Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1990: Who is he?


"Stop everyone!"

Outside Hongyan Valley, the dashing figure stopped abruptly, and a soldier shouted loudly.

Hearing his shouts, all the figures moving forward stopped.

"The general kills us willingly, don't we just accept it like this, there is no way?" The general shouted.

"Yang Shuo, otherwise you can give everyone a way. Those people are strong. We are not opponents at all. The generals are doing this to save our lives. If there is no good way to go back, we will not be able to escape the pursuit of the other party. Didn't the general die in vain? "

Another shouted.

The person who spoke was Fan Zhong, and it was Yang Shuo who stopped everyone just now.

Both of them are the captains of Zhiying Camp. They are under the control of General Zhiying. Although they could not argue with Fei Tong at the birthday party of Miss Bier, they were actually very loyal. They could ignore life and death for the general.

"No matter what, we must save the general, even if we die, we will spare it, or ... even if we are alive, we will be like a walking dead, sorry for ourselves, sorry for the general's kindness!"

Yang Shuo's eyes were determined.

The eldest husband will die if he dies, he will die happily and live with regret, no matter how stupid people will make a choice.

"That's right! The general treats us like a mountain so that everyone can't die together! When he arrives in the underworld, it's good to be a companion, and he just leaves. The general goes to the ground alone. Isn't he lonely?"

Another shouted.

"I don't want to go anymore, I want to stay with the general!"

"I want to stay and see how shameless these people are, even if they become ghosts in the future. Don't let them go!"


The words of Yang Shuo and others were like a fuse that ignited explosives. Aroused everyone's emotions.

Many people were born and died many times, and they have long ignored life and death. If I leave like this, I know that the general has no choice but to die for them. Even if I survive, there is no interest in it.

"Don't quarrel! Can you listen to me?"

Just as everyone was thinking of dying with the general, a sound came from the crowd.

Fei Tong came out.

"Fei Tong, what good way do you have?"

Although he did not agree with him, it was not a time for conflicts, Fan Zhong couldn't help asking.

"Good way ... I don't!" Fei Tong shook his head. What came to mind, with firmness in his eyes: "However, I know that someone can surely rescue General Zhi Zhi!"

"Who? Who can save the general? As long as you name it, I will invite him even if I die!"

Listening to Fei Tong's assertion, the crowd renewed hope, only Yang Shuo frowned, could not help asking.

Everyone also focused their eyes, one by one with expectation.

If anyone can save the general. Not to mention the sword on the mountain, even if they die immediately, they will not frown!

"You wouldn't say Miss Bier! Let's just say that Miss is in Vulcan Sect, even if it is. That stubborn strength is higher than Miss, and the two sides fight down. Miss can only lose money!"

"Yeah, the general knew exactly that. She didn't tell the lady!"

"We are the people of the Putian Dynasty. This alone. If we are caught by the other party, we will not be able to withdraw our confession. If we miss the lady again, we will never blame it!"

"Miss can't tell first, otherwise, with her personality, it will definitely make a lot of trouble, then we will only harm her ..."


No one in the crowd spoke Miss Bier, and everyone shook her head at the same time.

Although the lady is the general's biological daughter, her status in Vulcan Sect is not high. If she knows to the uncle, she will continue to cut off the roots!

This will not only save the general, but even the miss!

This is not that they do not believe in Miss Bier, but ... everyone is coming out of great power, knowing that such places are intertwined, and many things, without absolute strength, forcing ahead, will only bring disaster.

Obviously, the general knew this too, and did not tell Miss Bier.

"Everyone rest assured, I'm not talking about Miss Bier, but someone else, and I've passed him on before!" Fei Tong said.

"Not Miss? Who is that?"

Everyone froze.

They are not people from Vulcan City, and they are not familiar with the place of life here, except for the lady, no one can remember.

"Everyone knows this person, that is, Lord Nie Yun!"

Seeing everyone's confusion, Fei Tong did not intend to hide, said.

"Nie Yun? It's him? I'm not angry without talking about him. If his so-called younger brother was the Ascended Man, how could the general suffer such innocence?"

"Yes, this man's origin is unknown. I told the general before that the general did not listen. The disaster at this time was caused by him!"

"I doubt whether this person is the undercover of Vulcan Sect. I am afraid that this person is also a group ..."

"It's impossible with the gang of crickets. I think he may be the ascendant. If he can't get the law enforcement team to kill him ..."

"Yeah, he got into trouble, but let us back, if you see me again, you must be merciless and go straight ..."


I thought Fei Tong would say which big man, heard Nie Yun's name, and thought of the young man who was in the show at the banquet, and everyone exploded at the same time.

Most of them don't like Nie Yun!

It's not because he is in the limelight that makes everyone look ugly, but ... if it wasn't because the young man named "Nie Tong" was taken up by the law enforcement team, how could they be affected by this mischief?

As for the killer of the law enforcement team, but casually, because most of the people here know the strength of "Nie Yun". In the middle of the king, it is almost the same as them. It is impossible to kill all of the law enforcement team.

Of course, what they didn't know was that, casually speaking, the phrase came true, and the law enforcement team did indeed die in the hands of Nie Yun.

"Don't be noisy!"

Hearing the words of the people became more and more unpleasant, and Tong Tong frowned, looking a little angry: "What do you know? If Lord Nie Yun is a bad person, will the general treat him so well? Do you even doubt the general's vision? "


Everyone was silent.

The general's attitude towards that Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ They all looked at it and naturally knew it.

"Who is this Nie Yun?"

Silent for a while, Yang Shuo could not help asking.

"Yes, who on earth is he? Can the General take it so seriously?"

"You said he could save the general. Is it true or not? Is there something we don't know?"


Everyone looked at it all.

"You say it! What else can you say about this situation? If you don't, I'll go back to the general and ask for an explanation!"

Seeing that Fei Tong had not spoken, Fan Zhong could not help yelling.

"Okay, I said, but this thing, I don't want to spread it, only we people know!"

Seeing everyone's anxious gaze, the pupil made a decision and gritted his teeth. (To be continued ...)

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