Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1964: Perverted Nie Tong

Jianmang was fast and anxious, leaving a rainbow color in the air, attacking with a soul deep in the bone marrow, and came to Nie Yun's eyes in a blink of an eye.

It's too late to react.

One side is studying the blue fairy of Yuzhan Liulizi, so I noticed the change here. As soon as the pupil shrinks, the jade hand is stretched out, and it's time to shoot!

However, she is still some distance away from Nie Yun, and Jian Mang has already come to the eyebrows. It seems that the next moment will penetrate into Nie Yun's mind, even if you want to save it too late!

Unlike the nervousness of the blue fairy, Wei Buxin on one side almost scared to death.

This big customer in front of me, but can easily bring out billions of super beings, and even the blue fairy fairy is honored as a guest, and the status can be imagined. If the baby who purchased the **** of fire is killed, you can imagine this The auction house is sure to be retaliated and attacked by the storm!

All auction items are handled by specialized people. Even if there is danger, they are sealed in advance. It is impossible to cause damage to customers. How can a sword suddenly appear?

This patron is really going to be killed. Not only is the force behind him revenge, the reputation of the Vulcan auction house will also fall to the end, and it can no longer be trusted!

When he was scared in his heart and wanted to stop it, the boy in front of him was not tense, but raised his corner of the mouth and smiled slightly.

With the laughter, he didn't know when his fingers appeared in front of the jade box, and forefinger slightly.


In the jade box, the glorious sword awn was immediately hit the weak part, sent out a sound wave, turned in a direction and disappeared into the air.


Wei Buxin's heart tightened, and he looked at the boy again, full of dignity.

At first he only thought of this person. Relying on the rich family background, the strength is not worthy of exposure, at this time I know how naive this idea is.

The sword mang in the jade box, the mysterious Wushuang, although not beyond the heaven. But faintly with a unique atmosphere, giving people a sense of who they are, and no one is fighting.

Although the power of Jianmang's heritage is only the power of the King Realm, the artistic conception has surpassed the ordinary King Power! In other words, the person who displayed this set of swordsmanship understands kendo. Higher than the average imperial powerhouse!

Such a mysterious sword technique, even he, can only use brute force to resist the confrontation and destroy it, and the boy in front of him. With only one finger out, the weak link of the sword energy was found cleverly. If the weight was light, the swordmanship would be broken in less than half a breath ...

Regardless of his own strength, this insight alone is a shock, and even he is sighing!

original. The other party spent 200 million to keep them secret, and they also needed to hire Emperor Realm to be a bodyguard, in his opinion. The strength is definitely not good, only to see this scene, I understand that people are called low-key, not to mention the other, with this hand alone, you can make countless powerful people too late to shoot horses!

"This person must be a good friend. You must not be an enemy ..."

Wei Buxin immediately made a decision.

If Nie Yun is told what he thinks at the moment, he will certainly laugh at his belly. The chivalry just now was so cold and extraordinary. It is indeed unparalleled swordsmanship. According to normal principles, even if he has a deep understanding of swordsmanship, it is not possible to find weaknesses so quickly and to break them down in one fell swoop, mainly because of this set of swordsmanship ... It is the pity moon sword he created!

Li Yuejian was created and improved by him, and any details are clear in his chest. Once there is a flaw, he can find the flaw immediately and solve it with the least force!

"it's me!"

I don't know the worry of Fairy Fairy. Wei Buxin was surprised. After Nie Yun blocked the sword, a thought passed.

When this sword gas appeared, don't guess, but also know that it was from his brother.

It seems that this boy is different from other slaves sold. He did not ban the five senses and six senses, or even if it was banned, he was lifted by a special method. This was the moment when a jade box was opened.


Sure enough, the idea passed, and a surprised soul wave came.

"Don't resist, take you to the world of things!"

Confirmed to be his brother, Nie Yun was relieved, and his spirit moved, and his brother immediately appeared in the world of things.


When the spirit moved, the deity stayed in the private room, and appeared in the world of receiving things, seeing the cold youth in front of him, couldn't help but look at it.

"It really is brother, am I not going to be sold? How are you?"

Nie Tong is also very strange compared to his hold.

"That's the case ..."

Nie Yun reiterated what happened after leaving his younger brother, but did not say anything about Yan Huang Dian, just a pass, focusing on how to find law enforcement teams and find him.

"That's it ... just ... brother, why do you have so many Vulcan coins?"

After hearing that Nie Yun spent three billion Vulcan coins to buy him, Nie Tong blinked his eyes, full of curiosity.

It took more than a month for the two brothers to come to the universe of God, and how could my brother be so rich?

"That's the case ..."

Regarding Nie Tong, without any concealment, he said something about being able to copy the Vulcan coin, and by the way explained Dan Dan's ability to copy the spirit of Vulcan.

"It's so powerful? It's an elder brother, so strong ..."

Nie Tong then knew what was going on. He looked at Nie Yun with worship in his eyes.

Able to copy the Vulcan coins of the Vulcan realm at will ... In this way, you can have as much money as you want?

Too great!

This one alone is estimated to scare countless people!

"Don't just talk about me, how can your strength ... reach the peak of the king of the king? And, the strength of the body is mixed, and it seems that it can break through to the complete king at any time ... Doesn't I advance to the late king when I leave? This is too fast ... "

Interrupted his brother's touted ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun looked at the teenager in front of him for a while and was speechless.

This younger brother would be promoted too soon!

When I left, I had just entered the late period of Wang Feng, and Xiu Wei had not consolidated. Now he has successfully promoted Feng Wang to the peak, and he will even break through at any time ... How many days? In less than a month, this progress has been made, or is it not human?

When he was in Chaos Ocean, he claimed that the first practice speed of the Three Realms seemed far worse than the guy in front of him!

"After being arrested, I was blocked by five senses and six senses, and suffered some torture. It was difficult to persist, but ... I do n’t know why, when the pain reached the extreme, I suddenly discovered that with the power of pain, I was able to The seal is stripped from the cocoon and refined into its own strength ... So, as long as someone seals, it is equivalent to someone instilling power with me ... plus being sealed, there is no need to worry about going into magic, so ... progress is fast! "

Nie Tong said with a smile.

"This will work ..."

After hearing the explanation, Nie Yun was speechless. (To be continued)

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