Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1938: Powerless



The blue fairy was stunned, and her fingers fell on her disciples.

She attained a high level, and with her knowledge of fire poisoning, no one could surpass her. In a blink of an eye, it was judged whether the fire poison had been cleared. It was because of the judgment that she was shocked.

The boy in front of him could really get rid of the poison of fire, and ... he was fine?

how can that be?

Their branch, because of the fire and poison, countless masters have fallen in succession, and have sought the people of the Putian Dynasty, but unfortunately, they all failed!

Originally, she didn't have much hope that the teenager could cure fire poisoning. Who knew that she could really succeed!

"how did you do that?"

I can't help but ask a question, only to think of some recklessness.

Everyone has their own secret, otherwise the teenager will not need a closed room.

"Since the fire poison is gone, what are you crying for?"

Fairy Fairy lifted her eyes, and immediately saw the bright gecko sand on her disciples' arms, her face full of doubts.

The fire poison is lifted, and you are not bullied. What are you crying for?


Miss Bier flushed, hesitated, and murmured, "I'm glad ..."

"Happy to cry like this ..."

The blue fairy shook her head.

Regarding the words of her disciples, she does not doubt that fire and poison are all around, and she is facing death all the time. Once it is lifted, I am afraid that it will be difficult for anyone to control her emotions. Even her practice is unavoidable.

"Master ... Nie Yun can help me treat, so can you ..."

Knowing that Master was approaching, the shame just now could only be set aside, Miss Bier suddenly remembered something. Looking excitedly at Master.

"Help me?"

The blue fairy's heart moved and looked at the young man in front of her.

"It is a fluke to relieve the fire poison in Miss Bier's body. If the fire poison in the fairy's body is much stronger, I am afraid that there is nothing I can do for now ..."

Seeing that the eyes of both the master and apprentice came over, Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

He did not quit. To be honest, the fire poison in Miss Bier's body, if it wasn't for the sudden and passive exertion of the master Dan Tian, ​​he might be seriously injured if he doesn't die now!

As for how Master Dan Tian would move and how to turn the fire poison into a golden liquid, even he was not clear. Naturally dare not try it!

What if the fire poison in the blue fairy's body is powerful and unmatched, the master Dan Tian can't control it, or doesn't move at all?

Wouldn't you just ignite and kill yourself?

"Nie Yun, I was wrong just now. Please save my master ..."

After hearing the young man say this, Miss Bier thought he was unwilling to save, and hurriedly said, while kneeling on the ground.

Master is as gracious to her as she is, and she ca n’t finish her gratitude no matter how much she repays. If she misses the chance to be rescued, even if she dies, she cannot forgive herself.

"Get up ..."

I didn't expect this girl to do this. Nie Yun was startled and hurriedly lifted him up.

"Please ... as long as you can save Master, you can do whatever I want. You have a wife, right, I can be your servant or lover ..."

Seeing that he did not agree to lift him, Miss Bier said again.

"..." Nie Yun was full of black lines, looking at the eager face of the girl in front of her, and couldn't think of any words to blame, so she smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid of you. Please stop saying these ..."

Although this Miss Bier is sometimes ill-considered, she is a respectable teacher. It can be seen that for her master. Anything can be done.

"Bier, you ..."

Fairy Fairy is also a bit funny and funny.

The apprentice in front of her is so stupid, the woman regards her virginity as more important than life, and she actually treats it as if she was ...

Although she thought it was funny, she was very touched. In order to help others save themselves, this disciple put down all these things, and the friendship was so important, even if she had a waveless state of mind.

At the same time, I was surprised at the boy in front of me.

Her disciple's temperament and appearance, she knew very well. Although slightly inferior to her, she was also a peerless beauty. Not to mention beloved. Men who wanted to chase her could at least pass from the top of the mountain. Arrived down the mountain.

This kind of looks woman willingly trades with her body, saying things like being his lover. The young man didn't hesitate, but smiled bitterly, as if being coerced into persecution. What is going on?

With her eyesight and strength, whether the other party is sincere or hypocritical, it can be seen that it is definitely not fooling, trying to escape, but real helplessness ...

An eyebrow woman like Bier, who volunteered to give herself up, actually made him helpless ...

Fairy Fairy was a little curious about the boy in front of her.

"You don't have to do it with me, what do you want ... as long as you can save my master, I'll find it for you ..."

Bier said again.


Seeing the disciples became more and more ridiculous, the young boy's face was getting more and more tangled, and the blue fairy hurriedly scolded.

"Master ..."

After hearing the scolding, Bier turned to look at Master.

"It goes without saying that since Prince Nie Yun said that it cannot be treated, why do you have a strong man, and put him in danger or disregard him?" Fairy Fairy scolded and rubbed Miss Bier's hair tenderly: "Your heart, Master knows However, I have been used to it for so many years. As long as the hidden dangers in your body are resolved, even if the master dies, it is full of comfort! "

"Master ..."

Bi Er's eyes were red again.

"Don't blame Nie Yun, my disciple has always been like this, and I hope I haven't caused you trouble ..."

With a small smile, Fairy Fairy was not lost or sad at all, but looked at Nie Yun with an apology.

She saw the teenager's embarrassment and knew that the other party was serious and didn't want to have any disputes with the disciple.

"The fairy is polite ..."

Seeing this blue fairy ~ www.readwn.com ~ faced with a life span of only three months, he didn't mind, but with a sense of indifference, Nie Yun's involuntary heart gave birth to admiration.

It is rare for a woman to face life and death so lightly.

Even if he knows that his life is not long, someone in front of him might save him, and he will certainly not give up!

"Anyway, I said, you cured Bier's fire poison, I will help you save your friend, let's go now!"

The blue fairy smiled slightly.

Before she promised the young man in front of her. The young man had cured Bier, and now it was time for her to fulfill her promise.

"Then trouble trouble fairy ..."

Fairy Fairy promised to help. Nie Yun nodded more graciously and rescued her brother. He hesitated. "Actually ... with my current strength, it is really impossible to cure the fire poison of the fairy, but temporarily let the fire poison No outbreak, can help you increase your life span by several years, but it can be done! "(To be continued) R580

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