Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1923: The change of consciousness flower

Out of the stone cave, the fire flickered outside, and the figure was stunned, and Zhi Zhi and Wang Yao were heading out.

After looking at Nie Yun and Bier, General Zhizheng seemed very surprised why the two came out together, but did not ask, and walked outside a few steps.

Starry sky, standing on the cliff platform, the stars flickered overhead, like lit lanterns.

When Nie Yun saw Wang Yao's face anxious, his heart was slightly strange.

During the day, he saw some problems. According to the truth, even if the problem is real, it was found. At most, he felt that he was right. Shouldn't he be so anxious?

"Look at the general!" Wang Yao's voice was a little panicked and trembling.

"What's going on? Who did this?" General Zhi Zhi seemed to see something, a cold voice sounded, and an air of Xiao killing was sweeping across the platform.

As a decisive general, once angry, people feel that autumn is coming.

"I don't know. My soldiers are always guarding. I didn't leave a step. I also put a seal around it. According to the truth, let alone a person. A mosquito ca n’t fly in. How did it happen? know……"

Wang Yao was about to cry.

One commander, in charge of an unknown number of subordinates, has experienced many battles, and has seen countless lives and deaths. At this time, he is afraid of this, and he sees the great change in the appearance of Jue Linghua!

Nie Yun's heart was strange, but there was some darkness in front of him. He was far away and didn't know what happened.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Miss Bier couldn't help but ask.

"Nie Yun, come over here!"

Hearing her daughter's shout, General Zhiyu remembered something, and his eyes fell on Nie Yun. Called out.

Because of Wang Yao's presence, he was inconvenienced to call His Highness, and he could only call his name.

"Look at Jue Ling Hua ..." General Zhi Zhi pointed forward.

A few steps came to me, Nie Yun looked up and saw the lilac psychic flower that I saw during the day. The surface seemed to be covered with snowflakes, and the lavender on the surface was wrapped with some white dots. The original rich aura and momentum also began to decay, and there was no longer the vitality that I saw before.

"Master Nie Yun, look at what happened to Jue Linghua. I really didn't move. No one came over ... how did this happen ..." Wang Yao shouted quickly, as if he had seen awake.

Although he does not know the true "identity" of Nie Yun, it can be seen from the general's emphasis on him that if he speaks for himself, the general will definitely believe it.

Prince Dobo named the consciousness flower he wanted. He was able to find what was originally a great achievement. No one knows that it will take less than half a day to become like this. His whole body is a bit weak and dying, and he really cannot explain it. He cannot escape the crime of poor protection.

"What's going on? How can it turn white?" Nie Yun ignored his shouting. It was also full of strangeness, frowning, and doubt and confusion in his eyes: "Should not ..."

"According to what I know. The consciousness flower is full of spirituality, fully matured in dark purple. Only after using it, the aura can be white after being cleaned up by others ... Now there are so many white spots. What happened? Have been here. The aura on the flowers has been absorbed? "

General Zhi Zhi Road.

"No ... I said this during the day, there are some problems. I need to observe carefully to understand ..."

Nie Yun waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Did you say that during the day?" General Zhi Zhi froze. Then I remembered what the young man said when he saw Jue Linghua for the first time in the day.

At this point, Wang Yao on the side also thought, and his voice was a little trembling: "Master Nie Yun, don't you ... say that this flower is dead during the day ... is it true?"

During the day, when Nie Yun saw the medicinal plant, he suggested that General Zhi Zhi should not wait, but pull it off, and said that the medicinal plant might be dead!

Previously, Jue Linghua was full of life and no one believed it. At this time, she was full of white spots and had no vitality, so she had to believe it.

"Well, this flower died during the day ..."

Nie Yun nodded.

After experiencing the matter of Wuliang Palace, he knows the pharmacology very well. During the day, although the awakening spirit flower looks full of aura and has great power, in fact, this momentum is only a paper tiger, which is slowly dissipating. The power of medicinal herbs to keep people away.

So, after just glancing at it, he knew that the medicinal material might be dead and could no longer reach the deep purple color they said.

It is just ... According to the inference, even if such a powerful medicinal material dies and wants to turn white, it will not be possible without hundreds of years to elapse. How can it suddenly become this way?

During the day, he said that the medicinal materials were dead. General Zhi Zhi and others did not believe it. He felt that the momentum of the medicinal materials would be reduced by the next day. As a strong man in the imperial realm, he would definitely be able to see it. It would not be too late to explain it carefully ... Think of this reversal in less than half a day.

Obviously, this change is beyond his cognitive scope.

"I'll take a closer look!"

Strange in his heart, he no longer ignored the crowd. Nie Yun came to the flowers in a few steps, and his eyes were radiant, turning his eyes to the limit, looking for traces of traces.

When he came to him, he also saw the appearance of Jiao Linghua.

The look of Jiao Linghua is very beautiful when it is said carefully. The petals are covered with water droplets, and they look like tender water, exuding a faint fragrance.

This aroma is inhaled into the mouth and nose, making people feel refreshed for a while!

The consciousness flower can repair the injured soul. Ordinary people can also strengthen the soul and increase the power of the soul.

However, at this time, the surface of the consciousness flower was covered with dense white spots, like a thin layer of frost. There was no such feeling of refreshing soul, but it was animated, giving a martyr's old age. A sense of vicissitudes.

Tianyan looked all around Jue Linghua ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun looked up: "From the day to now, no one really came over. Jue Ling grass turned into this, it should not be artificial!"

"Yes, it's not artificial ..." Wang Yao heard his words, his face was grateful.

The young man said that his crime of inadequate protection would be alleviated a lot.

"Not artificial? How did it ... become like this?"

General Zhi Zheng ignored Wang Yao's concerns, but frowned.

Even if this medicinal plant is dead during the day, but no one moves, how can it become like this in a short time, as if it has been used by people?

"I didn't figure it out ... But depending on the rate of decay of this medicinal plant, I suggest that the general pick the medicinal material immediately and find a proper place to save it, so that at least some of the medicinal power can be retained, otherwise ... wait for all the spiritual flowers to become Even if it stays white, I'm afraid it's useless! "

Nie Yun hesitated and said slowly. (To be continued)

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