Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1939: Weaver shuttle


The Fairy Fairy fluttered.

Even though her heart was as strong as iron, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It is not that she is greedy for fear of death, but that their branch now has only two people. She is afraid to leave for a few nights, and she really wants to leave. Bieer hasn't become a talent ... sooner or later, danger and trouble will occur!


Unlike Fairy Fairy, Miss Bier almost didn't jump when she heard this.

I heard that the other party could n’t heal the Master before, and I was already full of despair. I heard that I could still increase my life span by a few years.

Although a few years have passed, but as long as there is time, there is hope. Perhaps this young man cannot be treated now. How many years later? Who knows what!

"Well, but ..." Nie Yun paused.

"But how?"

"However, although the fairy can live a little longer, it is even harder to think about treatment later. It can be said that letting you continue your life is equivalent to drinking tincture to quench thirst, and the fire poison will become more and more terrible, and you will no longer control it. Can't live! "

Hesitated, Nie Yundao.

He wasn't talking nonsense, but he said it after careful consideration.

By treating Fire Poison to Miss Bier, he knows that Fire Poison already possesses intelligence and is not low!

The fire poison in Miss Bier's body is still so. As a master, the fire poison is definitely more terrible. Once it burns, even if she is a strong emperor, it is difficult to counteract it!

Because of this, it is speculated that the other party will die within three months.

If you want to keep the fire poison out of place for three months, there is a way, that is ... let it go, not suppress it!

The so-called laissez-faire. In fact, nourishing fire poison with good things. Since then, the continuous cuisine of fire poison will definitely not occur in a short period of time, and can continue life ... just doing so. It is equal to strengthening the enemy. Even if a solution is found to resolve the fire poison, the fire poison becomes very scary, and it is even more difficult to eliminate it!

"If you don't continue your life, fire poisoning will occur after three months. If you can live for a few more years, even if you can't control it, it is better than this!"

The blue fairy smiled.

Her attitude was neither nervous nor anxious, as if to say that others had nothing to do with her.

Anyway, fire poison will erupt three months later, whether it is to strengthen the enemy, or to make fire poison even more terrible. In any case, it is good for her to continue her life.

"That being the case ... this is some elixir. The fairy swallows one capsule after three months, then swallows two capsules after two months, and swallows one capsule after one month ... the longer the time, it must be swallowed The more. It seems like drug use ... This bottle of medicine will keep you safe for two years! "

With a flick of his wrist, Nie Yun took out a jade bottle.

The jade bottle and the pills inside it were just refined by him from the world of things.

in fact. There is no strange medicine, just the fusion of Vulcan and Venomous gas.

These two things have a fatal attraction to fire poison, so as to attract the other side, you can delay the time of fire poisoning!

Of course, the fire poison is getting stronger and stronger. Such things will gradually weaken. Therefore, you can only increase the potency and swallow to shorten the time.

"Thank you ..."

Take the jade bottle. The fairy Fairy glanced at her with surprise.

Her vision was much brighter than that of Bier, and she immediately saw that the elixir was refined from pure flames. Although strange in her heart, she did not ask.

It seems that the boy in front of her is more powerful than her imagination, and has more secrets.

"I'll take you to save people!"

Packing the jade bottle, the blue fairy once said no more, a palm-shaped thing appeared in front of the three as soon as the palm of the hand moved.

"Go up!"

After speaking, Fairy Fairy body lengthened into the shuttle-shaped object.

Although Nie Yun didn't know what it was in front of him, it seemed he could guess it. He didn't hesitate and went in.

Miss Bier followed closely.

The shuttle-shaped object is like a cabin with tables and chairs, as well as various items used in daily life. Go to a seat and sit down.

"Let's go!"

With the clear drink of Fairy Fairy, the shuttle-shaped object "woo!" Cut through the sky and flew out of the yard.

"Sure enough ... the magic weapon of flight!"

When he came in, Nie Yun speculated that this might be a magic weapon that could be flown. When he saw it really took off, he couldn't help confirming it.

Universe God Realm can fly only when it has reached the realm of imperial realm. This magic weapon can fly. I am afraid that it has reached the realm of imperial realm. It is an imperial realm!

Weapons of this level are not available to General Zhi Zhi.

"This [Women's shuttle] was created by my division's father. Although it cannot be used for combat, it is very difficult for ordinary kings to catch up!"

Sitting not far away, she saw the teenager looking curiously at the shuttle weapon, Miss Bier explained.

"The weaver shuttle? The peak of the royal realm?"

Nie Yun took a breath.

He thought that the death of this weapon was in the early days of the imperial realm, but he did not expect that it would be the pinnacle of the imperial realm. What kind of strength is this blue fairy?

"Ha ha!"

Seeing him surprised, Miss Bier was full of joy.

The boy in front of him was not very old, but was as calm as the old man, which surprised him and was quite satisfied.

Knowing the level of this flying soldier, Nie Yun looked up at the Fairy Fairy not far away, and saw that she was standing not far away, and the purple clothes fluttered like a fairy descending on earth.

I have to say that her beauty is not worse than Lingtai Lingyue. Even if Nie Yun's heart is still, she can't help seeing it.

The man in front of him is definitely a heavenly stunner. Although it looks a bit cold, he is beautiful and elegant with every move, impeccable.

"This is Jinyuanfang!"

After flying for a while, with less than dozens of breaths, the weaver shuttlecock shocked, and stopped slowly, and Bi Luo now had her hands behind her back and said lightly.


Nie Yun was startled.

When I came here, General Zhizheng flew for a long time, now there are more than a dozen people who have breathed farther away. Is it true?

In Jinyuanfang City, although he didn't know where it was, he had previously heard the fairy Fairy said that he was in the north of the city! Such a far place came so quickly, it is indeed the peak of the imperial realm, and it is really terrible!

"Fairy, I want to ask you one thing ..."

Knowing where he was, Nie Yun stood up and hugged his fists.

"But it doesn't matter!"

The blue fairy came to see ~ www.readwn.com ~ I think I should find a way to solve it first, if it can't be solved, then trouble the fairy! I hope to promise! "

Nie Yun hesitated.

After hearing this, Fairy Fairy stared at the young man in front of her, seemingly want to see what he thought, after a while, sighed: "Okay!"

(Today is Father's Day. After writing for many years, Laoya has also changed from a **** youth to a father. He became a father, only to know his father's hardships. I hope all friends can tell their father today that I love you, do n’t ask What, just let my father not worry about us!) (To be continued)

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