Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1937: Miss, please.


When Miss Bier woke up, she was always worried whether the teenager in front of her would go into trouble. After seeing it for a long time, she saw that the other was breathing evenly and her expression was unchanged. She should be relieved. Alas,

There was no stress in my heart, and I found that my body was smelly.

Fire poison stayed in her body for a long time, like a boulder pressed on her body. At this time, she was expelled, the pressure was gone, the strength in the body rebounded, and the impurities were discharged, just like washing muscles and marrows!

Washing the muscles is the dream of every practitioner, and Miss Bier is very eager, but ... under what circumstances!

She was a bit embarrassed by washing her muscles and filth around her teenager.

After a closer look, it was found that the latter was breathing smoothly and could not wake up at one and a half, and moved the idea of ​​washing and changing clothes.

As soon as the idea came out, I couldn't stop it anymore. I came to the bed carefully, took off some dirty clothes, mobilized a water polo with my strength, and quickly cleaned.

Immediately after cleaning, I felt refreshed, and planned to pick up a piece of clothing to put on. Then I saw the teenager opened his eyes and wondered.

Seeing this scene, like a thief who was caught stealing things, he couldn't bear it, and exclaimed immediately.

When she heard her cry, Nie Yun was depressed.

Why did the guy take off his clothes after practicing for a while?

Although Jinghong had a glimpse, she had to admit that the figure of Miss Bier was really good. She was full of breasts, like two semicircles, very slender, and she couldn't help but evoke people's original impulse with a glance.

"Just put on your clothes. I ... just get rid of the poison of you, nothing else ..."

Suppress my heart. Nie Yundao.


Miss Bier almost spit out old blood and fainted.

I feel dirty. Clean it well, who knows if you do n’t wake up early, do n’t wake up late ... at this time ...

But ... in any case, it was the light of her own removal, and combined with the previous things, it was not clear anyhow!

With a flutter of her body, a suit appeared on her body, completely covering the beauty, and Miss Bier wanted to speak. But when he saw the boy stood up, he walked outside the room without looking back.

"You stand still!"

Seeing him leave, there was no intention to explain, and Miss Bier's face turned red and almost hurt internally.

What do you mean? Obviously you see my body, I have suffered a big loss, but you have "no other meaning", no meaning, I have no other meaning! Isn't this catching up ...

"Helping you get rid of fire poison is my limit ... Miss Bier. Please take care of yourself!"

Nie Yun stopped.


It's okay not to listen to this. Miss Bier almost fainted.

Self-respect, why don't I regain my self-respect?

You don't take pride in yourself. Your whole family doesn't take themselves seriously!

The more she thought about it, the more she missed her head, and she was too lazy to explain it. Yu hand stretched out, stabbed with a palm.


I didn't expect this girl to say nothing. Acting directly, Nie Yun was a little depressed.

Just practice for a while. What does this guy want to do when he undresses and keeps himself?

The body flickered, and the feet were like electricity, avoiding Miss Bier's attack. Nie Yun's face was positive, with an undeniable look: "Miss Bier, although you said to Fairy Fairy that we have a marriage contract, you and I know It's just an expedient, just an excuse to find it, and ... I already have a wife. It's not sweet to force melon. If you do this, there are only disadvantages and no benefits ... "


Miss Bier was furious, and tears almost came out.

In this case, it seems that it is becoming more and more unclear to fall into the dye tank.

Originally it was just a misunderstanding, how to make yourself like a female satyr ...


The more I thought about it, the more upset my chest became, and I couldn't help but cry, "Wow!"

When he grows so big, where he has been so aggrieved, he simply jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash his grievances.

If the other person looks at her body and is regarded as a female satyr ... If she looks like a man for her looks, isn't she waiting in a long line? As for this ...

"Uh?" Nie Yun was at a loss.

Even if you don't ... don't cry.

After hesitating for a moment, Nie Yun looked at it with a tangled look: "Or ... I'll sacrifice it?"


Miss Bier cried even harder.


Just when the atmosphere was awkward and no one knew what to do, the seal of the room was shaking, and a beautiful figure strode in, with an irritation between the eyebrows.

Blue Fairy!

She waited outside for more than two hours. The more she waited, the more she became anxious. According to common sense, even if fire poison is difficult to treat, there should be news if it is unsuccessful for such a long time. Why is there no movement at all?

I couldn't help it. I used a little bit of strength. As a result, I heard the apprentice's cry, his eyebrows were raised, he couldn't control so much, and strode in.

"what happened?"

I thought that when I came in, I saw the apprentice's disheveled clothes, and what the young man was doing. I didn't expect the two to stand next to the bed and one at the door. Apprentice, with a question in his tone.

"Master ... I ..."

Unexpectedly, Master would suddenly appear, and Miss Bier stopped crying, her face was bright red and not very good-looking.

How to explain this?

I can't say that I changed clothes quietly, and was looked at by the other side, and was misunderstood as a female satyr!

"Huh, it looks very good-looking. I didn't expect it to be such a hypocrite. Well, today Master will kill this little thief for you!"

She didn't really believe what the young man would do under her eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this moment, when she saw her disciples talking and flushed, she immediately "understood" something, and the blood rushed to her head.

The jade hand was raised, and a tsunami-like force formed in the palm, like a thunder, and instantly made the entire room like an ice cellar.

"Master ..." Miss Bier was taken aback and hurried forward: "You misunderstood ..."

"All the clothes have changed, what can be wrong!"

The blue fairy has eyebrows, and her eyes are like thunder and lightning.

When Miss Bier came in, she was wearing different clothes than she is now.

Solitary men and widows are in the same room. Women change their clothes and cry like this ... If the man didn't do anything, she wouldn't believe it!

"Really misunderstood ... he helped me clear the fire poison, and ... has succeeded! Don't believe it, you see ..."

I don't know how to explain it, and my face was tangled. Seeing that the power in Master's hands would drop at any time, Miss Bier suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said, and stretched out her palm as she said. (To be continued ...)

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