Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1963: Closing

The enthusiasm just now has mobilized everyone's minds. Everyone thinks that now they can compete with Jucai Pavilion. I am afraid that this person is the only one in the private room.

Although in this private room, two billion yuan was thrown up for the purchase of Yuzhan Liulizi, at this time there may not be much money, but how can the net worth be so low if you can take out so much money at hand? Even if it refers to the sprinkling points, they should not be comparable.

"Five billion? Is there a higher one? Without a higher one, this finale belongs to Jucai Pavilion ..."

Zhang Zhongchao laughed.

He really wanted to get a high price for the items he auctioned, so that he would get a lot of rewards. He also knew that although the value of this final product was high, 500 million was out of range. The previous grand occasion of 2 billion would definitely not happen again.

Thinking so, I couldn't help looking at the room where Nie Yun was, and wanted to see if the "local tyrant" would make a shot.

Looking at the eyes of the crowd and Zhang Zhongchao, Tsing Ming's manager looked so dull as black charcoal, but he was also a wise man. He didn't show up. His eyes turned and he laughed: "If you don't want to bid again, Bid, but you can't be respected ... "

There are two purposes for this. First, you can ridicule the other side and save some face for yourself. Second, you need to test the bottom of the other side ... Look at this person who has two billions at hand, this is the axe. Still, there is a wealth that is hard to reach!

For businessmen, the former is nothing but the latter, which must be treated well.

"500 million want to buy the final treasure of the auction? You dreamed!" When everyone thought that this private room was abandoned, a faint voice sounded: "I really want you to buy it, wouldn't it explain me No vision? I bought two billion but wasn't a precious baby? For this one, I have to bid ... three billion! "


"Three billion?"

"Just because others are afraid that he has no vision. Bid 3 billion directly?"

"I rely on, Nima, this is a real tyrant, is there such a thing?"


Hearing the words, the crowd almost died of spitting blood.

It wouldn't matter if this guy liked baby. Like it too ... just think that the final treasure should be higher than the price he bought before, just bid ... and it's still so much money, Nima, too hasty!

This is 3 billion Vulcan coins ... the money to build a city anywhere in Vulcan's bare land ...

Everyone was dizzy, their heads were dizzy, and it was difficult to understand the behavior between the bags.

Tyumen originally thought he could pull it back. After hearing this, he took a nap again and burst into tears, and finally knew what kind of monster he had caused.

This guy simply doesn't take money as money, and doesn't play cards according to common sense!

He only reported 500 million ... but the other party rose directly to 3 billion? Is there any ethics?

Even if Jucai Ge is rich. There are countless money, and such a large amount of money cannot be taken out casually!

"Three billion ..."

Naturally, the bid of three billion was Nie Yun. Wei Buxin did not leave after sending Yuzhan Liulizi, but stood in the private room and heard the words shouted by the youngster. Then it became clear why Fairy Fairy paid so much attention to the youngster in front of him.

It turns out ... the protagonist of this bag is not the blue fairy, but this person!

Take out three billion ... oh. No, more than 5 billion ... When did such a cruel guy appear in Vulcan City?

"The price of this private room is three billion yuan. Is there any higher one?"

Zhang Zhongchao covered her chest. Hold back the urge to faint ... Turned his head to look at Tianzi Baojian.

Others heard this price, knowing that they would definitely not be able to buy it, and they all relaxed and followed his gaze.

I didn't want to speak, so I just passed over and saw the eyes of everyone. Unable to escape, Tyumen's steward wanted to cry without tears.

Just installed it. Ready to slap the other side, who knows ... the other side came over. And so hot!

Can we be better

Is this really good?

"The friend who was bidding just now, if you don't bid again, you will be disrespectful ..."

My heart was really tangled, and then I heard the faint voice in the bag just now.


Hearing this, Qiu Ming's supervisor spit out old blood.

This is exactly what he said just now, so he was thrown over by the other party ... Why not be so pitted!

"I surrender!"

Struggling to stand upright, Qiu Ming's manager gritted his teeth.

If you do n’t admit defeat, you have just sold 2 billion and sold 3 billion. Who knows how rich this guy is? Compete with this kind of person, even if he gathers in the wealth cabinet, he will not have the slightest confidence!


"Juzai, known as the God of Wealth, gave up?"

"Did I hear you right?"

"I don't want to lose. The private room is really terrible. In their mouth, money feels like waste paper, just a bunch of numbers ..."

"Yeah, when you meet such a person, you can only admit defeat ..."


Everyone at the auction house couldn't help sighing at the sound of Jucai's admission.

They guessed the ending from the beginning, but they did not expect to lose so quickly.

However, it is no wonder that the people in this private room are too ruthless. The price quoted has no reason at all, as if it is not about money, but a pile of waste paper and numbers.

I really don't know who is so rich!

"Since there are no competitors, the last item in this auction will be owned by this private room friend, and congratulations to him as the biggest winner of this auction ..."

Zhang Zhongchao's hammer fell, indicating the successful conclusion of the transaction.

At the sound of the hammer, Nie Yun was relieved.

As long as he can save his younger brother, it doesn't matter how much money he spends. Besides, no amount of Vulcan coin is vital to him.

"Sir, I'll bring you the last auction ..."

Wei Buxin didn't hesitate to see the dust settled, and hurried out of the booth. After a moment, he brought a jade box with a respectful look.

"This is the last auction item. The King of the Ascension Slave and the small chaotic ocean are in it. Please check them!"


Nie Yun knew what the other party meant. He didn't take the jade box, but raised his arm. Numerous Vulcan coins were shot from his fingertips in a flowing stream. After a while, they piled up into a hill in the booth.

There are a lot of 3 billion Vulcan coins, even if the room is full, there is no way, Wei Buxin had to use the ring to keep receiving.

It took more than a tea to go to www.readwn.com ~ 3 billion Vulcan coins before they were collected.

"I look at your stuff, right ..."

After giving the other coin, Nie Yun took the jade box and opened it with a flick of his finger.


With a roar, a dazzling swordmang shot abruptly from the jade box, facing his eyebrow.

ps: It is recommended that Ji Jiyou read Nanhua's new book, "Sage Disciples," lonely. . Here is the brief introduction: The Earth ’s partial student has crossed into a genius in a different world. Can he afford the name of genius?

How can oriental poetry, song, calligraphy, painting, calligraphy and painting accomplish the path of practice?

What kind of magic is built by Western astrology and elementary cycle?

This is the story of "The Sage's Disciples". Lonely reading Nanhua has completed more than 3 million words of the "Quality King", a guarantee of character, I hope everyone can rest assured (to be continued)

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