completely out of her control.


Seeing the sadness of the young man now, Miss Bier was so annoyed that she was almost crazy.

Beautiful women of this level are surrounded by countless people everywhere they go, and now they take the initiative to come to the door and let picking ... and make this expression. It ’s the same as what is happening ... What does it mean?

"Well, yes, I have a way!"

Seeing each other's expression, Nie Yun thought she was because of embarrassment and thought about it. Suddenly there was a flash of aura.

"any solution?"

"Since you can't bring out fire poison, we can fish it out!"

Nie Yun smiled.

Since this fire poison can't be eliminated, it will certainly be able to avoid evil and avoid evil. Naturally, it can avoid the hunting and hunting of practitioners. Since tough means are not available, it can be caught out. Then swallow it with swallowing!

"Fish out? Do you think we haven't tried it?" Ms. Bier shook her head. Although she was upset in her heart, she saw that the other person was helping her to find a way. She couldn't say anything and had to grit her teeth and swallow. Anyway, you ca n’t say, you can just look at my body ... This is so true, she does n’t need to live anymore!

She is a lady of yellow flowers anyway. No one has seen her body except herself. Although she is very resentful at the disdain of the young man in front of her, she cannot speak.

"Have you tried?"

"Well, this fire poison is formed by the impurities in the flame. It has a strong dependence on the flame. At the beginning, our ancestors of this branch also thought of this method, using the purest flame-the truth in the core disciples of Vulcan Sect. The qi flame attracted. Sure enough, it attracted it. Who knows ... this thing can have a strong ability to pollute. When this true qi touches it, it immediately becomes fire poison, just like the ink enters the clear water! Ability, it is impossible to expel the body! The ancestor at the beginning. For this reason, not only did the fire poison not be eliminated. It also increased the power of the fire poison in vain, and it was depressed after a short time ... "

Said Miss Belle.

It's their branch. It's no secret that it became a joke in Vulcan Sect.

It was hard to come up with a solution. Not only did not eliminate the ills, it was also a ration for the ills, so that it became stronger and stronger, and it was a loss to the wife and a troop!

That's all. In order to ask the core disciple to take the shot, the ancestor also paid a huge price. One or two go, the loss is so great that no one can accept it!

It was great without getting angry on the spot.

"Can the core disciple's infuriating flame attract the fire poison?"

Unlike the girl's depression, Nie Yun's eyes brightened instead.

After seeing the flame of Vulcan in Miss Bier's body, the flame of fire has been copied in his body. This flame of air has surpassed heaven. In his opinion, even compared to the core disciples of Vulcan Sect, it is not different.

As long as you use this flame gas to catch those fire poisoning out of the perineum, and then use the power of swallowing to transfer them out of the body, the two can't be combined with others, even if the emperor is strong, it is impossible to have both. Beyond the avenue of heaven ... but he can!

Possessing endless dantians can freely give them the ability to dantian. This dantian ability may be a long way from the avenue realized by the emperor-level strong, but it is definitely stronger than those so-called core disciples!

Because of this, General Zhi Zhi, who is a strong emperor of the realm, did not see the problem and believed that he was the prince!

However, after just getting excited, Nie Yun frowned.

Although it is not known whether the whole world of God has any person with two abilities beyond Tiandao Avenue, at least he is afraid to act rashly.

It's as if now, Miss Bier and others think he is the prince of the dynasty, because he has a pure talent for devour, once he shows the pure talent of Vulcan ... What do you say to others?

If you do this, don't you understand that you are not the "Prince", or you will be killed by General Zhi Zhi on the spot!

Therefore, people with multiple abilities cannot let anyone know. Once someone knows, they must be beheaded and the news cannot be passed on!

Miss Bier ... definitely can't kill, if you kill, it won't be complete ...

You can't kill, you can't expose yourself ... What should I do?

Rubbing his brows, Nie Yun didn't know what to do for a while.

In fact, if he can let it go, it does n’t matter if the other person ’s perineum is not cryptic, but ... the position of the perineum is too embarrassing, the difficulty of listening to fire poisoning, and if he ca n’t make it, he will put his hand on ... to him, it couldn't be done!

There is already a lot of emotional debt on his back, and he doesn't want to mess with it any more.

"Still, if you can find a way to catch the fire and poison in your body, I will be able to help you treat it. If you can't catch it ... there is nothing I can do!"

After pondering for a long time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun still decided not to expose the matter of possessing the flame of Vulcan.

"Are you ... there is no other way?"

Seeing the young man's attitude, Miss Bier's face was ugly. Since the other party said this, she couldn't force it. She wanted to continue talking, and suddenly heard the rapid footsteps from the cave.

"General ... not good!"

An anxious voice sounded in the cave. Listening to the voice, Nie Yun knew that it was the second team leader Wang Yao during the day.

"what happened?"

The calm voice of General Zhixuan came.

"Spiritual flower, sensible flower ..."

Wang Yao's voice was anxious, with deep panic.

"Go out and see!" After hearing this, Nie Yun and Miss Bier knew that it was not the time to solve the fire poison, and got up and walked out. (To be continued)

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