Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1925: Dimai Lingsun

Digging the ground with a sword is relatively easy at first. After a while, almost all of them are rocks, and the speed slows down a lot. There is no way for Nie Yun to use the strongest trick, Da Yan Tian Ji Sword. == If you have read this chapter, please go to “Biquge” to read the latest chapter, or you can search for “biquge” or “” directly on Baidu, please remember our new website pen√ 趣 Ω Court. / [ads: This site has a new URL, shorthand method :,]

This sword move learned from Yan Huang Dian is indeed powerful. Rocks can easily turn into powder when they meet. The speed of digging is a little faster than just now.

However, if the strong man who created this set of swordsmanship knows that the descendant who learned the swordsmanship will use the sword for the first time, he will not dig a hole against the enemy, I am afraid he will die.

While digging and moving forward, two hours passed, Nie Yunjue's body lightened, his feet slipped, and he fell into a hole.

The previous crack was very narrow, and less than one person entered. It suddenly opened up and increased by dozens of times, like an underground palace.

"It should not be artificial, but a crack created by ground changes ..."

After a careful look, Nie Yun judged.

This huge karst cave is connected to the crack above. It seems that it should be formed naturally, not artificial, because there is no artificial atmosphere here.

The smell of sulfur was everywhere in the cave, and a wave of heat rushed from time to time, making people feel as if they came to the fire.

Flick your wrist and take the leaf out again, lightly.

The leaves pointed the direction, and Nie Yun walked step by step in this direction along the crack.

Originally, the cave was hot and unbearable. No one knew it was getting cooler. After walking for a while, I heard the sound of water, as if a river was passing by.

There is also groundwater in the mountains. Nie Yun just didn't expect that the heat and coolness are not far apart. It is like two worlds. If it is not personal experience, it is absolutely doubtful whether it is true.

After walking for a while, a more empty stone cave appeared in front of me. There were stalagmites hanging upside down on the head. The previous sound of water flowed from above the stalagmite and dropped along the shoot tip to the ground, forming a trickle. .


The leaves stopped. Point in one direction.

Looking in the direction, Nie Yun's face changed, and his breathing became quick.

"Dimai Lingzhu? It's no wonder that Linghua's aura has been swallowed up. I didn't expect such a good thing ..."

Dimai Lingzhu is a treasure formed by the special underground environment. It is completely made up of reiki. It can grow only one millimeter in ten thousand years. The root bamboo shoot in front of it is green and full of feet. Hanging upside down on a rock, before I came to the place, I felt aura, which made people's pores open.

Although Nie Yun has never seen this kind of spiritual shoot, I have heard of some. It is the formation of the pulse of the heavens and the earth. If taken, it will greatly help the promotion of human body. I thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true!

"There is a soul bamboo shoot. It is not so easy to pick. Once it fails, it will disappear after falling into the ground. You will never find it again. You must be careful!"

Seeing such a precious treasure, although I was excited, I didn't panic.

Because the earth veins are formed by earth veins, they have the same sense as the earth veins. If you can't pick it, grab it, and once it touches the ground, it will disappear and you will never find it again.

Grasp your palm. Dozens of flags appeared on the palm of the palm, and they flicked slightly, and the flags flew around, blinking on the ground below the Lingzhu, arranged in a matrix.

Jiuxing Sanling Formation!

The banner was changed by Nie Yun's use of the world of possessions, and only the master level. However, once the formation method is started, it can better hide the aura fluctuations scattered around, making people undetectable.

The treasures of the earth veins and bamboo shoots, even if they are of great help to the Emperor Realm, can not let others know. When picking, you must not let the aura release, otherwise, General Zhi Zhi now looks very respectful to him. It is hard to say if this thing can be controlled.

"Take it down!"

After setting up the matrix method, Nie Yun was optimistic about the distance between him and Lingzhu, and calculated it dozens of times carefully, and then did not make any mistakes. Then he looked like electricity, and his body moved like a phantom.


And refers to making a sword, Jianmang howling.

Dimai Lingsun belongs to the earth, weapons are gold, the five elements are mutually related, and the earth is born of gold, and the earth is buried in gold. Using metal weapons, the Dimai Lingsun can easily escape, and only use sword gas.


Jian Qi volley stabbed the Ling bamboo shoots in the past. Nie Yun moved quickly. The spirituality of Ling bamboo bamboo shoots just found danger, and Jian Qi came to his side and couldn't resist it.

With a crisp sound, a long bamboo shoot falling more than a foot long fell from the air, and a huge aura wave sent out like a hurricane.

Spurred by this aura, Nie Yun's body shook a bit, and his speed of advance was involuntarily hindered.

For this short pause, if you don't think of a way, Lingsun will directly drill into the ground and never find it again.


With a cold drink, Nie Yun grabbed the palm of his hand, and the Jiuxing Sanling array on the ground started immediately. For a moment.


In the blink of an eye, I came to Lingzhu and grasped it gently, holding it in my palm.


The spirit shoot was caught, and he was struggling immediately. He wanted to escape, and the treasure was in his hand. How could Nie Yun make it work? The palm of his hand flashed, his spirit moved. world.

At this point, he is the master of the world. If the other party wants to escape, it will be almost impossible!


Nie Yun also entered the world of things.

Entering the world of things, the stalagmites did not know that they had reached another world, immediately drilled to the ground, touched the ground, and immediately bounced.


The ground that I thought could be easily drilled in was popped out at this time, and the stalagmite scream was full of confusion and panic.

As a treasure formed by the earth vein and aura ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as it touches the ground, no one can hold it, and the emperor cannot do it. Why ... can't it penetrate this ground?

Long guessing this situation, Nie Yun smiled slightly.

In the world of things, he is the creator. Whether the ground can penetrate or not, it is not up to him!

After hearing the laughter, Dimai Lingsun seemed to know that this boy was a ghost in front of him, and suddenly rushed towards Nie Yun, like a sharp sword, straight through.

Earth veins and bamboo shoots are heaven and earth spirits, possessing a certain degree of spirituality. Once they are desperate, they still have great strength. If they are outside, Nie Yun must escape this time, and the other party may take the opportunity to escape. Unfortunately, here is the object world……


Nie Yun pointed a finger lightly, the rushing ground veins seemed to be confined in space, and speed had no effect on it.


With the drink again, the spirituality disappeared immediately, as if there was no such thing at all. (To be continued.) Xh118

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