Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1924: Look for

Remember for a second, giving you high speed. "pick?"

General Zhi Zhi's face was blue and white.

It took some time, manpower, and material resources to find the consciousness flower, intact, and the prince of multiple waves must be rewarded, but now it is half-paid and the medicine is greatly damaged. I really want to present it in the past ... what is the outcome? Unpredictable!

But if you do n’t pick it, once it turns completely white, it will really be useless. If you want to find the second most, you do n’t know the age.

Turning his head to look at Nie Yun, seeing that the young man's eyes were firm and unshakable, he shook his head: "Pick off!"


Seeing that the general did not blame him, Wang Yao relieved and hurried forward.

It takes a certain procedure to pick the medicinal materials, but it is not particularly difficult. Wang Yao, a strong man like Wang Yao, usually does not have less to do. Soon, the medicinal materials are taken down and placed flat in the jade box.

Entering the jade box, the speed of the medicinal material's aura dissipating suddenly decreased, tending to calm down.

"Wang Yao, the army retreated!"

After picking the medicinal materials, it would not make much sense to continue to stay here. General Zhi Zhi beckoned and instructed Wang Yao to bring soldiers and prepare to leave.

"General, you leave first, I want to see here, I will find a way to catch up with you tomorrow!"

Seeing the sergeants preparing to leave, Nie Yun did not follow them but said.

"You stay here? Is there any danger? Or should I stay with you ..."

The matter of Jue Ling Hua has already gone wrong, and General Zhi Zhi does not want the "Prince" in front of him to change again.

"No, it's not dangerous. I just feel that the medicinal materials suddenly become so strange. I want to see this mountain. Is there any problem!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"Well, let's camp at the foot of the mountain and wait for you!" General Zhi Zhi said when he saw him. No more questions, head.

"Under the mountain ..." Nie Yun did not expect the other party to let so many soldiers wait for him. I was a little embarrassed and wanted to say something, but when he saw that he was resolute, he had to laugh hard: "Well, I'll come down and take a look!"


General Zhiyu left with his soldiers. Sister Bier wanted to stay, tangled for a while, and finally went down the mountain with his father.

The crowd left, and Nie Yun's eyebrows no longer looked like before. Eyebrows raised, staring at the place where the medicinal herbs had grown before, looking dignified.

The reason why he didn't go down the mountain with everyone, as he said, was to find the cause of the decline of the conscious spirit flower.

It's just weird. There are more people involved, but it is very troublesome, because he has to perform a lot of mysteries in the sea of ​​chaos, in case something is discovered by others. "Prince" identity is tantamount to being broken down.


Taking a deep breath, Nie Yun flicked his fingers, and a leaf appeared in the palm of his hand.

If General Zhizheng saw it, he would surely recognize that it was the leaf of Jue Linghua. I do not know when it fell into his hands.

The palm of the hand flashed, and a ray of ray radiated from the palm, and the leaves slowly floated under the light. The edges of the leaves exude a touch of gold.

This is an ordinary leaf on the Jelly Flower, before the flower faded. The breeze fell to the ground and was picked up by him.

"Following Qi. Finding the root of Reiki ..."

The leaves were suspended, and Nie Yun ran a few handprints at will.


A wave of energy fluctuated, and the tip of the leaf suddenly turned in the air and pointed towards the mountain.

"In the mountains?"

Nie Yun used the tracing air and the secret method of the chaotic ocean to find the cause of the change of the conscious spirit flower.

It is impossible for Jue Ling Hua to decline for no reason and lose Aura for no reason. There must be something hidden in the dark and quietly devouring its vitality, just like the original medicine garden of Wuliang Palace!

The medicinal material of Wuliang Palace is because Qilingcao swallowed their essence, qi, and god, which was debilitating and would die at any time. At this time, the conscious spirit flower should be the same. What was swallowed up the power in half a day , From lavender to white.

Jue Ling Hua allows a prince in the universe of the world of God to send soldiers to find out that precious, such precious medicinal materials can be swallowed up by some kind of spirit, and death is bad. Isn't this thing even more terrible?

Because of this, Nie Yun moved his mind to find the root cause.

"Go up!"

Seeing that the direction indicated by the leaves was on the mountain, Nie Yun did not hesitate, his body fluttered, his fingers grasped the bulge of the cliff, and he was afraid step by step.

Although his current strength is not weak, as long as he cannot fly, he will be very troublesome to go up the mountain. Fortunately, he is physically strong and full of strength, even if the cliff is steep, it is hard to bear.

The leaves lead the way, and he crawls up step by step behind him. At the beginning, it took some trouble. After a while, the steepness of the mountain decreased, and his speed became faster and faster.

Less than half an hour, came to the mountain.

This mountain peak is not the highest, but not low, in the Luoluo Mountains. Standing on the peak and looking down, the sea of ​​clouds is everywhere, covering the ground like a screen, let alone seeing Zhi Zhi and others, Even the platform he came to just now is missing.

Occasionally, several peaks emerged from the surrounding clouds, like a sharp blade that pierced the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hanging on the heavens and earth, giving people a feeling of entering a fairyland.


Not in the mood to observe the beauty, but looking at the leaves in front of him, Nie Yun's fingers were once again.

When he came to the mountain, he had felt the spirit of tracing. The root of tracing was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that he could find it at any time.

The suspended leaves, under the control of his power, continued to move forward, and Nie Yun followed closely, moving forward step by step.

The area of ​​the mountain is large, and the end can not be seen at a glance. It is covered with cypresses, and the leaves are covered with white snow.

Nie Yun displayed light-weight martial arts and walked on the snow. After a while, he came to a place like a mountain bag.

There is nothing strange about this place. If you do n’t use leaf tracking, you wo n’t see anything even if you come here, but at this time, the leaves stop, and I am afraid that the previous spiritual spirit flower disappeared for no reason, which has a lot to do with this.


Pointing to be a sword, Nie Yun slammed into the mountain bag in front of him.


Snowflakes splattered and the soil separated. The mountain bag revealed the situation below. It was an underground crack. I do n’t know where it spread. It was dark and the end was invisible.

"It is estimated that the root cause of the aura loss of Jue Ling Hua is in the cracks ..."

Nie Yun guessed.

The crack in front of him is not big, and his height cannot get in at all, but since the leaves found here, it is likely that the root is here.

"Go in!"

Take out a long sword, Jianman waved, and stabbed to the ground.

The sword screamed. Although the rock on the ground was hard, he could not resist it in the face of his powerful power, and soon he dug out a passage that allowed people to enter.


Nie Yun's body stretched into the water like a fish. To be continued. .

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